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From 11/29/2022 to 12/05/2022
Ruby master: Feature #14737: Split default gems into separate directory structure Like1
Ruby master: Bug #19184: create a Range with String subclass presents a weird behavior: #19184#note-1 Like1
Ruby master: Misc #19178: How does CRuby handle CVE issues in stdlib gems which get patched?: #19178#note-9 Like1
Ruby master: Misc #19178: How does CRuby handle CVE issues in stdlib gems which get patched?: #19178#note-5 Like1
Ruby master: Misc #19178: How does CRuby handle CVE issues in stdlib gems which get patched? Like1
Ruby master: Feature #19000: Data: Add "Copy with changes method" [Follow-on to #16122 Data: simple immutable value object]: #19000#note-30 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #18980: Re-reconsider numbered parameters: `it` as a default block parameter: #18980#note-13 Like2
Ruby master: Feature #18980: Re-reconsider numbered parameters: `it` as a default block parameter: #18980#note-39 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #18980: Re-reconsider numbered parameters: `it` as a default block parameter Like14
Ruby master: Feature #19117: Include the method owner in backtraces, not just the method name: #19117#note-21 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #19115: RubyGems fails to detect OpenSSL in --with-static-linked-ext builds: #19115#note-5 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #19078: Introduce `Fiber#storage` for inheritable fiber-scoped variables.: #19078#note-22 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #19159: ObjectSpace segfaults: #19159#note-7 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #19078: Introduce `Fiber#storage` for inheritable fiber-scoped variables. Like3
Ruby master: Bug #19158: Ruby 3.1.3 installs wrong gemspec for debug gem Like3
Ruby master: Feature #16461: Proc#using Like5
Ruby master: Misc #19122: Use MADV_DONTNEED instead of MADV_FREE when freeing a Fiber's stack Like1