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From 12/23/2023 to 12/29/2023
Ruby master: Bug #20085:{ }.resume causes Segmentation fault for Ruby 3.3.0 on aarch64-linux: #20085#note-12 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20085:{ }.resume causes Segmentation fault for Ruby 3.3.0 on aarch64-linux: #20085#note-11 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20085:{ }.resume causes Segmentation fault for Ruby 3.3.0 on aarch64-linux: #20085#note-9 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20085:{ }.resume causes Segmentation fault for Ruby 3.3.0 on aarch64-linux: #20085#note-8 Like3
Ruby master: Bug #20085:{ }.resume causes Segmentation fault for Ruby 3.3.0 on aarch64-linux: #20085#note-13 Like2
Ruby master: Bug #20085:{ }.resume causes Segmentation fault for Ruby 3.3.0 on aarch64-linux Like4
Ruby master: Feature #19333: Setting (Fiber Local|Thread Local|Fiber Storage) to nil should delete value in order to avoid memory leaks.: #19333#note-8 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20092: Warnings for anonymous parameters do not display in Ruby 3.4dev: #20092#note-1 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20085:{ }.resume causes Segmentation fault for Ruby 3.3.0 on aarch64-linux: #20085#note-10 Like2
Ruby master: Bug #20089: Fiber#kill transfers to root fiber Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20094: Inline while loop behavior changed unexpectedly in 3.3.0: #20094#note-1 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #15899: String#before and String#after: #15899#note-5 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #15899: String#before and String#after: #15899#note-2 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20083: String#match? behaving inconsistently with Ruby 3.3.0: #20083#note-5 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20085:{ }.resume causes Segmentation fault for Ruby 3.3.0 on aarch64-linux: #20085#note-5 Like2
Ruby master: Bug #20085:{ }.resume causes Segmentation fault for Ruby 3.3.0 on aarch64-linux: #20085#note-7 Like3
Ruby master: Feature #20093: Syntax or keyword to reopen existing classs/modules, never to define new classs/modules Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20085:{ }.resume causes Segmentation fault for Ruby 3.3.0 on aarch64-linux: #20085#note-3 Like2
Ruby master: Bug #20085:{ }.resume causes Segmentation fault for Ruby 3.3.0 on aarch64-linux: #20085#note-4 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #18980: `it` as a default block parameter Like15
Ruby master: Feature #17859: Start IRB when running just `ruby` Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20081: Transfered Fiber doesn't return to Fiber that started it Like1
Ruby master: Bug #20078: StringIO cannot be moved between Ractors: #20078#note-4 Like1