



Misc #10547


How to move the ruby project to git

Added by sytse (Sytse Sijbrandij) about 10 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.



I'm posting this on the bugtracker as suggested by Koichi, feel free to move or close this if I've posted in the wrong project.

During rubyconf 2013 I briefly discussed the migration of ruby from svn to git with the core team. During the Q&A of Rubyconf 2014 Matz again mentioned that the community wants this and there are two problems that need to be solved:

  1. Incremental numbering
  2. Running scripts

I love ruby a lot and it is the reason I learned programming and became a developer. I now am CEO of GitLab B.V., we make open source software to collaborate on code.

The two problems are things that we can solve in GitLab:

  1. Make a project service that tags each commit on master incrementally.
  2. Scripts are easy to run on your own GitLab server, see

If the ruby core team is interested we can make 1. and set up a GitLab server, convert the existing scripts and help maintain it for free.

If the core team wants to move to GitHub or Bitbucket we are also willing to help with scripting and conversion.

Best regards,
Sytse Sijbrandij
CEO GitLab B.V.

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