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From 12/16/2023 to 12/22/2023
Ruby master: Bug #20076: M:N scheduler is stuck on macOS with RUBY_MN_THREADS=1: #20076#note-5 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #20031: Regexp using greedy quantifier and unions on a big string uses a lot of memory: #20031#note-3 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #18576: Rename `ASCII-8BIT` encoding to `BINARY`: #18576#note-28 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #19422: Make `--enabled-shared` mandatory on macOS: #19422#note-10 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20072: free(): invalid pointer when compiled with --enable-shared --with-jemalloc: #20072#note-6 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20072: free(): invalid pointer when compiled with --enable-shared --with-jemalloc: #20072#note-4 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #18980: `it` as a default block parameter: #18980#note-47 Like5
Ruby master: Bug #19917: Segmentation fault or lost objects when using with moved exceptions: #19917#note-3 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20073: Method lookup incorrect with `--parser=prism`: #20073#note-1 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20064: Inconsistent behavior between array splat *nil and hash splat **nil Like4
Ruby master: Feature #19326: Please add a better API for passing a Proc to a Ractor Like1
Ruby master: Feature #19764: Introduce defp keyword for defining overloadable, pattern matched methods: #19764#note-2 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20064: Inconsistent behavior between array splat *nil and hash splat **nil: #20064#note-1 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #20066: Reduce Implicit Array/Hash Allocations For Method Calls Involving Splats Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20062: Numbered parameters are broken in Ruby 3.3-dev: #20062#note-7 Like1