I'm not so sure I'd expect Proc#hash to be equal in these cases. Of course, I don't feel like Procs that simply have the same code and closure should be expected to be eql? either.
Each proc has its own scope and its own reference to closed-over containing scope. They can be used independently and have independent state of their own. Should they be eql? and have identical hash values?
What constitutes equivalent procs? Just the code it contains? That's obviously not enough, since they'll have access to different closed-over state. The code it contains and the lexical scope in which it is instantiated? That's not consistently supported either, for whatever reason:
~/projects/jruby ➔ ruby1.9 -e "x = ->{def foo; end}; y = ->{def foo; end}; p x.eql? y"
~/projects/jruby ➔ ruby1.9 -e "x = ->{:foo}; y = ->{:foo}; p x.eql? y"
~/projects/jruby ➔ ruby1.9 -e "x = ->{'foo'}; y = ->{'foo'}; p x.eql? y"
~/projects/jruby ➔ ruby1.9 -e "x = ->{if true; false; end}; y = ->{if true; false; end}; p x.eql? y"
~/projects/jruby ➔ ruby1.9 -e "x = ->{->{}}; y = ->{->{}}; p x.eql? y"
~/projects/jruby ➔ ruby1.9 -e "x = ->{5}; y = ->{5}; p x.eql? y"
~/projects/jruby ➔ ruby1.9 -e "x = ->{5.0}; y = ->{5.0}; p x.eql? y"
~/projects/jruby ➔ ruby1.9 -e "x = ->{[]}; y = ->{[]}; p x.eql? y"
~/projects/jruby ➔ ruby1.9 -e "x = ->{[5.0]}; y = ->{[5.0]}; p x.eql? y"
~/projects/jruby ➔ ruby1.9 -e "x = proc {}; y = lambda {}; p x.eql? y"
I only searched for a few minutes and came up with all these inconsistencies in 1.9's Proc#eql?. Obviously the containing scope and the code within the proc are not enough to determine eql?, and simple cases like ->{'foo'}, which should be easy to call "equivalent", make me believe it's not a good idea to trust Proc#eql? in any case anyway. And if you can't trust eql? I'm not sure how useful it is to trust hash.
Maybe someone more familiar with MRI can explain what criteria should be used to determine equivalence of two procs? I can't figure it out from the above examples.
There may also be evidence here that this is a very implementation-specific detail. In JRuby, when a given Proc has been JIT-compiled, should it still be eql? the same proc that has not been compiled? In the case of precompiling a Proc, so that the original AST no longer exists at runtime, what would be use to determine the proc is equivalent to some other proc?