

mame (Yusuke Endoh)

  • Login: mame
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  • Registered on: 05/28/2008
  • Last sign in: 12/05/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 146 147
Reported issues 13 327 340


Project Roles Registered on
Ruby Committer, Security team, Infrastructure team 05/28/2008




03:28 AM Ruby Revision 1b8e6568 (git): Pend a test for ractor in etc
... because it is flaky mame (Yusuke Endoh)


06:04 AM Ruby Bug #21195: Crash when using IO#timeout
Thanks, I am sure you are right as I do not have a good enough understanding of the code around this. mame (Yusuke Endoh)


04:41 PM Ruby Bug #21195 (Assigned): Crash when using IO#timeout
Ah, the code was written by @ioquatix. @ioquatix Could you review the patch? mame (Yusuke Endoh)
04:39 PM Ruby Bug #21195: Crash when using IO#timeout
Thank you, I could reproduce the issue.
$ ./miniruby -e '$stdin.read_nonblock(1, exception: false); trap(:HUP...
mame (Yusuke Endoh)
08:54 AM Ruby Bug #21193: Inherited callback returns `nil` for `Object.const_source_location`
It was understandable that you wanted `class C < D` to behave the same as `C =` for the sake of consiste... mame (Yusuke Endoh)
05:28 AM Ruby Bug #21193 (Assigned): Inherited callback returns `nil` for `Object.const_source_location`
Hmmm, I think this handling is dirty. @matz said in #21143
> But I don't want to break any existing code. I'd like...
mame (Yusuke Endoh)
05:06 AM Ruby Feature #21194 (Open): How to manage application-level information in Ruby application
## Goal
I want to manage application-level information (e.g., application configuration) while making it easily ac...
mame (Yusuke Endoh)


04:12 PM Ruby Bug #21192 (Closed): Coverage no longer reports coverage information about tracepoint handlers
Don't mind, I understand it as a problem. Others have pointed this problem out to me. We need to convince @ko1.
mame (Yusuke Endoh)
03:54 PM Ruby Bug #21192: Coverage no longer reports coverage information about tracepoint handlers
This is a duplicate of #16776 that you created, isn't it? :-) mame (Yusuke Endoh)
05:57 AM Ruby Revision 3eb802fb (git): Loosen SEGV message testing
Since `rb_bug` does not always take Ruby frame info during SEGV, the
source file path may not be output.
1) Fa...
mame (Yusuke Endoh)

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