

shugo (Shugo Maeda)

  • Login: shugo
  • Registered on: 05/08/2008
  • Last sign in: 06/19/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 159 160
Reported issues 5 87 92


Project Roles Registered on
Ruby Committer 07/18/2008
Backport187 Committer 06/18/2013
Backport191 Committer 05/16/2009
Backport192 Committer 10/05/2011
Backport193 Committer 08/24/2011
Backport200 Committer 02/17/2013
Backport21 Committer 12/21/2013
Backport22 Committer 12/19/2014
Ruby 1.8 Committer 05/28/2008
Ruby master Committer, Infrastructure team 05/28/2008




01:28 AM Ruby master Misc #20574: DevMeeting-2024-07-11
* [Feature #20576] Add MatchData#bytebegin and MatchData#byteend
* Matz doesn't like the names bytebegin and bytee...
shugo (Shugo Maeda)


06:22 AM Ruby master Feature #20576: Add MatchData#bytebegin and MatchData#byteend
matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) wrote in #note-3:
> I understand the use-case. I agree with the addition of the feature, b...
shugo (Shugo Maeda)
12:51 AM Ruby master Feature #20576: Add MatchData#bytebegin and MatchData#byteend
Eregon (Benoit Daloze) wrote in #note-1:
> Does this difference matter in realistic usages (e.g. that net-imap one)?...
shugo (Shugo Maeda)


03:24 AM Ruby master Feature #20576 (Open): Add MatchData#bytebegin and MatchData#byteend
I'd like to propose MatchData#bytebegin and MatchData#byteend.
These methods are similar to MatchData#begin and Matc...
shugo (Shugo Maeda)


12:06 AM Ruby master Feature #16461: Proc#using
Sorry for the delay.
Eregon (Benoit Daloze) wrote in #note-10:
> Reading #12086 again, I feel #12281 is a much si...
shugo (Shugo Maeda)


05:51 AM Ruby master Bug #20302 (Closed): Multiple refinements cannot be applied to the same module
Applied in changeset commit:git|d50f9ca2dd416d92152cd958b5f39496088481b0.
[Bug #20302] Multiple refinemen...
shugo (Shugo Maeda)
05:51 AM Ruby master Revision d50f9ca2 (git): [Bug #20302] Multiple refinements cannot be applied to the same module
In the following code, the iclass tree of refinements in cref should be <iclass of Kernel@M2> -> <iclass of Kernel@M1... shugo (Shugo Maeda)


04:15 AM Ruby master Feature #20108: Introduction of Happy Eyeballs Version 2 (RFC8305) in Socket.tcp
shioimm (Misaki Shioi) wrote in #note-10:
> Regarding the content mentioned above, I have made the following changes...
shugo (Shugo Maeda)


08:37 PM Ruby master Feature #20108: Introduction of Happy Eyeballs Version 2 (RFC8305) in Socket.tcp
shioimm (Misaki Shioi) wrote in #note-8:
> shugo (Shugo Maeda) wrote in #note-6:
> > Users of libraries such as Net...
shugo (Shugo Maeda)
09:41 AM Ruby master Feature #20108: Introduction of Happy Eyeballs Version 2 (RFC8305) in Socket.tcp
shioimm (Misaki Shioi) wrote in #note-2:
> There is no way to disable it; HE is intended to avoid fatal delays. Intr...
shugo (Shugo Maeda)

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