It's a great honor and privilege for me to see the did_you_mean gem become part of the language and I am really grateful to this movement.
I've created a branch that only works on 2.3, but has less dependencies:
integrate interception gem
interception gem isn't actually mandatory since the branch uses TracePoint API directly to capture a binding object.
naming(better name for did_you_mean)
The only name I have in mind is correctable, but I'm open to sggestions. The main reason why I want to use a different name and force people to use a new one is that the current version of did_you_mean
knows about too many external things including JRuby, Rubinius and Rails and I don't want Ruby to bundle it.
bundled policy(standard library? bundled gem?)
I would like the gem to be a bundled gem to minimize the maintenance cost of it, but a couple of features(e.g. NoMethodError#receiver
: #10881, detailed error message) have to be implemented before it is bundled.
Thank you again for considering adding the did_you_mean gem to the language and I would love to do whatever I can to make it happen!