

naruse (Yui NARUSE)

  • Login: naruse
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  • Registered on: 04/27/2008
  • Last sign in: 02/22/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 12 351 363
Reported issues 12 185 197


Project Roles Registered on
Ruby Committer 07/18/2008
Backport186 Committer 09/20/2009
Backport187 Committer 09/20/2009
Backport191 Committer 05/16/2009
Backport192 Owner, Committer 08/02/2010
Backport193 Committer 08/24/2011
Backport200 Committer 02/17/2013
Backport21 Committer, Release Manager 12/21/2013
Backport22 Committer 12/19/2014
Ruby 1.8 Committer 04/27/2008
Ruby master Committer, Release Manager, Infrastructure team 04/27/2008




09:29 AM Ruby master Bug #21119: Programs containing `Dir.glob` with a thread executing a CPU-heavy task run very slowly.
If there is a C Dir.glob implementation, we can run it in another pthread in parallel. naruse (Yui NARUSE)
08:56 AM Ruby master Bug #21102 (Rejected): Unexpected encoding when concatenating ASCII string with ASCII compatible string with non ASCII encoding
This behavior is for the case when a string is used as as buffer.
In that case the first string is the buffer, and f...
naruse (Yui NARUSE)


07:55 AM Ruby master Revision d88c066f (git): Add fail safe to check uncommitted changes
naruse (Yui NARUSE)
07:43 AM Ruby master Revision 48d4efcb (git): v3.4.1
naruse (Yui NARUSE)


07:30 AM Ruby master Feature #20564: Switch default parser to Prism
I heard Kevin left Shopify. I'm wondering who owns Prism related components.
As far as I understand, there are Prism...
naruse (Yui NARUSE)


01:58 PM Ruby master Revision 54964526 (git): increase diff.renameLimit
naruse (Yui NARUSE)


09:23 AM Ruby master Bug #20690 (Rejected): URI.encode_www_form_component method escapes tilde when it's not supposed to
`URI.encode_www_form_component` is designed for HTML form submission.
It is not whatt RFC3986 defines as "Percent-En...
naruse (Yui NARUSE)


02:18 AM Ruby master Bug #19266: URI::Generic should use URI::RFC3986_PARSER instead of URI::DEFAULT_PARSER
Since the use case sounds reasonable, let's try the new version.
@hsbt could you change it?
naruse (Yui NARUSE)


07:51 AM Ruby master Misc #20407: Question about applying encoding modifier to an interpolated Regexp
Since this feature is not widely used and will not be widely used, how do we keep this as is?
After for a while, thi...
naruse (Yui NARUSE)


01:18 AM Ruby master Misc #20407: Question about applying encoding modifier to an interpolated Regexp
I checked the related source code especially about rb_reg_preprocess_dregexp. It wrongly calls rb_reg_preprocess with... naruse (Yui NARUSE)

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