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From 04/11/2023 to 04/17/2023
Ruby master: Feature #19604: XOAUTH2 support in net-pop Like2
Ruby master: Bug #19246: Rebuilding the loaded feature index much slower in Ruby 3.1: #19246#note-8 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #19246: Rebuilding the loaded feature index much slower in Ruby 3.1: #19246#note-7 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #19246: Rebuilding the loaded feature index much slower in Ruby 3.1: #19246#note-6 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #19246: Rebuilding the loaded feature index much slower in Ruby 3.1: #19246#note-5 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #19246: Rebuilding the loaded feature index much slower in Ruby 3.1: #19246#note-4 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #19567: Add Oxford Comma Support for better readability Like13
Ruby master: Feature #19591: Add symbolize_names to MatchData#named_captures: #19591#note-2 Like1
Ruby master: Misc #19599: DevMeeting-2023-05-10 @ Matsumoto, Japan Like1
Ruby master: Bug #19417: Regexp \p{Word} and [[:word:]] do not match Unicode Other_Number character: #19417#note-3 Like2
Ruby master: Bug #19597: Process.argv0 returns the same mutable String: #19597#note-2 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #18842: Ruby's Resolv library does not handle correctly the `NODATA` case Like1
Ruby master: Bug #19593: Crash due to throw data set as cause Like1