Nobuyoshi Nakada wrote:
In Ruby, Regexp#=~ would be used more preferably than
String#=~, I guess.
$ ruby -r pathname -e 'p /o/ =~ Pathname("foo")'
However I often convert existing code from path Strings to Pathname.
I made this feature request after chasing the following bug on three
separate occasions:
def munge(file)
if file =~ %r!\d+!
# ...
'file' was a String but is now a Pathname. If NoMethodError were
raised there would be no problem. However it now calls Kernel#=~
which always returns false.
While String and Pathname are quite different, the effect of, say, '+'
is obvious in contrast to the silent failure of a regexp match.
The use of Pathname should probably be encouraged, but if it causes
too much breakage (and with no exceptions raised indicating the
problem), I can imagine people not bothering with Pathname. Making
this common case work will help the transition.
Since I regard Pathname as an "almost String", I think Pathname#=~ is