



Misc #19352


Feature #17391 was not such a good idea because now Ruby 3.2 can not install Rails v5 or v6 if they use webpacker.

Added by (Scott Milella) about 2 years ago. Updated almost 2 years ago.




I tried logging a GitHub issue to Rails to make them aware of this issue but they said they are no longer bugfixing Rails v6.1 anymore.
So since this IS a Ruby issue at its core this might be the best place for this.

You removed 2 methods from Ruby 3.2 namely:
Dir.exists? [Feature #17391]
File.exists? [Feature #17391]

The reason cited was that it was deprecated since v2 and MAYBE it might be a good idea to remove it in v3.
I disagree.
It will alienate Rails v5 and v6 from at the very least making a new rails app because when the webpacker install is called it uses one or both of those methods.
take a look at this log:

Here is what I did:

Windows 10/11
Installed prerequisites: NodeJS, Yarn, Git, SQLite3 etc.
Install Ruby on Windows using RubyInstaller v3.2.0 filename: "rubyinstaller-devkit-3.2.0-1-x64.exe"
Installed newest rails via gem install rails (installed v7.0.4.1 and it successfully installed)
Install rails via gem install rails -v 6.1.7 (successfully installed)

rails _6.1.7_ new testapp

Here is the install log around the failure point:

Bundle complete! 15 Gemfile dependencies, 78 gems now installed.
Use bundle info [gemname] to see where a bundled gem is installed.
run bundle binstubs bundler
rails webpacker:install
create config/webpacker.yml
Copying webpack core config
create config/webpack
create config/webpack/development.js
create config/webpack/environment.js
create config/webpack/production.js
create config/webpack/test.js
Copying postcss.config.js to app root directory
create postcss.config.js
Copying babel.config.js to app root directory
create babel.config.js
Copying .browserslistrc to app root directory
create .browserslistrc
rails aborted!
NoMethodError: undefined method `exists?' for Dir:Class

Tasks: TOP => app:template
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

Is there any way we can reverse the removal of those 2 methods?
Otherwise you are again alienating Rails v5 (with webpacker) and v6 which a L O T of Rails apps runs on.
Why would you want to release a new version of Ruby that PREVENTS backwards compatibility.

It does work properly on Ruby 3.1, but if you try Ruby 3.2 you will get the method error on exists?.

Thank You,


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