The problem is not just for partition
, but also involves split
and scan
I think your regex /^=*/
is unnecessarily complex. Your point can be made by /\A/
, which is simpler.
I tried with four regex patterns /\A/
, /\A.*/
, /\z/
, /.*\z/
, and compared methods split
, partition
, scan
. The result of the first example in each group below matches the second and the third, and the fourth one matches the middle element. So far, so good.
"foo".match(/\z/).then{[_1.pre_match, _1[0], _1.post_match]} # => ["foo", "", ""]
"foo".split(/(\z)/, -1) # => ["foo", "", ""]
"foo".partition(/\z/) # => ["foo", "", ""]
"foo".scan(/\z/) # => [""]
"foo".match(/\A.*/).then{[_1.pre_match, _1[0], _1.post_match]} # => ["", "foo", ""]
"foo".split(/(\A.*)/, -1) # => ["", "foo", ""]
"foo".partition(/\A.*/) # => ["", "foo", ""]
"foo".scan(/\A.*/) # => ["foo"]
In the following, we see inconsistency:
"foo".match(/\A/).then{[_1.pre_match, _1[0], _1.post_match]} # => ["", "", "foo"]
"foo".split(/(\A)/, -1) # => ["foo"]
"foo".partition(/\A/) # => ["foo", "", ""]
"foo".scan(/\A/) # => [""]
"foo".match(/.*\z/).then{[_1.pre_match, _1[0], _1.post_match]} # => ["", "foo", ""]
"foo".split(/(.*\z)/, -1) # => ["", "foo", ""]
"foo".partition(/.*\z/) # => ["", "foo", ""]
"foo".scan(/.*\z/) # => ["foo", ""]
The problematic cases and their expected values (in terms of consistency) are:
"foo".split(/(\A)/, -1) # => ["foo"], expected [ "", "", "foo"]
"foo".partition(/\A/) # => ["foo", "", ""], expected ["", "", "foo"]
"foo".scan(/.*\z/) # => ["foo", ""], expected ["foo"]
The case described in the issue is the second case above.