Hmm, yeah that request seems reasonable. Right now it seems to be assigning left-to-right. So (({i})) is assigned (({s[i]})), making (({i})) equal to (({1})), only then is (({s[i]})) evaluated and assigned (({7})) as if it's a separate expression on a new line.
Could be a difficult change to make at least in terms of backwards compatibility, but the suggested behaviour is less surprising than the current behavior in my opinion.
I think it's good that Lavir is bringing this up, although I share MA's
feeling. I don't see how his proposal it would break "a, b = b, a". On the
contrary, "a, b = b, a" would only break if the assignment indeed worked
sequentially looks questioningly @ wardrop & nobu. I do not know whether
this slightly counterintuitive behavior is a problem of that requires
change in the code behavior, or just better documentation to remove the
feeling of surprise, but I do not regard design by jury the best approach
in this case.