



Feature #2515



Added by rogerdpack (Roger Pack) over 15 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

Target version:


Though there is no enumerable equivalent, this method would be a good complement to the existing


Much thanks.

Actions #1

Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) over 15 years ago

Not a bug at least... Moved to the Feature tracker.

Actions #2

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Rejected


The feature was discussed in the thread from [ruby-core:27242].
In the thread, many English speaking people disagree this. So I close
this ticket as "rejected".

If you still want this feature, please reopen with "some real use of
select!" [ruby-core:27323], or another convincing reason that beats
English nuance.

Yusuke Endoh

Actions #3

Updated by rogerdpack (Roger Pack) about 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Rejected to Open


I personally have had uses for select! in the past, as others have as well.

Currently we are forced to use reject! which is surprising...
Think of select! as a destructive version of select, which currently doesn't exist in the std lib.

For example if you have this (albeit trivial) example :

a = some_large_array
c ={|b| b%2 == 1}

and then want to change this to a destructive select to the array, because it is very large, the first thing you try is!{|b| b %2 == 1}

But it surprisingly doesn't exist (reject has its destructive counterpart, map does too, but select doesn't), so you are forced to rewrite your boolean logic to use reject!

a.reject!{|b| (b%2) != 3}

which can be less readable, but more importantly--it is surprising to have to do so, at least to me.

It would be more convenient and less surprising to have a select!


Actions #4

Updated by hgs (Hugh Sasse) about 15 years ago

On Tue, 2 Mar 2010, Roger Pack wrote:

Issue #2515 has been updated by Roger Pack.
Currently we are forced to use reject! which is surprising...
But it surprisingly doesn't exist (reject has its destructive
which can be less readable, but more importantly--it is surprising to have to do so, at least to me.

It would be more convenient and less surprising to have a select!

You can use the "surprising" argument 4 or more times if you like, but
since about 2005 Matz has said he will not accept changes
based on the Principle Of Least Surprise, because it is his surprise
that matters.

However, if you can build the case based on orthogonality, you may
stand more of a chance. Possibly. I can't be certain.



Actions #5

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 15 years ago

Hi, Roger

Hugh Sasse wrote:

On Tue, 2 Mar 2010, Roger Pack wrote:

It would be more convenient and less surprising to have a select!

You can use the "surprising" argument 4 or more times if you like, but
since about 2005 Matz has said he will not accept changes
based on the Principle Of Least Surprise, because it is his surprise
that matters.

I agree with Hugh.

In Ruby design, POLS is very unconvincing reason currently. Instead,
it may make an enemy of committer.

Anyone should know that many committers are bored with suggestion

based on POLS.

In addition, consistency rarely beats name argument, AFAIK. I propose
you find another reason.

I leave this ticket open for a couple of days. But I'll close again
if discussion will seem to be still stalemated.

Yusuke ENDOH

Actions #6

Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) about 15 years ago

  • Category set to core
  • Target version set to 2.0.0

I would suggest that this feature request be extended to also introduce Array#keep_if.

Indeed, Enumerable#reject has two corresponding in-place Array methods: Array#delete_if and Array#reject!

I feel that Enumerable#select would benefit from also having two in-place Array methods: Array#keep_if and Array#select!

The same difference would apply: select! returns nil if no change is made.

I feel the name select! is as appropriate as map! , collect! and reject!

Actions #7

Updated by sdsykes (Stephen Sykes) about 15 years ago

I agree with Marc-Andre, and also with his suggestion of keep_if.

I have sometimes wished for each of these methods, and it seems logical and reasonable that they should exist.

As for the names, I have reviewed the previous discussions, and I strongly suggest, as a native english speaker, that no-one will have any trouble understanding how select! or keep_if work. They are good and understandable names.

The use case for select! is clear. I quote from an example from the original discussion:

Code starts out as something like

result = { |x| ... }.select { |x| ... }

But then I might add code to the "map" part, and the code now extends
over a few lines and looks poor if it's chained together. So it gets
changed to:

result = { |x|
}! { |x| ... }

+1 from me, a useful addition.


Actions #8

Updated by hgs (Hugh Sasse) about 15 years ago

I got tripped up by redmine there: I thought that was going off list,
but while the name of the addressee was there, the address was the
redmine one, which I didn't notice. I'd argue that is a misfeature.

I think the case for orthogonality is a much stronger one than POLS.
select and reject are opposites, so having reject! and not select!
is not orthogonal, to my mind.

Roger's argument, it seems to me, is essentially that to achieve
an effect in one direction it is straightforward, but in the other
you have to interact either with another method, or with assignment,
a =
This is rather like the helicopter pilot in the above ( story,
and there is a case for saying it makes the code less clear. It is
a circumlocution.

I tend to use the assignment myself, though, because the ! signifier
is a rather subtle thing, visually, for something destructive[1]. The
assignment makes overwriting clearly apparent. However, that would
be a case against almost all ! methods. So if destructive methods
are idiomatic ruby, and if one may consider methods to be verbs, why
make the language unnecessarily irregular, especially when all these
reject, select, and map come from the same conceptual space of
functional programming? [Of course, functional programming languages
don't allow variables to change value, once bound...]

Is there a significant cost to adding this, and is it more then the
cost of remembering the exceptions to the rules about which destructive
methods exist? I've not looked at the source, yet, for this.


[1] To this same vision that failed to notice my message wasn't off
list. That's why I used to use (...) comments in Pascal, in
preference to {...}, because the printers back then made the star into
a big splat. So I'm not saying Matz was wrong to choose this, I'm
saying my tastes differ.

On Tue, 2 Mar 2010, Yusuke Endoh wrote:

Issue #2515 has been updated by Yusuke Endoh.

Hi, Roger

Hugh Sasse wrote:

On Tue, 2 Mar 2010, Roger Pack wrote:

It would be more convenient and less surprising to have a select!

You can use the "surprising" argument 4 or more times if you like, but
since about 2005 Matz has said he will not accept changes
based on the Principle Of Least Surprise, because it is his surprise
that matters.

I agree with Hugh.

In Ruby design, POLS is very unconvincing reason currently. Instead,
it may make an enemy of committer.

Anyone should know that many committers are bored with suggestion

based on POLS.

In addition, consistency rarely beats name argument, AFAIK. I propose
you find another reason.

I leave this ticket open for a couple of days. But I'll close again
if discussion will seem to be still stalemated.

Yusuke ENDOH


Actions #9

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 15 years ago


2010/3/2 Marc-Andre Lafortune :

I feel the name select! is as appropriate as map! , collect! and reject!

Some feel appropriate, and some inappropriate.
Seems like "he said she said" scenario.
Is there another reason than feeling and consistency (= orthogonality) ?

I'm almost neutral for the suggestion, but take a opposite point of view
for the discussion. If I ignore Array#reject! and consider only the name
"select!", I can imagine the different behavior. The name seems to me to
return an array whose elements meet condition, and removes the selected
elements from the original array, like Array#delete_at and #shift:

ary = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
p! {|x| x.even? } #=> [2, 4]
p ary #=> [1, 3, 5]

Yusuke ENDOH

Actions #10

Updated by rogerdpack (Roger Pack) about 15 years ago

Oh I see your argument now--that select! is too confusing of a name...

For me, though, it makes sense (given some background ruby knowledge), ex:

a = [1,2,3]!{|b| b == 1}
=> [1]

This makes sense based on my knowledge of how reject and reject! work, map and map! work, etc. My thinking is that only more advanced Ruby programmers use ! methods, and they would probably already know that "! means a destructive change to self".

Is it too confusing?

Much thanks.


Actions #11

Updated by hgs (Hugh Sasse) about 15 years ago

On Wed, 3 Mar 2010, Yusuke Endoh wrote:


2010/3/2 Marc-Andre Lafortune :

I feel the name select! is as appropriate as map! , collect! and reject!

Some feel appropriate, and some inappropriate.
Seems like "he said she said" scenario.
Is there another reason than feeling and consistency (= orthogonality) ?

I'm almost neutral for the suggestion, but take a opposite point of view
for the discussion. If I ignore Array#reject! and consider only the name
"select!", I can imagine the different behavior. The name seems to me to
return an array whose elements meet condition, and removes the selected
elements from the original array, like Array#delete_at and #shift:

ary = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
p! {|x| x.even? } #=> [2, 4]
p ary #=> [1, 3, 5]

I've been using Reek a lot recently. This makes me think of the
"code smell" called "Greedy Method" in which a method is trying to
do more than one thing. I think it would be difficult to remember
which way round the outputs are: "Does the receiver get what the
block selected, or the return value get it?"

This would break my metaphor of methods as verbs, and ! as a verb
ending, which I've found helpful.

I can see such a function could have its uses, but even Python's
filter() doesn't work like this, even accounting for the lack of

I'd be inclined to call such a thing ifelse, and allow it to be
applied to objects which don't iterate, as well. It seems to be
related to unfold, because it takes one thing and returns two (i.e.
a list),



Actions #12

Updated by coatl (caleb clausen) about 15 years ago

I will also sign up as being in favor of adding this feature, perhaps with a different name, tho select! makes the most sense to me.

Actions #13

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) about 15 years ago


In message "Re: [ruby-core:28398] [Feature #2515] Array#select!"
on Tue, 2 Mar 2010 14:39:39 +0900, Marc-Andre Lafortune writes:

|I feel the name select! is as appropriate as map! , collect! and reject!

Okay, okay. I understand your feeling.

|I would suggest that this feature request be extended to also introduce Array#keep_if.

The biggest reason (for me at least) was lack of counterpart of
delete_if, so if keep_if could gain consensus, I'd agree with adding
select! (and keep_if). I was thinking of delete_unless, but was not
satisfied by the name.



Actions #14

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 15 years ago


2010/3/3 Yukihiro Matsumoto :

|I would suggest that this feature request be extended to also introduce Array#keep_if.

The biggest reason (for me at least) was lack of counterpart of

It's a revelation... In [ruby-core:27254], you only said the reason
was the inappropriate name.

Anyway, good, I'm happy since the ticket will be closed positively :-)

+1 for keep_if

Yusuke ENDOH


Actions #15

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) about 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

This issue was solved with changeset r26800.
Roger, thank you for reporting this issue.
Your contribution to Ruby is greatly appreciated.
May Ruby be with you.


Actions #16

Updated by rogerdpack (Roger Pack) about 15 years ago

Many thanks!


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