



Feature #5138


Add nonblocking IO that does not use exceptions for EOF and EWOULDBLOCK

Added by wycats (Yehuda Katz) over 13 years ago. Updated almost 11 years ago.

Target version:


The current Ruby I/O classes have non-blocking methods (read_nonblock and write_nonblock). These methods will never block, and if they would block, they raise an exception instead (IO::WaitReadable or IO::WaitWritable). In addition, if the IO is at EOF, they raise an EOFError.

These exceptions are raised repeatedly in virtually every use of the non-blocking methods. This patch adds a pair of methods (try_read_nonblock and try_write_nonblock) that have the same semantics as the existing methods, but they return Symbols instead of raising exceptions for these routine cases:

  • :read_would_block
  • :write_would_block
  • :eof

The patch contains updates for IO, StringIO, and OpenSSL. The updates are fully documented and tested.


try_nonblock.diff (19.8 KB) try_nonblock.diff wycats (Yehuda Katz), 08/02/2011 07:35 AM
try_nonblock.diff (20.3 KB) try_nonblock.diff wycats (Yehuda Katz), 08/02/2011 09:02 AM
try_nonblock.diff (20.2 KB) try_nonblock.diff wycats (Yehuda Katz), 08/02/2011 01:01 PM
noname (500 Bytes) noname tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson), 08/04/2011 02:59 AM
noname (500 Bytes) noname Anonymous, 11/20/2011 02:23 PM
feature5138.pdf (38.2 KB) feature5138.pdf tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson), 07/01/2012 04:34 AM
noname (500 Bytes) noname Anonymous, 07/01/2012 04:53 AM
nonblock_no_tuple.patch (20.3 KB) nonblock_no_tuple.patch nonblock without a tuple tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson), 07/10/2013 06:24 AM
nonblock_tuple.patch (21.9 KB) nonblock_tuple.patch nonblock with a tuple tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson), 07/10/2013 06:24 AM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Ruby - Feature #4560: [PATCH] lib/net/protocol.rb: avoid exceptions in rbuf_fillClosednormalperson (Eric Wong)Actions

Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) over 13 years ago

Instead of avoiding exceptions I would like to suggest making exceptions lightweight.

"Check those return values every time you call this function" is nothing different from C. I would write my program totally in C if I have to do that way.

Updated by tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson) over 13 years ago

  • ruby -v changed from ruby 1.9.4dev (2011-07-31 trunk 32788) [x86_64-darwin11.0.0] to -

On Tue, Aug 02, 2011 at 07:35:15AM +0900, Yehuda Katz wrote:

Issue #5138 has been reported by Yehuda Katz.

Bug #5138: Add nonblocking IO that does not use exceptions for EOF and EWOULDBLOCK

Author: Yehuda Katz
Status: Open
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Yukihiro Matsumoto
Category: core
Target version: 1.9.4
ruby -v: ruby 1.9.4dev (2011-07-31 trunk 32788) [x86_64-darwin11.0.0]

The current Ruby I/O classes have non-blocking methods (read_nonblock and write_nonblock). These methods will never block, and if they would block, they raise an exception instead (IO::WaitReadable or IO::WaitWritable). In addition, if the IO is at EOF, they raise an EOFError.

These exceptions are raised repeatedly in virtually every use of the non-blocking methods. This patch adds a pair of methods (try_read_nonblock and try_write_nonblock) that have the same semantics as the existing methods, but they return Symbols instead of raising exceptions for these routine cases:

  • :read_would_block
  • :write_would_block
  • :eof

The patch contains updates for IO, StringIO, and OpenSSL. The updates are fully documented and tested.

This seems very handy for read loops. Always rescuing the exception
bothered me. I think this would be very good functionality when writing
pure ruby servers.

Aaron Patterson

Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) over 13 years ago

(08/02/2011 07:46 AM), Aaron Patterson wrote:

This seems very handy for read loops. Always rescuing the exception
bothered me. I think this would be very good functionality when writing
pure ruby servers.

Well... the request is about nonblocking IO so I assume the "pure ruby
server" you are talking about is single threaded. When you write such
read loop, you normally use as follows:

 read_fds = [ fd1, fd2, ... ]
 loop do
    r, w, e =
    r.each do |f|
      str = f.readpartial        # ..... (*)

At the point marked with (*), the socket in question is returned from
a select call, which means, the call to f.readpartial would not block
because there must be something in a socket's buffer.

So when you do a read loop, nothing bothers you, as long as you use

Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 13 years ago

Yehuda Katz wrote:

Issue #5138 has been reported by Yehuda Katz.

Bug #5138: Add nonblocking IO that does not use exceptions for EOF and EWOULDBLOCK

Btw, I started working on this in
but never heard more encouragement so didn't work on it more...

These exceptions are raised repeatedly in virtually every use of the
non-blocking methods. This patch adds a pair of methods
(try_read_nonblock and try_write_nonblock) that have the same
semantics as the existing methods, but they return Symbols instead of
raising exceptions for these routine cases:

  • :read_would_block
  • :write_would_block
  • :eof

Why :eof instead of nil? IO#read already returns nil on EOF

The patch contains updates for IO, StringIO, and OpenSSL. The updates
are fully documented and tested.


The variable name of "kgio" has no context/meaning in your patch,
especially as the years go on. As the creator of the kgio library, I'd
rather the "kgio" name just die if its ideas are merged into Ruby.

Eric Wong

Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 13 years ago

Urabe Shyouhei wrote:

So when you do a read loop, nothing bothers you, as long as you use

That use of select + readpartial is unsafe. Spurious wakeup is a
documented behavior of the select() system call, data can be received
but checksums can be incorrect and data is discarded (after process is
woken up from select()).

Calling IO#nread (from io/wait) before IO#readpartial /may/ be OK, but
I'm not sure how portable that is.

Eric Wong

Updated by wycats (Yehuda Katz) over 13 years ago

Yehuda Katz
Chief Technologist | Strobe
(ph) 718.877.1325

On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 4:07 PM, Eric Wong wrote:

Yehuda Katz wrote:

Issue #5138 has been reported by Yehuda Katz.

Bug #5138: Add nonblocking IO that does not use exceptions for EOF and

Btw, I started working on this in
but never heard more encouragement so didn't work on it more...

These exceptions are raised repeatedly in virtually every use of the
non-blocking methods. This patch adds a pair of methods
(try_read_nonblock and try_write_nonblock) that have the same
semantics as the existing methods, but they return Symbols instead of
raising exceptions for these routine cases:

  • :read_would_block
  • :write_would_block
  • :eof

Why :eof instead of nil? IO#read already returns nil on EOF

Interesting. I like this and will update the patch.

The patch contains updates for IO, StringIO, and OpenSSL. The updates
are fully documented and tested.


The variable name of "kgio" has no context/meaning in your patch,
especially as the years go on. As the creator of the kgio library, I'd
rather the "kgio" name just die if its ideas are merged into Ruby.

No problem. It was mostly an homage to your library, but I'll happily change
it to something more semantic.

Eric Wong

Updated by wycats (Yehuda Katz) over 13 years ago

In practice, it is not more verbose. Here's some example code from
net/protocol, and once try_read_nonblock is used.

Existing code:

def rbuf_fill
@rbuf << @io.read_nonblock(BUFSIZE)
rescue IO::WaitReadable
return retry if[@io], nil, nil, @read_timeout)
raise Timeout::Error
rescue IO::WaitWritable
# OpenSSL::Buffering#read_nonblock may fail with IO::WaitWritable.
return retry if, [@io], nil, @read_timeout)
raise Timeout::Error

With try_read_nonblock:

def rbuf_fill
case value = @io.try_read_nonblock(BUFSIZE)
when :read_would_block
return rbuf_fill if[@io], nil, nil, @read_timeout)
raise Timeout::Error
when :write_would_block
return rbuf_fill if, [@io], nil, @read_timeout)
raise Timeout::Error
when String
@rbuf << value

As you can see, the control flow logic is almost identical, but we
use Symbols instead of exceptions to manage the flow.

Yehuda Katz
Chief Technologist | Strobe
(ph) 718.877.1325

On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 3:49 PM, Shyouhei Urabe wrote:

Issue #5138 has been updated by Shyouhei Urabe.

Instead of avoiding exceptions I would like to suggest making exceptions

"Check those return values every time you call this function" is nothing
different from C. I would write my program totally in C if I have to do
that way.

Bug #5138: Add nonblocking IO that does not use exceptions for EOF and

Author: Yehuda Katz
Status: Open
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Yukihiro Matsumoto
Category: core
Target version: 1.9.4
ruby -v: ruby 1.9.4dev (2011-07-31 trunk 32788) [x86_64-darwin11.0.0]

The current Ruby I/O classes have non-blocking methods (read_nonblock and
write_nonblock). These methods will never block, and if they would block,
they raise an exception instead (IO::WaitReadable or IO::WaitWritable). In
addition, if the IO is at EOF, they raise an EOFError.

These exceptions are raised repeatedly in virtually every use of the
non-blocking methods. This patch adds a pair of methods (try_read_nonblock
and try_write_nonblock) that have the same semantics as the existing
methods, but they return Symbols instead of raising exceptions for these
routine cases:

  • :read_would_block
  • :write_would_block
  • :eof

The patch contains updates for IO, StringIO, and OpenSSL. The updates are
fully documented and tested.


Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) over 13 years ago

(08/02/2011 08:14 AM), Eric Wong wrote:

Urabe Shyouhei wrote:

So when you do a read loop, nothing bothers you, as long as you use

That use of select + readpartial is unsafe.

Unsafe how? readpatial works even without no data on a buffer.

Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 13 years ago

Urabe Shyouhei wrote:

(08/02/2011 08:14 AM), Eric Wong wrote:

Urabe Shyouhei wrote:

So when you do a read loop, nothing bothers you, as long as you use

That use of select + readpartial is unsafe.

Unsafe how? readpatial works even without no data on a buffer.

readpartial will block if there's no data readable, potentially freezing
the whole process.

Eric Wong

Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) over 13 years ago

(08/02/2011 08:35 AM), Eric Wong wrote:

Urabe Shyouhei wrote:

(08/02/2011 08:14 AM), Eric Wong wrote:

Urabe Shyouhei wrote:

So when you do a read loop, nothing bothers you, as long as you use

That use of select + readpartial is unsafe.

Unsafe how? readpatial works even without no data on a buffer.

readpartial will block if there's no data readable, potentially freezing
the whole process.

Yes but that's not catastrophic. The peer side is sending a data anyway.
Checksum incorrect packets are dropped but retransmitted sooner or later.
The process blocks during that retransmission. That won't last so long.

Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 13 years ago

Urabe Shyouhei wrote:

(08/02/2011 08:35 AM), Eric Wong wrote:

Urabe Shyouhei wrote:

(08/02/2011 08:14 AM), Eric Wong wrote:

Urabe Shyouhei wrote:

So when you do a read loop, nothing bothers you, as long as you use

That use of select + readpartial is unsafe.

Unsafe how? readpatial works even without no data on a buffer.

readpartial will block if there's no data readable, potentially freezing
the whole process.

Yes but that's not catastrophic. The peer side is sending a data anyway.
Checksum incorrect packets are dropped but retransmitted sooner or later.
The process blocks during that retransmission. That won't last so long.

Malicious clients can take advantage of this to launch a denial-of-service
attack. Also, networks should never be considered reliable and simple
operations can fail or take a long time.

Eric Wong

Updated by wycats (Yehuda Katz) over 13 years ago

Here's an updated patch that returns nil for EOF and replaces the kgio variable with no_exceptions. The docs and tests are updated as well.

Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) over 13 years ago

(08/02/2011 08:48 AM), Eric Wong wrote:

Urabe Shyouhei wrote:

(08/02/2011 08:35 AM), Eric Wong wrote:

Urabe Shyouhei wrote:

(08/02/2011 08:14 AM), Eric Wong wrote:

Urabe Shyouhei wrote:

So when you do a read loop, nothing bothers you, as long as you use

That use of select + readpartial is unsafe.

Unsafe how? readpatial works even without no data on a buffer.

readpartial will block if there's no data readable, potentially freezing
the whole process.

Yes but that's not catastrophic. The peer side is sending a data anyway.
Checksum incorrect packets are dropped but retransmitted sooner or later.
The process blocks during that retransmission. That won't last so long.

Malicious clients can take advantage of this to launch a denial-of-service

... even when you do a blocking IO. TCP's having problems on malicious
clients is a known issue of the protocol I think.

Also, networks should never be considered reliable and simple
operations can fail or take a long time.

is that the problem we are talking about here? Does Yehuda need a DoS-
proven read loop? or he just want a fast variant of read_nonblock?

Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 13 years ago

Yehuda Katz wrote:

On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 4:07 PM, Eric Wong wrote:

Yehuda Katz wrote:

  • :read_would_block
  • :write_would_block
  • :eof

Why :eof instead of nil? IO#read already returns nil on EOF

Interesting. I like this and will update the patch.

I'm also curious about :*would_block vs the :wait*able names used by
kgio. I picked :wait_able for kgio since the IO::Waitable name is
already used by Ruby 1.9.2+ exceptions, so it's less of a jump.

I feel less strongly about these than nil for EOF, though it might help
with porting any kgio-using apps to newer code.

Eric Wong

Updated by akr (Akira Tanaka) over 13 years ago

2011/8/2 Urabe Shyouhei :

(08/02/2011 08:14 AM), Eric Wong wrote:

Urabe Shyouhei wrote:

So when you do a read loop, nothing bothers you, as long as you use

That use of select + readpartial is unsafe.

Unsafe how? readpatial works even without no data on a buffer.

I know it is not safe for SSL and gzipped stream. works on raw sockets, i.e. encrypted/compressed stream.
The readability of the raw socket doesn't mean readability of
the decrypted/uncompressed stream.

So following may block the loop at or readpartial.

read_streams = [ stream1, stream2, ... ]
loop do
# If a stream have buffered data, it may block.
# (The buffer of IO class is handled by but
# other buffers are ignored.)
r, w, e =
r.each do |f|
# if stream doesn't send enough chunk, it may block.
str = f.readpartial

read_nonblock can avoid the blocking of the readpartial but can still blocks.

not tested.

read_streams = [ stream1, stream2, ... ]
loop do
# If a stream have buffered data, it may block.
# (The buffer of IO class is handled by but
# other buffers are ignored.)
r, w, e =
r.each do |f|
str = f.read_nonblock
rescue IO::WaitReadable, IO::WaitWritable
# xxx: busy loop.

So the right way to nonblocking polymorphic read is call read_nonblock
first and call only when IO::WaitReadable or IO::WaitWritable is
(We can assume the buffer is empty if read_nonblock raise IO::WaitReadable
or IO::WaitWritable.)

not tested.

read_streams = [ stream1, stream2, ... ]
readable = read_streams.dup
wait_readable = []
wait_writable = []
loop do
readable.each {|f|
str = f.read_nonblock
rescue IO::WaitReadable
readable.delete f
wait_readable << f
rescue IO::WaitWritable
# OpenSSL::Buffering#read_nonblock may raise IO::WaitWritable.
readable.delete f
wait_writable << f
if readable.empty?
# call with zero timeout if readable is not empty?
rs, ws =, wait_writable)
if rs
wait_readable -= rs
readable.concat rs
if ws
wait_writable -= ws
readable.concat ws

Tanaka Akira

Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 13 years ago

Urabe Shyouhei wrote:

(08/02/2011 08:48 AM), Eric Wong wrote:

Urabe Shyouhei wrote:

(08/02/2011 08:35 AM), Eric Wong wrote:

Urabe Shyouhei wrote:

(08/02/2011 08:14 AM), Eric Wong wrote:

Urabe Shyouhei wrote:

So when you do a read loop, nothing bothers you, as long as you use

That use of select + readpartial is unsafe.

Unsafe how? readpatial works even without no data on a buffer.

readpartial will block if there's no data readable, potentially freezing
the whole process.

Yes but that's not catastrophic. The peer side is sending a data anyway.
Checksum incorrect packets are dropped but retransmitted sooner or later.
The process blocks during that retransmission. That won't last so long.

Malicious clients can take advantage of this to launch a denial-of-service

... even when you do a blocking IO. TCP's having problems on malicious
clients is a known issue of the protocol I think.

Yes, but I think one should be as defensive-as-possible for these

Also, networks should never be considered reliable and simple
operations can fail or take a long time.

is that the problem we are talking about here? Does Yehuda need a DoS-
proven read loop? or he just want a fast variant of read_nonblock?

I don't know what Yehuda needs, but code proliferates and I would hate
to see reliance on fragile assumptions badly affect something down
the line that went beyond Yehuda's original need.

Eric Wong

Updated by wycats (Yehuda Katz) over 13 years ago

Yehuda Katz
Chief Technologist | Strobe
(ph) 718.877.1325

On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 5:08 PM, Eric Wong wrote:

Yehuda Katz wrote:

On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 4:07 PM, Eric Wong wrote:

Yehuda Katz wrote:

  • :read_would_block
  • :write_would_block
  • :eof

Why :eof instead of nil? IO#read already returns nil on EOF

Interesting. I like this and will update the patch.

I'm also curious about :*would_block vs the :wait*able names used by
kgio. I picked :wait_able for kgio since the IO::Waitable name is
already used by Ruby 1.9.2+ exceptions, so it's less of a jump.

I picked *_would_block based on the C EWOULDBLOCK errno, but I'd be happy to
change it to match the Ruby 1.9.x exception names. I personally am a bit
confused by those names (not sure what the WaitReadable adjective would
mean), but it is the name, so I'll gladly go with it.

I feel less strongly about these than nil for EOF, though it might help
with porting any kgio-using apps to newer code.

That's good enough for me.

Eric Wong

Actions #18

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 13 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Feature

Updated by wycats (Yehuda Katz) over 13 years ago

Here is a new patch that uses :wait_readable and :wait_writable

Updated by regularfry (Alex Young) over 13 years ago

Shyouhei Urabe wrote:

Instead of avoiding exceptions I would like to suggest making exceptions lightweight.

"Expected" exceptions used for control flow make $DEBUG output really noisy. IO is particularly bad at this.

I like this idea.

Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 13 years ago

Tanaka Akira wrote:

2011/8/2 Eric Wong :

That use of select + readpartial is unsafe. Spurious wakeup is a
documented behavior of the select() system call, data can be received
but checksums can be incorrect and data is discarded (after process is
woken up from select()).

If you mean about Linux, it is already fixed (or have workaround) 6 years ago.

I don't know other example of spurious wakeup.

Maybe not exactly "spurious wakeup", but the data can be already be read
by another thread/process by the time the reader tries to read.
While uncommon for stream sockets since they lack defined atomicity
rules, it's common for UDP or other message-oriented socket protocols
(and even Unix pipes).

accept() + multiple processes sharing a listener is a common example
of this.

Yehuda's patch doesn't include non-raising variants of accept_nonblock
and connect_nonblock, but kgio also includes kgio_tryaccept and
Kgio::Socket.start(addr)[1] that do not raise on EAGAIN/EINPROGRESS.

[1] kgio refuses to do DNS lookup, addr should be pre-packed

Eric Wong

Updated by akr (Akira Tanaka) over 13 years ago

2011/8/2 Yehuda Katz :

The current Ruby I/O classes have non-blocking methods (read_nonblock and write_nonblock). These methods will never block, and if they would block, they raise an exception instead (IO::WaitReadable or IO::WaitWritable). In addition, if the IO is at EOF, they raise an EOFError.

These exceptions are raised repeatedly in virtually every use of the non-blocking methods. This patch adds a pair of methods (try_read_nonblock and try_write_nonblock) that have the same semantics as the existing methods, but they return Symbols instead of raising exceptions for these routine cases:

I'm neutral about this proposal.

Although the exceptions are not exceptional,
they are very educational.
People who use *_nonblock immediately find
nonblocking I/O is not a simple replacement of blocking I/O.

I think IO#read* should raise EOFError for consistency.
(There is an exception, IO#read, though.)

Tanaka Akira

Updated by tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson) over 13 years ago

On Wed, Aug 03, 2011 at 11:03:09PM +0900, Tanaka Akira wrote:

2011/8/2 Yehuda Katz :

The current Ruby I/O classes have non-blocking methods (read_nonblock and write_nonblock). These methods will never block, and if they would block, they raise an exception instead (IO::WaitReadable or IO::WaitWritable). In addition, if the IO is at EOF, they raise an EOFError.

These exceptions are raised repeatedly in virtually every use of the non-blocking methods. This patch adds a pair of methods (try_read_nonblock and try_write_nonblock) that have the same semantics as the existing methods, but they return Symbols instead of raising exceptions for these routine cases:

I'm neutral about this proposal.

Although the exceptions are not exceptional,
they are very educational.

If the exceptions are not exceptional, that makes me wonder why are they
exceptions at all? Since these aren't really exceptional cases, I would
prefer not to rescue.

As Alex pointed out, these exceptions really make $DEBUG noisy and that
also bugs me about the current behavior.

Aaron Patterson

Updated by akr (Akira Tanaka) over 13 years ago

2011/8/4 Aaron Patterson :

If the exceptions are not exceptional, that makes me wonder why are they
exceptions at all? Since these aren't really exceptional cases, I would
prefer not to rescue.

They are errors defined by OS.
It is usual to map OS errors to exceptions Errno::*.

Tanaka Akira

Updated by akr (Akira Tanaka) over 13 years ago

2011/8/4 KOSAKI Motohiro :

but look, datagram_poll() has another 30~ caller. (e.g. raw socket)

IOW, it's only a workaround for udp based broken application. not a
fix. If I understand correctly,
Linux kernel people don't have a plan to fix this issue by in-kernel
change because it makes
performance hurt.

But, of course, if you are only talking about udp applications, you are correct.

I assumed UDP, TCP and Unix socket.
I don't know other sockets well.

select() with blocking read works too well to feel it is broken.
Is it a common sense in the kernel people that such applications are broken?

Apart from that, you picked up raw socket as an example.
Is it mean that raw socket has a limitation which cannot receive a datagram
with wrong checksum?

Tanaka Akira

Updated by kosaki (Motohiro KOSAKI) over 13 years ago

2011/8/6 Tanaka Akira :

2011/8/4 KOSAKI Motohiro :

but look, datagram_poll() has another 30~ caller. (e.g. raw socket)

IOW, it's only a workaround for udp based broken application. not a
fix. If I understand correctly,
Linux kernel people don't have a plan to fix this issue by in-kernel
change because it makes
performance hurt.

But, of course, if you are only talking about udp applications, you are correct.

I assumed UDP, TCP and Unix socket.
I don't know other sockets well.

select() with blocking read works too well to feel it is broken.
Is it a common sense in the kernel people that such applications are broken?

I don't know which broken or not broken. But they repeatedly refuse to
change this behavior.

Apart from that, you picked up raw socket as an example.
Is it mean that raw socket has a limitation which cannot receive a datagram
with wrong checksum?

Yes, it can be blocked if the packet has a wrong checksum.

Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 13 years ago

Shyouhei Urabe wrote:

Instead of avoiding exceptions I would like to suggest making
exceptions lightweight.

The other problem with the exception from _nonblock is the exceptions
are extended with IO::Wait
able modules. Object#extend causes a VM
state change which expires the inline and method caches.

Expiring the method cache for this is cheap in 1.9.3, but cache
misses are probably still costly for larger apps (I have not
investigated the cost of cache misses, only cache expiry cost).

Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 13 years ago

Yehuda Katz wrote:

Bug #5138: Add nonblocking IO that does not use exceptions for EOF and EWOULDBLOCK

I don't want this issue to get dropped, so I'm summarizing the
discussion so far for the benefit of folks who haven't followed
everything (including discussions in related threads to this one).

  • readpartial + can still block indefinitely due to:

    • user space layers and buffering (SSL, gzip/zlib)

    • spurious wakeup on some socket types/kernels

  • Exceptions with the current *_nonblock methods are expensive.

    • extending with IO::Wait* increments the global VM state version

      • This invalidates both the global method cache and inline caches in
        1.9.3. Invaliding the caches is itself an inexpensive operation
        since 1.9.3, but the cost of subsequent cache misses can hurt[1]

      • This can overflow VM state version within a couple of hours/days
        on 32-bit systems if IO::Wait* exceptions are raised constantly.
        Overflowing state version may trigger very rare bugs with
        false-positive cache hits; vm_clear_all_inline_method_cache() is
        currently unimplemented to deal with this situation.
        Overflow is not likely to ever be a problem on 64-bit.

    • backtrace generation cost

      • Generating backtrace is more expensive in MRI 1.9/2.x than MRI 1.8,
        it might be even more expensive in alternative VMs

      • Additional garbage overhead from backtrace strings

  • IO::Wait*/Errno::EAGAIN are very common exceptions.

    • Anybody using *_nonblock will need to care for exceptions with a
      begin/rescue. Changing begin/rescue into the equivalent
      case statement requires roughly the same amount of code.

    • These exceptions make $DEBUG unnecessarily noisy

[1] - I haven't done extensive benchmarking on method cache/inline cache
effectiveness in MRI. More experienced MRI developers should know
more about this topic than I do.

Updated by Anonymous over 13 years ago

On Tue, Nov 08, 2011 at 06:59:38AM +0900, Eric Wong wrote:

Yehuda Katz wrote:

Bug #5138: Add nonblocking IO that does not use exceptions for EOF and EWOULDBLOCK

I don't want this issue to get dropped, so I'm summarizing the
discussion so far for the benefit of folks who haven't followed
everything (including discussions in related threads to this one).

  • readpartial + can still block indefinitely due to:

    • user space layers and buffering (SSL, gzip/zlib)

    • spurious wakeup on some socket types/kernels

  • Exceptions with the current *_nonblock methods are expensive.

    • extending with IO::Wait* increments the global VM state version

      • This invalidates both the global method cache and inline caches in
        1.9.3. Invaliding the caches is itself an inexpensive operation
        since 1.9.3, but the cost of subsequent cache misses can hurt[1]

      • This can overflow VM state version within a couple of hours/days
        on 32-bit systems if IO::Wait* exceptions are raised constantly.
        Overflowing state version may trigger very rare bugs with
        false-positive cache hits; vm_clear_all_inline_method_cache() is
        currently unimplemented to deal with this situation.
        Overflow is not likely to ever be a problem on 64-bit.

    • backtrace generation cost

      • Generating backtrace is more expensive in MRI 1.9/2.x than MRI 1.8,
        it might be even more expensive in alternative VMs

      • Additional garbage overhead from backtrace strings

  • IO::Wait*/Errno::EAGAIN are very common exceptions.

    • Anybody using *_nonblock will need to care for exceptions with a
      begin/rescue. Changing begin/rescue into the equivalent
      case statement requires roughly the same amount of code.

    • These exceptions make $DEBUG unnecessarily noisy

I spoke with matz about this issue at RubyConf. I think he said it
was a good feature, but he wanted a different API. I can't remember

Maybe matz can comment?

Aaron Patterson

Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 13 years ago

Aaron Patterson wrote:

I spoke with matz about this issue at RubyConf. I think he said it
was a good feature, but he wanted a different API. I can't remember

Maybe matz can comment?

I should also note there is one major API difference between Yehuda's
patch and the original kgio API:

kgio returns the unwritten portion of the String on a partial write and
nil on a full write (meaning there's nothing further to write from that
buffer). kgio predates String#byteslice (and still needs to support
1.9.2), so I did the byteslice in C to avoid the overhead of doing it in
Rubies without String#byteslice.

Yehuda's patch always returns the number of bytes written if anything
was written, so his API is more consistent with traditional IO write

(Of course, kgio also supports libautocork-like behavior nowadays, but
that's a separate issue :>)

Updated by Anonymous over 13 years ago

On Tue, Aug 02, 2011 at 07:35:15AM +0900, Yehuda Katz wrote:

Issue #5138 has been reported by Yehuda Katz.

Bug #5138: Add nonblocking IO that does not use exceptions for EOF and EWOULDBLOCK

Author: Yehuda Katz
Status: Open
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Yukihiro Matsumoto
Category: core
Target version: 1.9.4
ruby -v: ruby 1.9.4dev (2011-07-31 trunk 32788) [x86_64-darwin11.0.0]

The current Ruby I/O classes have non-blocking methods (read_nonblock and write_nonblock). These methods will never block, and if they would block, they raise an exception instead (IO::WaitReadable or IO::WaitWritable). In addition, if the IO is at EOF, they raise an EOFError.

These exceptions are raised repeatedly in virtually every use of the non-blocking methods. This patch adds a pair of methods (try_read_nonblock and try_write_nonblock) that have the same semantics as the existing methods, but they return Symbols instead of raising exceptions for these routine cases:

  • :read_would_block
  • :write_would_block
  • :eof

The patch contains updates for IO, StringIO, and OpenSSL. The updates are fully documented and tested.

Bump. Can someone please give feedback? What needs to change in this
patch before it can be applied?


Aaron Patterson

Updated by kosaki (Motohiro KOSAKI) over 13 years ago

Bump.  Can someone please give feedback?  What needs to change in this
patch before it can be applied?


Hey, you said matz has an another idea. So, we need to hear it. isn't it?

Personally, my feelings are,

  • read_nonblock and try_read_nonblock have too small difference to
    make separate method. then, instead, I'd prefet to add an keyword
    argument to read_nonblock.
  • I can imagine IO::WaitReadable is annoying to use. but I'm not sure
    how much affect it a performance. Did anyone mesure it?
  • We need doc update about "select + readpartial is unsafe" issue.
    Can anyone volunteer it?

And, for clarify, I think nobody replay Eric pointed following issue.
Although I'm not sure it is important or not.

  • Yehuda's original patch don't accept_nonblock and connect_nonblock.
  • current write_nonblock return written byte. but it is unuseful.
    current String is designed intentionally byte operation unfrinedly.

Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 13 years ago

KOSAKI Motohiro wrote:

  • I can imagine IO::WaitReadable is annoying to use. but I'm not sure
    how much affect it a performance. Did anyone mesure it?

I've released a net-wrong RubyGem which monkey patches net/* with
kgio + terrible_timeout:

Hopefully people can test (on real applications) and report performance
differences from avoiding exceptions/temporary Classes (and

Updated by headius (Charles Nutter) about 13 years ago

I never got to weigh in on this thread back in the day, and I'm working on IO stuff more recently, so a few thoughts...

Eric Wong wrote:

  • Exceptions with the current *_nonblock methods are expensive.

    • extending with IO::Wait* increments the global VM state version

This is really poor form. I'm not sure why it hasn't been fixed yet. JRuby master solves this in a neat, compatible way: instead of raising singleton EAGAIN with WaitReable or WaitWritable mixed in, we raise EAGAINReadable or EAGAINWritable, subclasses that have already done the mixing. No other changes are needed.

  • backtrace generation cost

In JRuby, EAGAIN does not generate a backtrace unless you pass a flag, since generally it's an "expected" exception and you don't want the backtrace anyway.

How does this translate to perf?

system ~/projects $ jruby eagain_bench.rb
1.553000 0.000000 1.553000 ( 1.553000)
0.673000 0.000000 0.673000 ( 0.673000)
0.667000 0.000000 0.667000 ( 0.667000)
0.669000 0.000000 0.669000 ( 0.669000)
0.696000 0.000000 0.696000 ( 0.697000)

system ~/projects $ rvm 1.9.3 do ruby eagain_bench.rb
1.250000 0.150000 1.400000 ( 1.396295)
1.250000 0.150000 1.400000 ( 1.408975)
1.260000 0.150000 1.410000 ( 1.405947)
1.250000 0.150000 1.400000 ( 1.405391)
1.260000 0.150000 1.410000 ( 1.407389)

system ~/projects $ rvm ruby-head do ruby eagain_bench.rb
1.310000 0.120000 1.430000 ( 1.428627)
1.300000 0.120000 1.420000 ( 1.430652)
1.310000 0.130000 1.440000 ( 1.426011)
1.310000 0.120000 1.430000 ( 1.430642)
1.310000 0.120000 1.430000 ( 1.436441)

Rather well, I think.

Updated by headius (Charles Nutter) about 13 years ago

Worth pointing out that the cost of allocating an exception every time could be blunted by always raising the same exception object. This avoids the backtrace, construction cost, and mixin overhead in one shot, provided you're ok with the backtrace being meaningless.

FWIW, even all these tricks can't make an exception-based version as fast as one that simply returns nil. Modifying IO#read_nonblock in JRuby to return nil on a zero-length read improves the above benchmark 2-3x.

Actions #37

Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Assigned

Updated by tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson) almost 13 years ago

  • File feature5138.pdf added

I've attached a slide for this.

Updated by rosenfeld (Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas) almost 13 years ago

Aaron, with due respect, I'm not sure if the examples in your slide are good enough for promoting it. The logic looks like the same in both current and proposed version. Maybe some use cases where the current approach would require too much code would demonstrate better why the new approach is helpful. Unless you're gonna to present the slide yourself or make sure the presenter will discuss the pros and contras of each approach.

Updated by drbrain (Eric Hodel) almost 13 years ago

The goal is to avoid the creation hundreds (if not thousands) of Errno::EWOULDBLOCK, IO::WaitReadable and IO::WaitWritable exceptions (including their backtraces) that are immediately rescued in the course of a typical non-blocking socket read or write loop.

The usage should be as close to the same as possible to make it easy to modify code that currently uses exceptions. This way users can quickly and easily switch to the new API without spending much time on it.

Actions #42

Updated by tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson) almost 13 years ago

  • File deleted (feature5138.pdf)
Actions #43

Updated by rosenfeld (Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas) almost 13 years ago

Great! I'm just not sure if the second slide was meant to be present in the generated PDF :P

Updated by Anonymous almost 13 years ago

On Sun, Jul 01, 2012 at 02:47:58AM +0900, drbrain (Eric Hodel) wrote:

Issue #5138 has been updated by drbrain (Eric Hodel).

The goal is to avoid the creation hundreds (if not thousands) of Errno::EWOULDBLOCK, IO::WaitReadable and IO::WaitWritable exceptions (including their backtraces) that are immediately rescued in the course of a typical non-blocking socket read or write loop.

The usage should be as close to the same as possible to make it easy to modify code that currently uses exceptions. This way users can quickly and easily switch to the new API without spending much time on it.

Thanks Eric! I'll add this to the slide. <3<3<3

Aaron Patterson

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 12 years ago

Aaron, I received your slide. Thank you!

Yusuke Endoh

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 12 years ago

Yehuda Katz and Aaron Patterson,

We discussed your slide at the developer meeting (7/21), but
cannot reach agreement. Please continue to make a discussion.

Here is a discussion summary.
I hope you find it informative to improve your proposal.

  • Matz was positive to the feature itself.

  • Matz was NOT positive to the name `try_read_nonblock'.

    • Akr suggested a new name convention about IO:
      read_*' for exception-style methods, and get_*' for non-exception-style methods.

    • Matz prefered get_nonblock' to try_read_nonblock'.
      (but he showed no opinion about the convention itself)

  • Matz was pondering whether or not to accept a method returning
    either Symbol or String.

    • He suggested Erlang-style API, always returning a two-length
      array whose contains state (Symbol) and data (String).
  • Akr was afraid that the code example in the slide was inaccurate.

    • I didn't understand his opinion; please talk with him directly.

Yusuke Endoh

Actions #47

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 12 years ago

  • Target version changed from 1.9.4 to 2.6

Updated by headius (Charles Nutter) almost 12 years ago

Trying to kick this one forward. I'm going to implement this in JRuby, perhaps via an ext (require 'io/try_nonblock' or something). It will give an opportunity to play with the API in-place using JRuby master builds or JRuby 1.7.4+.

Will report some results once I get it implemented.

Updated by headius (Charles Nutter) almost 12 years ago

JRuby master (1.7.4) now has a new ext io/try_nonblock that implements just the IO portion of wycats's patch (I did not implement the StringIO and SSLSocket logic).

Numbers for each of the three modes (errnos with backtraces (slow due to JVM), errnos without backtraces, and returning symbol):

$ jruby -Xerrno.backtrace=true -rbenchmark -rsocket -e "sock ='', 80); 10.times { puts Benchmark.measure { 100_000.times { begin; sock.read_nonblock(1000); rescue; end } } }"
12.610000 0.380000 12.990000 ( 11.157000)
9.290000 0.290000 9.580000 ( 9.477000)
9.350000 0.300000 9.650000 ( 9.464000)
9.260000 0.290000 9.550000 ( 9.335000)
9.320000 0.300000 9.620000 ( 9.341000)
9.140000 0.290000 9.430000 ( 9.218000)
9.150000 0.300000 9.450000 ( 9.235000)
9.730000 0.330000 10.060000 ( 9.794000)
9.210000 0.290000 9.500000 ( 9.275000)
9.340000 0.300000 9.640000 ( 9.393000)

$ jruby -rbenchmark -rsocket -e "sock ='', 80); 10.times { puts Benchmark.measure { 100_000.times { begin; sock.read_nonblock(1000); rescue; end } } }"
3.110000 0.310000 3.420000 ( 2.065000)
0.690000 0.230000 0.920000 ( 0.800000)
0.670000 0.200000 0.870000 ( 0.803000)
0.610000 0.220000 0.830000 ( 0.798000)
0.630000 0.210000 0.840000 ( 0.825000)
0.620000 0.210000 0.830000 ( 0.816000)
0.610000 0.200000 0.810000 ( 0.809000)
0.620000 0.210000 0.830000 ( 0.811000)
0.620000 0.210000 0.830000 ( 0.809000)
0.620000 0.210000 0.830000 ( 0.819000)

$ jruby -rbenchmark -rsocket -rio/try_nonblock -e "sock ='', 80); 10.times { puts Benchmark.measure { 100_000.times { sock.try_read_nonblock(1000) } } }"
1.150000 0.220000 1.370000 ( 0.846000)
0.320000 0.160000 0.480000 ( 0.342000)
0.190000 0.180000 0.370000 ( 0.346000)
0.220000 0.170000 0.390000 ( 0.341000)
0.210000 0.160000 0.370000 ( 0.319000)
0.210000 0.160000 0.370000 ( 0.322000)
0.170000 0.160000 0.330000 ( 0.319000)
0.160000 0.150000 0.310000 ( 0.308000)
0.150000 0.150000 0.300000 ( 0.309000)
0.170000 0.160000 0.330000 ( 0.323000)

Updated by tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson) over 11 years ago

Hi, I've updated the patch to apply against trunk (please find it attached).

Matz, akr, with regard to get_* vs try_read_, I don't think it will work. For example, should try_write_ be set_*? I think it would look strange to say "io.set_nonblock(bytes)". We also have sysread_nonblock, should that be sysget_nonblock? Changing the method names is fine, but I don't think "get/set" pair works well.

As for Erlang style return values. It seems interesting, but that means every call to try_read_nonblock would allocate an array. The only possible return values would be:

[bytes, nil] # successful read
[nil, nil] # EOF
[nil, :wait_readable]
[nil, :wait_writable]

In this case it seems easier if we stick with one return value rather than two. I really want this feature, so I've also prepared a patch with the "tuple" solution (please find it attached).

In order to demonstrate a usecase, we can take rbuf_fill from net/http as an example. Please find the current method definition here:

Here is what it would look like with the tuple method:

def rbuf_fill
loop do
chunk, err = @io.try_read_nonblock(BUFSIZE)

  case err
  when :wait_readable
    unless[@io], nil, nil, @read_timeout)
      raise Net::ReadTimeout
  when :wait_writable
    # OpenSSL::Buffering#read_nonblock may fail with IO::WaitWritable.
    unless, [@io], nil, @read_timeout)
      raise Net::ReadTimeout
    raise EOFError unless chunk
    @rbuf << chunk


Here is what it looks like with just a single return value:

def rbuf_fill
loop do
chunk = @io.try_read_nonblock(BUFSIZE)

  case chunk
  when :wait_readable
    unless[@io], nil, nil, @read_timeout)
      raise Net::ReadTimeout
  when :wait_writable
    # OpenSSL::Buffering#read_nonblock may fail with IO::WaitWritable.
    unless, [@io], nil, @read_timeout)
      raise Net::ReadTimeout
  when nil then raise EOFError
    @rbuf << chunk


We can express nonblocking reads with loop rather than using begin/end + an exception and retry as the loop construct.

Actions #51

Updated by tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson) over 11 years ago

  • File deleted (noname)
Actions #52

Updated by tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson) over 11 years ago

  • File deleted (noname)

Updated by tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson) over 11 years ago

Just another data point. I ran the benchmarks that Charles showed on my implementation in MRI. We also see a good speed improvement on MRI:

$ ruby -rbenchmark -rsocket -e "sock ='', 80); 10.times { puts Benchmark.measure { 100_000.times { begin; sock.read_nonblock(1000); rescue; end } } }"
0.650000 0.110000 0.760000 ( 0.769794)
0.620000 0.110000 0.730000 ( 0.721198)
0.600000 0.090000 0.690000 ( 0.701172)
0.640000 0.110000 0.750000 ( 0.738934)
0.600000 0.100000 0.700000 ( 0.702289)
0.600000 0.090000 0.690000 ( 0.694982)
0.630000 0.110000 0.740000 ( 0.737876)
0.630000 0.100000 0.730000 ( 0.729356)
0.640000 0.110000 0.750000 ( 0.743386)
0.600000 0.100000 0.700000 ( 0.705391)
$ ruby -rbenchmark -rsocket -e "sock ='', 80); 10.times { puts Benchmark.measure { 100_000.times { begin; sock.try_read_nonblock(1000); rescue; end } } }"
0.160000 0.070000 0.230000 ( 0.230004)
0.150000 0.080000 0.230000 ( 0.224267)
0.170000 0.080000 0.250000 ( 0.253598)
0.150000 0.070000 0.220000 ( 0.221024)
0.150000 0.070000 0.220000 ( 0.225998)
0.160000 0.070000 0.230000 ( 0.223979)
0.150000 0.080000 0.230000 ( 0.231132)
0.160000 0.070000 0.230000 ( 0.233416)
0.160000 0.080000 0.240000 ( 0.238810)
0.150000 0.070000 0.220000 ( 0.222216)


Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 11 years ago

"tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson)" wrote:

As for Erlang style return values. It seems interesting, but that
means every call to try_read_nonblock would allocate an array. The
only possible return values would be:

I prefer to avoid the requirement for allocating anything in the
common case. So "no" to the tuple retvals.

How about making the destination buffer a required argument,
and returning:

Integer           - length in bytes on successful read
Symbol            - :wait_readable/:wait_writable (common)
nil               - EOF

case ret = io.try_read(maxlen, buffer)
when Integer
process_buffer(buffer, ret)
when nil
when Symbol
io.send(ret, timeout_sec) # :wait_readable,:wait_writable
end while true

I think making the buffer a required argument makes sense anyways for
performance (not just GC, but keeping the CPU cache hot regardless of
VM/language, too).

Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 09:03:19AM +0900, Eric Wong wrote:

"tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson)" wrote:

As for Erlang style return values. It seems interesting, but that
means every call to try_read_nonblock would allocate an array. The
only possible return values would be:

I prefer to avoid the requirement for allocating anything in the
common case. So "no" to the tuple retvals.

How about making the destination buffer a required argument,

Does this mean someone would have to pre-allocate the buffer? For
example, the "buffer" variable below would need to be defined as:

buffer = " " * maxlen

and returning:

Integer - length in bytes on successful read
Symbol - :wait_readable/:wait_writable (common)
nil - EOF

Is this really advantageous over:

String            - the buffer read in
Symbol            - :wait_readable/:wait_writable (common)
nil               - EOF

Length of bytes can be derived from buffer length.

case ret = io.try_read(maxlen, buffer)
when Integer
process_buffer(buffer, ret)
when nil
when Symbol
io.send(ret, timeout_sec) # :wait_readable,:wait_writable
end while true

I think making the buffer a required argument makes sense anyways for
performance (not just GC, but keeping the CPU cache hot regardless of
VM/language, too).

Aaron Patterson

Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 11 years ago

Aaron Patterson wrote:

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 09:03:19AM +0900, Eric Wong wrote:

"tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson)" wrote:

As for Erlang style return values. It seems interesting, but that
means every call to try_read_nonblock would allocate an array. The
only possible return values would be:

I prefer to avoid the requirement for allocating anything in the
common case. So "no" to the tuple retvals.

How about making the destination buffer a required argument,

Does this mean someone would have to pre-allocate the buffer? For
example, the "buffer" variable below would need to be defined as:

buffer = " " * maxlen

Yes, but it could just be: buffer = ""

Ruby will internally resize the string and won't waste memory
bandwidth prefilling it with 0x20

and returning:

Integer - length in bytes on successful read
Symbol - :wait_readable/:wait_writable (common)
nil - EOF

Is this really advantageous over:

 String            - the buffer read in
 Symbol            - :wait_readable/:wait_writable (common)
 nil               - EOF

Length of bytes can be derived from buffer length.

It would force developers to think about buffer reuse (which helps a lot
with big copy loops). Otherwise, it won't help for for apps which
already reuse buffers.

Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 10:52:26AM +0900, Eric Wong wrote:

Aaron Patterson wrote:

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 09:03:19AM +0900, Eric Wong wrote:

"tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson)" wrote:

As for Erlang style return values. It seems interesting, but that
means every call to try_read_nonblock would allocate an array. The
only possible return values would be:

I prefer to avoid the requirement for allocating anything in the
common case. So "no" to the tuple retvals.

How about making the destination buffer a required argument,

Does this mean someone would have to pre-allocate the buffer? For
example, the "buffer" variable below would need to be defined as:

buffer = " " * maxlen

Yes, but it could just be: buffer = ""

Ruby will internally resize the string and won't waste memory
bandwidth prefilling it with 0x20

and returning:

Integer - length in bytes on successful read
Symbol - :wait_readable/:wait_writable (common)
nil - EOF

Is this really advantageous over:

String - the buffer read in
Symbol - :wait_readable/:wait_writable (common)
nil - EOF

Length of bytes can be derived from buffer length.

It would force developers to think about buffer reuse (which helps a lot
with big copy loops). Otherwise, it won't help for for apps which
already reuse buffers.

It occurs to me that this is pretty similar to IO#readpartial. The main
difference being that readpartial automatically retries on EWOULDBLOCK
and raises an EOF error. Maybe there should be a try_readpartial in
addition to the proposed try_read_nonblock?


Aaron Patterson

Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 11 years ago

Aaron Patterson wrote:

It occurs to me that this is pretty similar to IO#readpartial. The main
difference being that readpartial automatically retries on EWOULDBLOCK
and raises an EOF error. Maybe there should be a try_readpartial in
addition to the proposed try_read_nonblock?

It's always bothered me that IO#readpartial raises EOFError, too
(especially when IO#read returns nil). So yes, try_readpartial
would be good, but try_*nonblock is much more important since
EAGAIN is more common than EOF.

Also, I also wonder if there's a generic way for us to implement
"expected exceptions":

  • without needing to introduce additional methods
  • without allocating new objects for common exceptions

Perhaps similar to catch/throw...


# cause the class Errno::ENOENT to be raised,
# not an instance of Errno::ENOENT"/possibly/non-existent/file")
rescue Errno::ENOENT => e
e == Errno::ENOENT # note the '==' (not '===')

Otherwise, we might end up needing try_open, try_stat, try_lstat,
try_link, try_unlink, try_rename, etc to avoid racy/wasteful
File.exist? calls...

Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago

On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 03:55:16AM +0900, Eric Wong wrote:

Aaron Patterson wrote:

It occurs to me that this is pretty similar to IO#readpartial. The main
difference being that readpartial automatically retries on EWOULDBLOCK
and raises an EOF error. Maybe there should be a try_readpartial in
addition to the proposed try_read_nonblock?

It's always bothered me that IO#readpartial raises EOFError, too
(especially when IO#read returns nil). So yes, try_readpartial
would be good, but try_*nonblock is much more important since
EAGAIN is more common than EOF.

Ah, I was thinking that IO#try_readpartial would work exactly the same as
try_*nonblock, but with a buffer (no exceptions, no automatic retry).

Also, I also wonder if there's a generic way for us to implement
"expected exceptions":

  • without needing to introduce additional methods
  • without allocating new objects for common exceptions

Perhaps similar to catch/throw...


# cause the class Errno::ENOENT to be raised,
# not an instance of Errno::ENOENT"/possibly/non-existent/file")
rescue Errno::ENOENT => e
e == Errno::ENOENT # note the '==' (not '===')

Otherwise, we might end up needing try_open, try_stat, try_lstat,
try_link, try_unlink, try_rename, etc to avoid racy/wasteful
File.exist? calls...

I'm not sure. The big thing for me about the try_* methods is that I
can use loop as the looping construct, not rescue / retry.

Aaron Patterson

Updated by tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson) over 11 years ago

On Tue, Aug 02, 2011 at 07:35:15AM +0900, Yehuda Katz wrote:

Issue #5138 has been reported by Yehuda Katz.

Bug #5138: Add nonblocking IO that does not use exceptions for EOF and EWOULDBLOCK

Author: Yehuda Katz
Status: Open
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Yukihiro Matsumoto
Category: core
Target version: 1.9.4
ruby -v: ruby 1.9.4dev (2011-07-31 trunk 32788) [x86_64-darwin11.0.0]

The current Ruby I/O classes have non-blocking methods (read_nonblock and write_nonblock). These methods will never block, and if they would block, they raise an exception instead (IO::WaitReadable or IO::WaitWritable). In addition, if the IO is at EOF, they raise an EOFError.

These exceptions are raised repeatedly in virtually every use of the non-blocking methods. This patch adds a pair of methods (try_read_nonblock and try_write_nonblock) that have the same semantics as the existing methods, but they return Symbols instead of raising exceptions for these routine cases:

  • :read_would_block
  • :write_would_block
  • :eof

The patch contains updates for IO, StringIO, and OpenSSL. The updates are fully documented and tested.

In the last developer meeting, matz suggested that the existing
nonblocking IO functions take an extra option to specify whether or not
exceptions should be raised.

Something like this:

 chunk = @io.read_nonblock(BUFSIZE, exception: false)

I am happy with a solution like this.

Aaron Patterson

Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 11 years ago

Aaron Patterson wrote:

In the last developer meeting, matz suggested that the existing
nonblocking IO functions take an extra option to specify whether or not
exceptions should be raised.

Something like this:

chunk = @io.read_nonblock(BUFSIZE, exception: false)

I am happy with a solution like this.

OK, I am also happy (especially since small hashes are packed, now).
So the existing outbuf arg also becomes a keyword arg?

   chunk = @io.read_nonblock(BUFSIZE, exception: false, outbuf: string)

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 11 years ago

  • Assignee changed from matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) to tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson)

In the developers' meeting on 2007-07-27, we concluded we accepted the proposal from Aaron in


Actions #63

Updated by tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson) over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

This issue was solved with changeset r42695.
Yehuda, thank you for reporting this issue.
Your contribution to Ruby is greatly appreciated.
May Ruby be with you.

  • io.c (io_read_nonblock): support non-blocking reads without raising
    exceptions. As in: io.read_nonblock(size, exception: false)
    [ruby-core:38666] [Feature #5138]
  • ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_read_internal): ditto
  • ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_sysread): ditto
  • io.c (rb_io_write_nonblock): support non-blocking writes without
    raising an exception.
  • ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_write_internal): ditto
  • test/openssl/test_pair.rb (class OpenSSL): tests
  • test/ruby/test_io.rb (class TestIO): ditto
  • test/socket/test_nonblock.rb (class TestSocketNonblock): ditto
  • test/stringio/test_stringio.rb (class TestStringIO): ditto

Updated by headius (Charles Nutter) over 11 years ago

Hah... I was just stopping by to suggest the keyword argument as a compromise form...and it turns out that's exactly what we went with. Excellent!

Updated by headius (Charles Nutter) almost 11 years ago

Charles Nutter wrote:

JRuby master (1.7.4) now has a new ext io/try_nonblock that implements just the IO portion of wycats's patch (I did not implement the StringIO and SSLSocket logic).

Just closing the circle here... JRuby 9000 will remove the hidden io/try_nonblock (which we never really intended to ship). It's ok, though...we'll ship support for the :exception option.

Carry on!


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