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From 04/18/2023 to 04/24/2023
Ruby master: Misc #19613: Add version information to all function documentation: #19613#note-7 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #19559: Introduce `Symbol#+@` and `Symbol#-@`, and eventually replace boolean arguments with symbols: #19559#note-7 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #16787: [patch] allow Dir.home to work for non-login procs when $HOME not set: #16787#note-20 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #16787: [patch] allow Dir.home to work for non-login procs when $HOME not set: #16787#note-19 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #19472: Ractor::Selector to wait multiple ractors: #19472#note-4 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #19604: XOAUTH2 support in net-pop Like2
Ruby master: Feature #19607: Introduce `Hash#symbolize_keys`.: #19607#note-4 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #19371: Having Psych 5 installed raises an error during another gem's C-extension installation when parsing YAML: #19371#note-4 Like1