



Feature #20498


Negated method calls

Added by MaxLap (Maxime Lapointe) 11 months ago. Updated 3 months ago.

Target version:


I want to propose the following syntax: foo.!bar. I know it's already valid syntax, but please read on for details.

When someone write a somewhat long line of code that is negated, the main way I've seen of doing it is:

must_create_user = !User.where(somelong: :condition, even_more: "thing").exists?

I personally highly dislike it, as I must keep the "not" in the back of my mind as I read the line. When quickly reading a line like this, it's super easy to misread and understand the opposite result.

The current ways around this I can think of are:

  • rename the variable (can be annoying)
  • Use unless (only possible when in a condition; some people, like me, have a hard time grapsping a unless)
  • use a .!in the end (foo.exists?.!), I've never seen that and it looks ugly to me (this is subjective).
  • create a new method name with the negated meaning (not always possible)

My proposal would look like this:

must_create_user = User.where(somelong: :condition, even_more: "thing").!exists?

You cannot forget the bang that you saw 15 words ago, it's right there.

It also basically reads as English: "user where ... doesn't exists".

The main argument against this I can think of is that it's technically already a valid syntax. I believe it's frowned upon to override the bang operator and I'm not aware of places where it is overridden to with also having a parameter.

I made a prototype in RubyNext, which you can try here:

Clarification: the prototype is not perfect and does not handle foo&.!empty?. In that case, if foo is nil, the result of the expression would be nil.

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