Feature #15590
openAdd dups to Array to find duplicates
Many times I find myself debugging data and the need of finding duplicated values inside of an Array.
Based on the amount of data it could be a simple array.detect { |value| array.count(value) > 1 }
or a more performant way like
def dups_for(array)
duplicated_values = []
tmp = {}
array.each do |value|
duplicated_values << value if tmp[value]
tmp[value] = true
It would be awesome if there was a way directly from the core language to call dups
(or another name, as it could be too similar to the current dup
) on an array in order to get all the duplicated values.
I'd love to create a PR for this, but my C level is non-existent 😞
Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) about 6 years ago
I am not entirely sure whether I understood the proposal or the code example.
What do you mean with duplicated values in an Array? Do you mean something
"reversed" such as a complementary method to .uniq (Array#uniq)? Or is the
suggestion related to Object#dup? https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.6.1/Object.html#method-i-dup
I assume that you more refer to a complementary method to .uniq but I am not
completely sure, so I hope it's ok for you to clarify on that just to make sure, when
you have some time.
(We may also have to look at the chosen name for the method; I am not sure if
.dups would be an acceptable method due to potential confusion.)
Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) about 6 years ago
After re-reading, I think you may refer more to a method such as:
on class Array, right?
If this is the case then I understand your example and proposal and
I am slightly in favour (if it is meant as a complementary method to
.uniq; at the least I remember that I had to do this a few times to
detect the duplicate entries, e. g. faulty files that may keep track of
dependencies for programs to compile, and had twice the same content
in the same .yml file; I am sure others may have had somewhat
similar use cases here and there - but again, right now I am not
100% sure if this is what Eric suggested actually).
Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 6 years ago
Many times I find myself debugging data and the need of finding duplicated values inside of an Array
Could you elaborate the use case?
Updated by xdmx (Eric Bloom) about 6 years ago
I assume that you more refer to a complementary method to .uniq but I am not
completely sure, so I hope it's ok for you to clarify on that just to make sure, when
you have some time.
Sorry for not having included an example!
Yes, I mean it as a complementary method of uniq
, and actually duplicates
would be much better than dups
Could you elaborate the use case?
The use case is mostly: you have a list of data, which could be a list of ids, names, codes, or others and you want to know which ones of them are duplicated in the array.
So for example, you have a list of cities: ["Tokyo", "Paris", "London", "Miami", "Paris", "Orlando", "Dubai", "Tokyo", "Paris"]
and it includes some duplicated values (Tokyo
and Paris
), and you want to find out which ones are duplicated. This would be the same for ids, or other values. If you increase the list to hundreds of values, it'd be harder to find it by just looking at the list :)
As the result I'd probably expect the list each duplicated values (["Paris", "Tokyo", "Paris"]
) instead of a uniq version of them (["Paris", "Tokyo"]
I personally do it many times to check data in the database or from other sources (csv, json) to discover duplicated records with the same name, code, or other values, especially while cleaning up legacy data and where there were no previous constraints/checks.
Updated by tad (Tadashi Saito) about 6 years ago
How about Set#add?
require 'set'
a = ["Tokyo", "Paris", "London", "Miami", "Paris", "Orlando", "Dubai", "Tokyo", "Paris"]
s = Set.new
p a.select{|e| !s.add?(e)} #=> ["Paris", "Tokyo", "Paris"]
Updated by sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada) about 6 years ago
With the newly introduced tally
, you can also do:
a = ["Tokyo", "Paris", "London", "Miami", "Paris", "Orlando", "Dubai", "Tokyo", "Paris"]
a.tally(&:itself).flat_map{|k, v| Array.new(v - 1, k)}
#=> ["Tokyo", "Paris", "Paris"]
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 6 years ago
sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada) wrote:
a.tally(&:itself).flat_map{|k, v| Array.new(v - 1, k)}
As tally
does not take a block, &:itself
is not used.
It's a mistake in the rdoc.