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From 12/09/2023 to 12/15/2023
Ruby master: Bug #20043: `defined?` checks for method existence but only sometimes: #20043#note-2 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20063: Inconsistent behavior with required vs optional parameters: #20063#note-1 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20064: Inconsistent behavior between array splat *nil and hash splat **nil Like4
Ruby master: Misc #19980: Is the Ruby 3.3 ABI frozen?: #19980#note-7 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #19114: Calling TracePoint#enable multiple times causes TracePoint to be activated multiple times Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20056: Dir#chdir inconsistency with Dir.chdir Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20056: Dir#chdir inconsistency with Dir.chdir: #20056#note-1 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20058: `warning: bigdecimal/util is found in bigdecimal` even if the gem spec has the `add_dependency "bigdecimal"` entry: #20058#note-5 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20058: `warning: bigdecimal/util is found in bigdecimal` even if the gem spec has the `add_dependency "bigdecimal"` entry: #20058#note-4 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #20057: Change behaviour of rb_register_postponed_job for Ruby 3.3 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20058: `warning: bigdecimal/util is found in bigdecimal` even if the gem spec has the `add_dependency "bigdecimal"` entry: #20058#note-3 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #19370: Anonymous parameters for blocks? Like1
Ruby master: Feature #18368: Range#step semantics for non-Numeric ranges Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20052: reline behaves oddly with redirect (non tty) Like1
Ruby master: Feature #18980: `it` as a default block parameter: #18980#note-47 Like5