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From 03/05/2025 to 03/11/2025
Ruby master: Feature #18784: `FileUtils.rm_f` and `FileUtils.rm_rf` should not mask exceptions: #18784#note-30 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #21175: Range#max called on a beginles Integer Range with excluded end raises TypeError: #21175#note-4 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #21174: Range#max called with an argument on a beginless Integer Range raises RangeError: #21174#note-1 Like1
Ruby master: Misc #21100: DevMeeting before RubyKaigi 2025: #21100#note-1 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #21170: Corrupted Hash (bad VALUE and missing entry) when -1 returned from .hash: #21170#note-1 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #21170: Corrupted Hash (bad VALUE and missing entry) when -1 returned from .hash Like1