

hmdne (hmdne -)

  • Login: hmdne
  • Registered on: 12/03/2021
  • Last sign in: 06/21/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 0 1



08:42 AM Ruby master Feature #20498: Negated method calls
I saw such a proposal before and I thought of some syntax and implementation, but I didn't submit that in the previou... hmdne (hmdne -)


10:05 PM Ruby master Feature #19300: Move public methods from Kernel to Object
In particular, Delegator works in an interesting way by:
1. Inheriting from BasicObject
2. Duping the Kernel modu...
hmdne (hmdne -)


05:51 AM Ruby master Bug #19286: What should kwargs' arity be?
kwargs are... complicated. Let me first extend the issue with additional versions of the above (I run Ruby 3.1, but f... hmdne (hmdne -)


01:30 PM Ruby master Feature #19027: .= syntax
I like it, though one while reading that code could have a problem with attempting to find a `where` variable.
hmdne (hmdne -)


05:36 AM Ruby master Feature #17330: Object#non
I had another idea regarding a #non method that I haven't voiced before, but may result in cleaner code overall:
hmdne (hmdne -)


02:31 PM Ruby master Feature #18603: Allow syntax like obj.method(arg)=value
@sawa - My proposal would be to allow omitting parentheses only if there are no arguments provided, ie. how it is cur... hmdne (hmdne -)
03:14 AM Ruby master Feature #18603 (Open): Allow syntax like obj.method(arg)=value
I propose here to allow a syntax like:
obj.method(arg) = value
It would be translated to the foll...
hmdne (hmdne -)
03:24 AM Ruby master Feature #18583: Pattern-matching: API for custom unpacking strategies?
> `# looking into global value isn't exactly elegant, right?`
It's not global, it's Fiber-local, so are $1 and fri...
hmdne (hmdne -)


02:39 AM Ruby master Feature #15559: Logical XOR (^^) operator
Hm, came into my mind that you may prefer to use this, more readable snippet instead:
raise ArgumentE...
hmdne (hmdne -)
02:30 AM Ruby master Feature #15559: Logical XOR (^^) operator
Since we don't need short-circuit evaluation, we can simply use `^` for that reason. It's already defined on both Tru... hmdne (hmdne -)

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