Feature #666
There are many ways to obtain an array from enumerables (to_a, map, ...).
There is no natural way to obtain a hash from an enumerable (except for Hash[some_array]).
There is a Hash::to_a but no Array::to_hash.
Here is what I would like:
[[:hello, "world"], [:choice, [:red_pill, :blue_pill]]].to_hash ==> {:hello=>"world", :choice=>[:red_pill, :blue_pill]}
(1..3).to_hash{|n| [n, n**2]} ==> {1 => 1, 2 ==> 4, 3 ==> 9}
I propose to add the following Enumerable::to_hash :
module Enumerable
def to_hash
result = {}
self.each do |key, value|
key, value = yield(key, value) if block_given?
result[key] = value
Since Hash::to_a returns an array of key-value pairs, I fell it's natural that a block to construct a Hash should return key-value pairs.
This definition has nice symmetric properties: for any Hash h, the following all return a copy of h.
h.to_hash{|p| p}
h.to_hash{|k,v| [k,v]}
Thank you for your attention,
Marc-Andre Lafortune
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) about 16 years ago
- Assignee set to matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)
Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) almost 16 years ago
Anyone eagerly waiting for this feature will be interested to read http://redmine.ruby-lang.org/issues/show/1385
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) almost 16 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Rejected
Enumerable in general does not correspond with mappings, so that I feel Enumerable#to_hash is improper.
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) almost 16 years ago
In message "Re: [ruby-core:23298] Re: Feature #666 Enumerable::to_hash"
on Fri, 24 Apr 2009 00:08:53 +0900, Marc-Andre Lafortune ruby-core-mailing-list@marc-andre.ca writes:
|On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 9:55 AM, Michael Fellinger
|m.fellinger@gmail.com wrote:
|> Doesn't the new behaviour of Hash::[] solve these cases just as well?
|Yes indeed it does, but
|1) The new form of Hash[] has yet to be confirmed by Matz (see
|http://redmine.ruby-lang.org/issues/show/1385 ).
Didn't I? I confirm.
|2) It's not as natural as #to_hash. Don't we usually use instance
|methods to convert between types? If you look at conversion between
|basic types, you can convert:
|Numeric <=> String <=> Symbol
|Hash => Array
|All these using instance methods. The only arrow missing is from Array
|back to Hash!
Even though a hash can be represented by an array, there's not always
natural map from Array to Hash. I am not sure how much to_hash is
useful, when we cannot define what [1,2,3].to_hash should return.
Updated by tokland (Arnau Sanchez) almost 14 years ago
I don't know if it's polite to comment in old closed issues, excuse me if it's not.
I have to say that I wholeheartedly agree with Marc-Andre: the lack of Enumerable-to-Hash conversion is important; in my experience it's an extraordinarily common transformation. Let's see what people usually does (unaware of Facet's Enumerable#mash):
- novice way
h = {}
(1..3).each { |n| h[n] = n**2 }
This is just ugly compared with the beautiful, compact, functional code we usually write in Ruby. Moreover, being imperative, it cannot be used in a expression.
- Hash:
Hash[(1..3).map { |n| [n, n**2] }]
Not bad, but it's disappointing in a OOP language to "go back", you'd expect to write from left-to-right as usual and use a method. Moreover, it's less efficient because it needs an intermediate array to be built.
- Enumerable#inject (+update/merge).
(1..3).inject({}) { |hash, n| hash.update(n => 2*n) }
Too verbose, the intent is hidden by the infrastructure.
I think we all agree nothing is clearer than (mash or whatever name):
(1..3).mash { |n| [n, 2*n] }
Finally, answering to Matz prevention:
we cannot define what [1,2,3].to_hash should return
Somehow it's already defined:
=> {}
Although it would be also ok to raise an exception (as Python does, for example). A mapping has been always represented by a collection of pairs (key, value), all languages with minimal functional capabilities (and Ruby has powerful ones) has such function/method transformation.
Updated by mfn (Markus Fischer) over 13 years ago
Arnau Sanchez wrote:
I don't know if it's polite to comment in old closed issues, excuse me if it's not.
I have to say that I wholeheartedly agree with Marc-Andre: the lack of Enumerable-to-Hash conversion is important; in my experience it's an extraordinarily common transformation. Let's see what people usually does (unaware of Facet's Enumerable#mash):
Hash[(1..3).map { |n| [n, n**2] }]Not bad, but it's disappointing in a OOP language to "go back", you'd expect to write from left-to-right as usual and use a method. Moreover, it's less efficient because it needs an intermediate array to be built.
Somehow it's already defined:
=> {}Although it would be also ok to raise an exception (as Python does, for example). A mapping has been always represented by a collection of pairs (key, value), all languages with minimal functional capabilities (and Ruby has powerful ones) has such function/method transformation.
I was about to open a new feature request when I found this, unfortunately rejected, issue.
I'd also love to see Hash[] being available as Array#to_h too; it's just much more convenient. I recently had the urge to sort a hash and would could have been:
some_hash.sort { |a,b| whatever_is_necessary }.to_h
had to be
Hash[ some_hash.sort { |a,b| whatever_is_necessary } ]
- Markus
Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) over 13 years ago
Thanks for commenting on this old request.
You might want to read the thread [ruby-core:33683] on Akira's
proposal for Enumerable#categorize and my alternative proposal
Enumerable#associate which would act as a more versatile
Your input could have more impact on that thread than on this one.
Hopefully we can come up with a neat functionality for the some future
version of Ruby.
Updated by mfn (Markus Fischer) over 13 years ago
On 09.06.2011 20:26, Marc-Andre Lafortune wrote:
You might want to read the thread [ruby-core:33683] on Akira's
proposal for Enumerable#categorize and my alternative proposal
Enumerable#associate which would act as a more versatile
Enumerable#to_hash.Your input could have more impact on that thread than on this one.
Hopefully we can come up with a neat functionality for the some future
version of Ruby.
Thanks for the pointer, very informative. I choose not to add anything
to the other thread, as it seems they goal is a bit different.
My one and only intention is really simple: provide the reverse of
Hash#to_a ("Converts hsh to a nested array of [ key, value ] arrays.") ;
e.g. Array#to_h .
I understood from the other thread much more flexible solutions where
sought, nothing I could aid anything valuable I fear.
I'm just a novice when it comes to Ruby and found a frequent need for
that functionality; maybe it's because of my non-Ruby background and
thus my non-Ruby approach. Likely also that it's not as simple as I
wished this could be, so far Hash[ ... ] was always the solution for me so
class Array ; def to_h ; Hash[ self ]; end; end
worked very well for me.
- Markus
Updated by tokland (Arnau Sanchez) about 11 years ago
For those interested in this feature, check #7292, Marc-Andre implemented Array#to_h and Enumerable#to_h. It's not as powerful (since it takes no block, you'll usually need to create an intermediate array with "map"), but it's definitely better than Hash[pairs]. Thank you Marc-Andre!