



Feature #7241


Enumerable#to_h proposal

Added by nathan.f77 (Nathan Broadbent) over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Target version:


I often use the inject method to build a hash, but I always find it annoying when I need to return the hash at the end of the block.
This means that I often write code like:

[1,2,3,4,5].inject({}) {|hash, el| hash[el] = el * 2; hash }

I'm proposing an Enumerable#to_h method that would let me write:

[1,2,3,4,5].to_h {|h, el| h[el] = el * 2 }

I saw the proposal at, but I would not be in favor of his implementation.
I believe the implementation should be similar to inject, so that the hash object and next element are passed to the block. The main difference to the inject method is that we would be modifying the hash in place, instead of relying on the block's return value.

As well as providing support for the case above, I have also considered other cases where the to_h method would be useful.
I thought it would be useful if symmetry were provided for the Hash#to_a method, such that:

hash.to_a.to_h == hash  # => true

(See example 2)

I've allowed developers to provide a symbol instead of a block, so that each element in the collection will be passed to that named method. (See example 3)

Finally, hashes can be given a default value, or a Proc that returns the default value. (See examples 4 & 5)

Heres an example implementation that I would be happy to rewrite in C if necessary:

module Enumerable
  def to_h(default_or_sym = nil)
    if block_given?
      hash = if Proc === default_or_sym
      self.each do |el|
        yield hash, el
    elsif !default_or_sym.nil?
      hash = {}
      self.each do |el|
        hash[el] = el.send(default_or_sym)
      return Hash[*self.to_a.flatten(1)]


1) Build a hash from array elements

[1,2,3,4,5].to_h {|h, el| h[el] = el * 2 }

=> {1=>2, 2=>4, 3=>6, 4=>8, 5=>10}

2) Provides symmetry for Hash.to_a (i.e. you can call hash.to_a.to_h)

[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]].to_h

=> {1=>2, 3=>4, 5=>6}

3) Build a hash by calling a method on each array element

["String", "Another String"].to_h(:size)

=> {"String"=>6, "Another String"=>14}

4) Hash with default value

[4,5,6,5].to_h(0) {|h, el| h[el] += el }

=> {4=>4, 5=>10, 6=>6}

5) Hash with default value returned from Proc

default_proc = -> hash, key { hash[key] = "go fish: #{key}" }
[4,5,6].to_h(default_proc) {|h, el| h[el].upcase! }

=> {4=>"GO FISH: 4", 5=>"GO FISH: 5", 6=>"GO FISH: 6"}

Thanks for your time, and please let me know your thoughts!

Nathan Broadbent

Related issues 4 (0 open4 closed)

Related to Ruby master - Feature #5008: Equal rights for Hash (like Array, String, Integer, Float)Rejectedmatz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)07/10/2011Actions
Related to Ruby master - Feature #4151: Enumerable#categorizeRejectedakr (Akira Tanaka)Actions
Is duplicate of Ruby master - Feature #666: Enumerable::to_hashRejectedmatz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)10/20/2008Actions
Has duplicate Ruby master - Feature #7292: Enumerable#to_hClosedmarcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune)11/07/2012Actions

Updated by Anonymous over 12 years ago

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 07:23:29AM +0900, nathan.f77 (Nathan Broadbent) wrote:

Issue #7241 has been reported by nathan.f77 (Nathan Broadbent).

Feature #7241: Enumerable#to_h proposal

Author: nathan.f77 (Nathan Broadbent)
Status: Open
Priority: Normal
Category: core
Target version:

I often use the inject method to build a hash, but I always find it annoying when I need to return the hash at the end of the block.
This means that I often write code like:

[1,2,3,4,5].inject({}) {|hash, el| hash[el] = el * 2; hash }

1.9.3p194 :001 > [1,2,3,4].each_with_object({}) { |x,o| o[x] = x ** 2 }
=> {1=>1, 2=>4, 3=>9, 4=>16}
1.9.3p194 :002 >

Aaron Patterson

Updated by v_krishna (Vijay Ramesh) over 12 years ago


1.9.3-p0 :001 > Hash[ [1,2,3,4,5].map{|el| [el, el*2]} ]
=> {1=>2, 2=>4, 3=>6, 4=>8, 5=>10}

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 12 years ago

Your idea of to_h is interesting, but it adds too much behavior in one method.
Besides that, since to_s, to_a, to_i etc. are used for implicit conversion, to_h is not a proper name for the method.

Nice try, we will wait for next one.


Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Rejected

Updated by nathan.f77 (Nathan Broadbent) over 12 years ago

Thanks! Sorry, I didn't know about each_with_object.

Do you think it would still be worth shortening
each_with_object([])) { ... } to to_h([]) { ... }, and are any
of the other cases worth supporting?


On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 12:18 PM, Aaron Patterson

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 07:23:29AM +0900, nathan.f77 (Nathan Broadbent)

Issue #7241 has been reported by nathan.f77 (Nathan Broadbent).

Feature #7241: Enumerable#to_h proposal

Author: nathan.f77 (Nathan Broadbent)
Status: Open
Priority: Normal
Category: core
Target version:

I often use the inject method to build a hash, but I always find it
annoying when I need to return the hash at the end of the block.
This means that I often write code like:

[1,2,3,4,5].inject({}) {|hash, el| hash[el] = el * 2; hash }

1.9.3p194 :001 > [1,2,3,4].each_with_object({}) { |x,o| o[x] = x ** 2 }
=> {1=>1, 2=>4, 3=>9, 4=>16}
1.9.3p194 :002 >

Aaron Patterson

Updated by nathan.f77 (Nathan Broadbent) over 12 years ago

OK, no problem! Thanks for your response!

A bit unrelated, but is it strange that each_with_object and inject have a
different order for the block params?

 [1,2,3].inject({}) {|obj, el| obj[el] = el * 2; obj }       #=> {1=>2,

2=>4, 3=>6}

 [1,2,3].each_with_object({}) {|obj, el| obj[el] = el * 2 }  #=>

NoMethodError: undefined method `*' for {}:Hash

 [1,2,3].each_with_object({}) {|el, obj| obj[el] = el * 2 }  #=> {1=>2,

2=>4, 3=>6}

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 12:37 PM, matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) <
> wrote:

Issue #7241 has been updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto).

Status changed from Open to Rejected

Feature #7241: Enumerable#to_h proposal

Author: nathan.f77 (Nathan Broadbent)
Status: Rejected
Priority: Normal
Category: core
Target version:

I often use the inject method to build a hash, but I always find it
annoying when I need to return the hash at the end of the block.
This means that I often write code like:

[1,2,3,4,5].inject({}) {|hash, el| hash[el] = el * 2; hash }

I'm proposing an Enumerable#to_h method that would let me write:

[1,2,3,4,5].to_h {|h, el| h[el] = el * 2 }

I saw the proposal at, but I would
not be in favor of his implementation.
I believe the implementation should be similar to inject, so that the
hash object and next element are passed to the block. The main difference
to the inject method is that we would be modifying the hash in place,
instead of relying on the block's return value.

As well as providing support for the case above, I have also considered
other cases where the to_h method would be useful.
I thought it would be useful if symmetry were provided for the Hash#to_a
method, such that:

hash.to_a.to_h == hash  # => true

(See example 2)

I've allowed developers to provide a symbol instead of a block, so that
each element in the collection will be passed to that named method. (See
example 3)

Finally, hashes can be given a default value, or a Proc that returns the
default value. (See examples 4 & 5)

Heres an example implementation that I would be happy to rewrite in C if

module Enumerable
  def to_h(default_or_sym = nil)
    if block_given?
      hash = if Proc === default_or_sym
      self.each do |el|
        yield hash, el
    elsif !default_or_sym.nil?
      hash = {}
      self.each do |el|
        hash[el] = el.send(default_or_sym)
      return Hash[*self.to_a.flatten(1)]


1) Build a hash from array elements

[1,2,3,4,5].to_h {|h, el| h[el] = el * 2 }

=> {1=>2, 2=>4, 3=>6, 4=>8, 5=>10}

2) Provides symmetry for Hash.to_a (i.e. you can call hash.to_a.to_h)

[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]].to_h

=> {1=>2, 3=>4, 5=>6}

3) Build a hash by calling a method on each array element

["String", "Another String"].to_h(:size)

=> {"String"=>6, "Another String"=>14}

4) Hash with default value

[4,5,6,5].to_h(0) {|h, el| h[el] += el }

=> {4=>4, 5=>10, 6=>6}

5) Hash with default value returned from Proc

default_proc = -> hash, key { hash[key] = "go fish: #{key}" }
[4,5,6].to_h(default_proc) {|h, el| h[el].upcase! }

=> {4=>"GO FISH: 4", 5=>"GO FISH: 5", 6=>"GO FISH: 6"}

Thanks for your time, and please let me know your thoughts!

Nathan Broadbent


Updated by rosenfeld (Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas) over 12 years ago

Maybe .hash_map? each_with_object is a too long name for a very common needed method. Many have asked for a method like it (including me) because they couldn't find "each_with_object" and they ended up learning here after asking for such a method.

Maybe "hash_map" could be a better name for this.

matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) wrote:

Your idea of to_h is interesting, but it adds too much behavior in one method.
Besides that, since to_s, to_a, to_i etc. are used for implicit conversion, to_h is not a proper name for the method.

Nice try, we will wait for next one.


Updated by Anonymous over 12 years ago

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 07:58:33PM +0900, rosenfeld (Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas) wrote:

Issue #7241 has been updated by rosenfeld (Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas).

Maybe .hash_map? each_with_object is a too long name for a very common needed method. Many have asked for a method like it (including me) because they couldn't find "each_with_object" and they ended up learning here after asking for such a method.

Maybe "hash_map" could be a better name for this.

each_with_object isn't specific to hashes, and isn't doing list
translation like map does.

IOW, it sounds perfect for ActiveSupport. ;-)

Aaron Patterson

Updated by rosenfeld (Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas) over 12 years ago

Em 30-10-2012 16:23, Aaron Patterson escreveu:

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 07:58:33PM +0900, rosenfeld (Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas) wrote:

Issue #7241 has been updated by rosenfeld (Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas).

Maybe .hash_map? each_with_object is a too long name for a very common needed method. Many have asked for a method like it (including me) because they couldn't find "each_with_object" and they ended up learning here after asking for such a method.

Maybe "hash_map" could be a better name for this.
each_with_object isn't specific to hashes, and isn't doing list
translation like map does.

IOW, it sounds perfect for ActiveSupport. ;-)

I often have this requirement and I guess others have it as well. There
are two problems with each_with_object in my opinion:

1 - you can't find it easily in the docs when you're looking for some
way to "inject" a Hash without worrying about the result of the block;
hash_map would be easier to find in the docs for newcomers (to
each_with_object I mean, like I was less then an year ago if I remember
2 - it is a too long name. See examples below:

hash =
url), h| h[name] = url }
h = {}; a_long_array_name_as_I_usually_use_for_my_variables.each{|(name,
url)| h[name] = url }; hash = h

Often in my methods I don't really need that extra (; hash = h) so it is
usually much shorter when I don't use each_with_object.

With proposed method:

hash = a_long_array_name_as_I_usually_use_for_my_variables.hash_map{|h,
(name, url)| h[name] = url }

Notice that I changed the order of the arguments for the block. It makes
more sense to me this way, just like inject.

I know this is subjective but I find the last example better to read ;)


Updated by trans (Thomas Sawyer) over 12 years ago

Almost no one uses #each_with_object as it is. #each_with_hash is hardly
better. We need a short method name. Moreover I don't think this method's
behavior is really the best approach to the real use case.

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 7:07 PM, Nathan Broadbent wrote:

Hi everyone,

Please see the pull request that I've opened on Rails ActiveSupport, to
add an each_with_hash method:

@matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto): Do you think this each_with_hash implementation could be added to
Ruby, or is it better as a Rails ActiveSupport extension?


Sorry, says the barman, we don't serve neutrinos. A neutrino walks into a


Updated by nathan.f77 (Nathan Broadbent) over 12 years ago

Almost no one uses #each_with_object as it is. #each_with_hash is hardly
better. We need a short method name. Moreover I don't think this method's
behavior is really the best approach to the real use case.

It's true that each_with_object doesn't seem to be used too much, but when
it is used, the object is usually a hash (for 90% of the cases in Rails, at

I think that each_with_hash should be provided for when you want to map an
enumerable onto a Hash, but I think that there should also be a 'to_h'
method on Array for when you just want to convert an Array into a hash.

I think 'to_h' would be most useful if it supported the behaviour of both
Hash[ arr ], and 'Hash[ *arr ]'. I'm on my phone at the moment, but
here's how I could see that working:

def to_h
if self.all? {|el| el.respond_to? :each && el.size == 2 }

We could just let Hash[] handle any invalid input.

Updated by Anonymous over 12 years ago


In message "Re: [ruby-core:48690] Re: [ruby-trunk - Feature #7241] Enumerable#to_h proposal"
on Thu, 1 Nov 2012 08:07:11 +0900, Nathan Broadbent writes:

|@matz: Do you think this each_with_hash implementation could be added to
|Ruby, or is it better as a Rails ActiveSupport extension?

I think it should go in to ActiveSupport first.


Updated by nathan.f77 (Nathan Broadbent) over 12 years ago

I think it should go in to ActiveSupport first.


Thanks for your reply! The pull request has just been rejected on
ActiveSupport, so I guess that's the end of this discussion :)

Thank you for Ruby, by the way, it's a beautiful language!


Updated by alexeymuranov (Alexey Muranov) over 12 years ago

Just in case, here is some relevant discussion on StackOverflow with benchmarks:

Updated by trans (Thomas Sawyer) over 12 years ago

I wouldn't say it is over. See #4151.

I still like:

module Enumerable
def each_with(x={})
each{ |e| yield(x,e) }

Is #each_with a better name?

Updated by nathan.f77 (Nathan Broadbent) over 12 years ago

I wouldn't say it is over. See #4151. ...

Is #each_with a better name?

Has anyone suggested map_to? I think map_to has a clearer intention
than each_with, because you're mapping the collection onto something, and
then returning it.
I don't really like the each part of each_with_object, because
array.each just returns the array. Since we usually use each to
iterate, and map to build an array, I think map_to(<object>) might make

How does this look:

[1, 2, 3].map_to({}) { |e, hash| hash[e] = e ** 2 }

I'd also propose a map_to_hash method. It's longer than map_to({}), but
I think it's nicer to read:

[1, 2, 3].map_to_hash { |e, hash| hash[e] = e ** 2 }

map_to_hash(0) would also be nicer than map_to(

What do you think?

Updated by jballanc (Joshua Ballanco) over 12 years ago

Clojure has a function (({into})) that might fit the bill. An equivalent Ruby implementation might look something like the following:

class Hash
  alias :<< :merge!

module Enumerable
  def into(coll)
    coll = coll.dup
    each do |elem|
      coll << yield(elem)

chars = (97..107).into({}) { |i| { i => i.chr } }
p chars

require 'prime'
prime_chars = chars.into([]) { |k, v| ? v : nil }
p prime_chars.compact

char_string = chars.into("") { |k, v| "#{k}=>#{v}, " }
p char_string


Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) over 12 years ago

On 2012/11/11 0:47, jballanc (Joshua Ballanco) wrote:

Issue #7241 has been updated by jballanc (Joshua Ballanco).

Clojure has a function (({into})) that might fit the bill.

This indeed looks very promising.

An equivalent Ruby implementation might look something like the following:

 class Hash
   alias :<<  :merge!

I might be wrong, but my guess is that constructing lots of
one-key/value hashes isn't very efficient. Two-element arrays should be
quite a bit more efficient. So we could define this as follows (in the
end in C, but here just in Ruby):

class Hash
def << (other)
case other.class
when Array
store(other[0], other[1])
when Hash
merge! other

(some additional tweaks may be needed for Array-like and Hash-like objects).

 module Enumerable
   def into(coll)
     coll = coll.dup
     each do |elem|
       coll<<  yield(elem)

 chars = (97..107).into({}) { |i| { i =>  i.chr } }
 p chars

 require 'prime'
 prime_chars = chars.into([]) { |k, v| ? v : nil }
 p prime_chars.compact

It would be great to have a version that avoided "compact". Or maybe
only that version would be okay? This would use "concat" instead of
merge! (with Hash#concat an alias for Hash#merge!). Because neither
Hashes nor Strings can be nested, there would actually not be any
difference for those, but for Array, the preceeding code could be
simplified to:

    require 'prime'
    prime_chars = chars.into___([]) { |k, v| ? [v] : [] }

I often want a "collect" method where I'm not forced to collect exactly
one item per item of the original collection. If collect weren't an
alias to map, I think it would even make a lot of sense to use the word
"collect" for this (map: one-to-one, collect: one-to-many).

Regards, Martin.

 char_string = chars.into("") { |k, v| "#{k}=>#{v}, " }
 p char_string


Feature #7241: Enumerable#to_h proposal

Author: nathan.f77 (Nathan Broadbent)
Status: Rejected
Priority: Normal
Category: core
Target version:

I often use the inject method to build a hash, but I always find it annoying when I need to return the hash at the end of the block.
This means that I often write code like:

 [1,2,3,4,5].inject({}) {|hash, el| hash[el] = el * 2; hash }

I'm proposing an Enumerable#to_h method that would let me write:

 [1,2,3,4,5].to_h {|h, el| h[el] = el * 2 }

I saw the proposal at, but I would not be in favor of his implementation.
I believe the implementation should be similar to inject, so that the hash object and next element are passed to the block. The main difference to the inject method is that we would be modifying the hash in place, instead of relying on the block's return value.

As well as providing support for the case above, I have also considered other cases where the to_h method would be useful.
I thought it would be useful if symmetry were provided for the Hash#to_a method, such that:

 hash.to_a.to_h == hash  # =>  true

(See example 2)

I've allowed developers to provide a symbol instead of a block, so that each element in the collection will be passed to that named method. (See example 3)

Finally, hashes can be given a default value, or a Proc that returns the default value. (See examples 4& 5)

Heres an example implementation that I would be happy to rewrite in C if necessary:

 module Enumerable
   def to_h(default_or_sym = nil)
     if block_given?
       hash = if Proc === default_or_sym
       self.each do |el|
         yield hash, el
     elsif !default_or_sym.nil?
       hash = {}
       self.each do |el|
         hash[el] = el.send(default_or_sym)
       return Hash[*self.to_a.flatten(1)]


1) Build a hash from array elements

 [1,2,3,4,5].to_h {|h, el| h[el] = el * 2 }

=> {1=>2, 2=>4, 3=>6, 4=>8, 5=>10}

2) Provides symmetry for Hash.to_a (i.e. you can call hash.to_a.to_h)

 [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]].to_h

=> {1=>2, 3=>4, 5=>6}

3) Build a hash by calling a method on each array element

 ["String", "Another String"].to_h(:size)

=> {"String"=>6, "Another String"=>14}

4) Hash with default value

 [4,5,6,5].to_h(0) {|h, el| h[el] += el }

=> {4=>4, 5=>10, 6=>6}

5) Hash with default value returned from Proc

 default_proc = ->  hash, key { hash[key] = "go fish: #{key}" }
 [4,5,6].to_h(default_proc) {|h, el| h[el].upcase! }

=> {4=>"GO FISH: 4", 5=>"GO FISH: 5", 6=>"GO FISH: 6"}

Thanks for your time, and please let me know your thoughts!

Nathan Broadbent

Updated by nathan.f77 (Nathan Broadbent) over 12 years ago

Clojure has a function (({into})) that might fit the bill.

This indeed looks very promising.

I like the sound of 'into', but am not sure about appending results with
the '<<' operator. If Hash had '<<' and '+' aliases for 'update' and
'merge' (respectively), we might as well give 'map' an optional argument,
and call:

 [1,2,3].map({}) {|i| { i => i ** 2 } }

And if Hash#update accepted a two-element array, we could do:

 [1,2,3].map({}) {|i| [i, i ** 2] }

So I like the 'into' name, but I think it would be more useful as an alias
for 'each_with_object', instead of just 'map' with an argument for the base

I often want a "collect" method where I'm not forced to collect exactly
one item per item of the original collection. If collect weren't an alias
to map, I think it would even make a lot of sense to use the word "collect"
for this (map: one-to-one, collect: one-to-many).

Ruby has a 'flat_map' method (aliased as 'collect_concat') that flattens
the first level of a returned array, so you can append multiple results,
and don't need to use compact. See

 [1,nil,2].flat_map {|i| i ? [i] : [] }    #=> [1, 2]


Updated by rosenfeld (Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas) over 12 years ago

I like "into". But I'd vote it to be an alias to "each_of_object" as I even prefer "into" instead of "each_with" or "map_with". I'd also vote for the order of the closure arguments to be changed.

I read "doubles = numbers.into({}){|h, n| h[n] = 2 * n }" as "assign to double the numbers into a hash indexed by each number having the double as value".


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