



Bug #13064


Inconsistent behavior with `next` inside `begin`/`end` across different implementations.

Added by jwmittag (Jörg W Mittag) over 7 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Target version:
ruby -v:
ruby 2.4.0dev (2016-12-22 trunk 57151) [x86_64-darwin16]


@Kalsan over on StackOverflow observed inconsistent behavior with next inside begin/end across different implementations. In particular, Rubinius, JRuby, and MRuby all behave the same while YARV behaves differently. In addition, running the same code inside IRb behaves differently than running it as a script.

Usually, YARV is the gold standard, and if some behavior differs from YARV, YARV is right and the other implementation is wrong. However, in this case, not only do all other implementations disagree with YARV, but in particular, MRuby/Rite, the implementation written and maintained by matz himself disagrees with YARV.

So, what is the correct behavior for this (admittedly) non-sensical code?

Here is the behavior across different versions of YARV and different implementations:

  • YARV 2.2.0 (the build shipping with macOS)

      # ruby -v -W -e 'begin; begin puts 1; next end; puts 2 end'
      ruby 2.0.0p648 (2015-12-16 revision 53162) [universal.x86_64-darwin16]
      -e:1: warning: statement not reached
      -e:1: Invalid next
      -e: compile error (SyntaxError)
  • YARV 2.3.1 (the version JRuby claims to be compatible with at the moment), 2.3.3, 2.4.0-preview3, 2.4.0-dev (current SVN trunk as of yesterday):

      # ruby -v -W -e 'begin; begin puts 1; next end; puts 2 end'
      ruby 2.4.0dev (2016-12-22 trunk 57151) [x86_64-darwin16]
      -e:1: warning: statement not reached
      -e: -e:1: Invalid next (SyntaxError)
  • Rubinius 3.69

      # rbx -v -W -e 'begin; begin puts 1; next end; puts 2 end'
      rubinius 3.69 (2.3.1 a57071c6 2016-11-17 3.8.1) [x86_64-darwin15.6.0]
                      main # Rubinius::Loader at core/loader.rb:860
                     evals # Rubinius::Loader at core/loader.rb:646
                      eval # Kernel(Rubinius::Loader) at core/kernel.rb:1130
          call_on_instance # Rubinius::BlockEnvironment at core/block_environment.rb:147
         { } in __script__ # Object at -e:1
                jump_error . Rubinius at core/rubinius.rb:279
      invalid context for 'next' (LocalJumpError)
      An exception occurred evaluating command line code
  • JRuby (the latest release)

      # jruby -v -W -e 'begin; begin puts 1; next end; puts 2 end'
      jruby (2.3.1) 2016-11-09 0150a76 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 25.102-b14 on 1.8.0_102-b14 +jit [darwin-x86_64]
      LocalJumpError: unexpected next
        <main> at -e:1
  • MRuby 1.2.0 (the minimal ISO compliant Ruby implementation written by matz himself)

      # mruby -v -e 'begin; begin puts 1; next end; puts 2 end'
      mruby 1.2.0 (2015-11-17) 
      00001 NODE_SCOPE:
      00001   NODE_BEGIN:
      00001     NODE_BEGIN:
      00001       NODE_BEGIN:
      00001         NODE_CALL:
      00001           NODE_SELF
      00001           method='puts' (383)
      00001           args:
      00001             NODE_INT 1 base 10
      00001         NODE_NEXT:
      00001       NODE_CALL:
      00001         NODE_SELF
      00001         method='puts' (383)
      00001         args:
      00001           NODE_INT 2 base 10
      irep 0x7fe0e3c1b630 nregs=4 nlocals=1 pools=1 syms=1 reps=0
      file: -e
          1 000 OP_LOADSELF	R1		
          1 001 OP_LOADI	R2	1	
          1 002 OP_SEND	R1	:puts	1
          1 003 OP_ERR	"unexpected next"
          1 004 OP_LOADSELF	R1		
          1 005 OP_LOADI	R2	2	
          1 006 OP_SEND	R1	:puts	1
          1 007 OP_STOP
      	[0] -e:1
      LocalJumpError: unexpected next

What is most interesting is that MRuby, JRuby and Rubinius actually agree on the behavior, but differ from YARV. Either YARV or all the other ones are wrong. I cannot say which ones, though.


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