Ah, you again. That's a dm-serializer issue then, as their gemspec specifies the json gem as a dependency. Libraries imported to stdlib are not gems. There has been a discussion about shipping ruby with standard gems rather than putting all just in the stdlib, but I think that idea was dismissed.
Issue #4784 has been updated by Lazaridis Ilias.
Shota Fukumori wrote:
It has already included in ruby 1.9.
is our including json gem not equal to yours?
How can I test the version that you have included?
(I've ruby 1.9.2/180)
gem install dm-serializer
ERROR: Error installing dm-serializer:
The 'json' native gem requires installed build tools.
dm-serializer requires json 1.4.6
Just let me know what I should type to give you more info.¶
Feature #4784: Import the JSON library
Author: Lazaridis Ilias
Status: Rejected
Priority: Normal
Category: ext
Target version:
I've personally lost several hours with the JSON gem (and was still not able to resolve the problem in a way that is acceptable for end-users).
The JSON library is an important library.
It should be included into ruby 1.9, thus it works "out-of-the-box" on all platforms.
If this is for any reason not possible, then there should be some kind of "caretaker".
This means that one ruby developer takes care about the sanity of the JSON gem.
This could be e.g. the developer who is responsible for YAML (as yaml/json are somehow related).