Feature #6895
closedTracePoint API
Added by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.
= Abstract
Let's introduce TracePoint API that can replace set_trace_func().
= Background
See discussions on [Feature #6649] http://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/show/6649.
Problems with set_trace_func:
- Invoke trace funcs on all events (C level API can filter events)
- With this spec, we can't add new trace event (compatibility issue)
- Slow because it generates binding object each trace func
= Proposal
Introduce TracePoint API.
trace = TracePoint.trace(event1, event2, ...) do |tp|
# tp has methods like:
# event: event name represented by Symbol like :line.
# "c-call", "c-return" is :c_call, :c_return (sub('-', '_'))
# file, line: return filename and line number
# klass, id: return class or id (depends on a context. Same as set_trace_func)
# binding: return (generated) binding object
# self: new method. same as tp.binding.eval('self')
... # trace func
# tp is TracePoint object.
# In fact, tp is same object as `trace'.
# We don't need any object creation on trace func.
... # Proc are called 1.600000 0.000000 1.600000 ( 1.601750)
0.280000 0.000000 0.280000 ( 0.287466)
0.750000 0.000000 0.750000 ( 0.741344)
1.400000 0.020000 1.420000 ( 1.420574)
trace.untrace # stop tracing
trace.retrace # restart tracing
`eventN' parameter for TracePoint.trace() is set of symbols. You can specify events what you want to trace. If you don't specify any events on it, then all events are activate (similar to set_trace_func).
= Implementation
See https://github.com/ko1/ruby/compare/tracepoint.
Try https://github.com/ko1/ruby/tracepoint.
= Evaluation
TracePoint API doesn't make temporary object on default. It is faster than current set_trace_func.
require 'benchmark'
MAX = 1_000_000
$c1 = $c2 = 0
set_trace_func(lambda{|args| $c1+=1})
a = 1
trace = TracePoint.trace(%i{line call return c_call c_return}){|tp| $c2+=1}
a = 1
trace = TracePoint.trace(%i{line call return c_call c_return}){|tp| $c2+=1; tp.event; tp.self; tp.method_id}
a = 1
trace = TracePoint.trace(%i{line call return c_call c_return}){|tp| $c2+=1; tp.event; tp.self; tp.method_id; tp.binding}
a = 1
user system total real
1.140000 0.000000 1.140000 ( 1.145847)
0.200000 0.000000 0.200000 ( 0.194970)
0.380000 0.000000 0.380000 ( 0.385857)
1.250000 0.000000 1.250000 ( 1.251083)
= Problems
- TracePoint.trace(...) is good interface?
- Now, noway to specify Thread specific hooks (like Thread#set_trace_func)
= Next Step
I also want to introduce block enter/leave events on TracePoint.
Updated by trans (Thomas Sawyer) over 12 years ago
Looks great. Really nice that there is performance gain too.
Can we use TracePoint.new to get instance that is not automatically active? eg.
tracer = TracePoint.new{ |tp| ... }
Is same as:
tc = TracePoint.trace{ |tp| ... }
Also, I assume that if no events are given as arguments, it includes all events?
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago
(2012/08/21 6:11), trans (Thomas Sawyer) wrote:
Can we use TracePoint.new to get instance that is not automatically active? eg.
tracer = TracePoint.new{ |tp| ... }
tracer.traceIs same as:
tc = TracePoint.trace{ |tp| ... }
I understand your proposal. I use "Thread.new (Thread.start)" analogy
(and current set_trace_func analogy). I think two different behavior is
not good. Which one do you like?
Also, I assume that if no events are given as arguments, it includes all events?
`eventN' parameter for TracePoint.trace() is set of symbols. You can specify events what you want to trace. If you don't specify any events on it, then all events are activate (similar to set_trace_func).
But there is an issue. Now "all" means same events that set_trace_func
supports. But if I add other events like "block invoke", then what mean
the "all"?
// SASADA Koichi at atdot dot net
Updated by Anonymous over 12 years ago
Looks good so far. What I'd ask though is that for return events one be
able to get the return value and for exception events one be able to get
the exception message.
On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 10:03 PM, SASADA Koichi ko1@atdot.net wrote:
(2012/08/21 6:11), trans (Thomas Sawyer) wrote:
Can we use TracePoint.new to get instance that is not automatically
active? eg.tracer = TracePoint.new{ |tp| ... }
tracer.traceIs same as:
tc = TracePoint.trace{ |tp| ... }
I understand your proposal. I use "Thread.new (Thread.start)" analogy
(and current set_trace_func analogy). I think two different behavior is
not good. Which one do you like?Also, I assume that if no events are given as arguments, it includes all
Yes.`eventN' parameter for TracePoint.trace() is set of symbols. You can
specify events what you want to trace. If you don't specify any events on
it, then all events are activate (similar to set_trace_func).But there is an issue. Now "all" means same events that set_trace_func
supports. But if I add other events like "block invoke", then what mean
the "all"?--
// SASADA Koichi at atdot dot net
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago
(2012/08/21 13:25), Rocky Bernstein wrote:
Looks good so far.
What I'd ask though is that for return events one be
able to get the return value and for exception events one be able to get
the exception message.
Okay. I'll try it.
// SASADA Koichi at atdot dot net
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago
(2012/08/20 16:10), ko1 (Koichi Sasada) wrote:
Issue #6895 has been reported by ko1 (Koichi Sasada).
Feature #6895: TracePoint API
= AbstractLet's introduce TracePoint API that can be replaced with set_trace_func().
I asked matz ana he said "commit it and try".
Please check it.
// SASADA Koichi at atdot dot net
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
This issue was solved with changeset r36773.
Koichi, thank you for reporting this issue.
Your contribution to Ruby is greatly appreciated.
May Ruby be with you.
- vm_trace.c: support TracePoint. [ruby-trunk - Feature #6895]
- test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add tests for above.
- proc.c (rb_binding_new_with_cfp): add an internal function.
- vm.c (rb_vm_control_frame_id_and_class): add an internal function.
- vm_trace.c: add rb_add_event_hook2() and rb_thread_add_event_hook2().
Give us the good name for them!
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago
(2012/08/21 6:11), trans (Thomas Sawyer) wrote:
Can we use TracePoint.new to get instance that is not automatically active? eg.
tracer = TracePoint.new{ |tp| ... }
Another idea:
tracer = TracePoint.new(events...){...}
set_trace_func(tracer) # activate
// SASADA Koichi at atdot dot net
Updated by Anonymous over 12 years ago
Two things. OO methods (in contrast to global methods from Kernel) are
generally the way Ruby does things, right? Second, to reduce confusion and
keep compatibility set_trace_func() should be retired.
That said, these are small points in the larger issue of having something
that makes writing debuggers, profilers and tracers easier and provide more
usefulness. So it is those aspects, personally, I care more about than
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 1:35 AM, SASADA Koichi ko1@atdot.net wrote:
(2012/08/21 6:11), trans (Thomas Sawyer) wrote:
Can we use TracePoint.new to get instance that is not automatically
active? eg.tracer = TracePoint.new{ |tp| ... }
tracer.traceAnother idea:
tracer = TracePoint.new(events...){...}
set_trace_func(tracer) # activate--
// SASADA Koichi at atdot dot net
Updated by trans (Thomas Sawyer) over 12 years ago
I understand your proposal. I use "Thread.new (Thread.start)" analogy
(and current set_trace_func analogy). I think two different behavior is
not good. Which one do you like?
Hmm... Well if we can only have one it would have to be the first b/c it gives most flexibility. But I don't understand why we can't have both when the second (TracePoint.trace) would just be a convenience shortcut to the first, i.e.
def TracePoint.trace(*events, &block)
TracePoint.new(*events, &block).trace
Also, I assume that if no events are given as arguments, it includes all events?
Yes.`eventN' parameter for TracePoint.trace() is set of symbols. You can specify events what you want to trace. If you don't specify any events on it, then all events are activate (similar to set_trace_func).
But there is an issue. Now "all" means same events that set_trace_func
supports. But if I add other events like "block invoke", then what mean
the "all"?
"All" should mean all. If you add other events then those should be included too. Why would you think not to include your new events?
Updated by trans (Thomas Sawyer) over 12 years ago
Techinically that should be:
def TracePoint.trace(*events, &block)
t = TracePoint.new(*events, &block)
Updated by drbrain (Eric Hodel) over 12 years ago
On Aug 20, 2012, at 00:10, ko1 (Koichi Sasada) redmine@ruby-lang.org wrote:
trace.untrace # stop tracing
trace.retrace # restart tracing
I think start/stop or on/off (like tracer.rb) are preferable to having "trace" twice on the same line.
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago
(2012/08/23 1:22), trans (Thomas Sawyer) wrote:
I understand your proposal. I use "Thread.new (Thread.start)" analogy
(and current set_trace_func analogy). I think two different behavior is
not good. Which one do you like?
Hmm... Well if we can only have one it would have to be the first b/c it gives most flexibility. But I don't understand why we can't have both when the second (TracePoint.trace) would just be a convenience shortcut to the first, i.e.def TracePoint.trace(*events, &block)
TracePoint.new(*events, &block).trace
In some cases, flexibility doesn't improve usability.
I understand that TracePoint.new API improves flexibility. But it is
more difficult to retrieve it. For example, users need to consider when
the trace activate.
And I doubt that the flexibility helps users. Any use-case?
Also, I assume that if no events are given as arguments, it includes all events?
Yes.`eventN' parameter for TracePoint.trace() is set of symbols. You can specify events what you want to trace. If you don't specify any events on it, then all events are activate (similar to set_trace_func).
But there is an issue. Now "all" means same events that set_trace_func
supports. But if I add other events like "block invoke", then what mean
the "all"?
"All" should mean all. If you add other events then those should be included too. Why would you think not to include your new events?
Compatibility. But it can be avoid if we add about it in a document.
// SASADA Koichi at atdot dot net
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago
(2012/08/23 5:04), Eric Hodel wrote:
On Aug 20, 2012, at 00:10, ko1 (Koichi Sasada) redmine@ruby-lang.org wrote:
trace.untrace # stop tracing
trace.retrace # restart tracingI think start/stop or on/off (like tracer.rb) are preferable to having "trace" twice on the same line.
I use "untrace/retrace" because tracer is active after
TracePoint.trace{}. I want to emphasize trace again by "untrace".
I agree "on/off" naming if we accept TracePoint.new API. like:
trace = TracePoint.new(...){...} # not activated
// SASADA Koichi at atdot dot net
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago
(2012/08/23 12:26), SASADA Koichi wrote:
I use "untrace/retrace" because tracer is active after
TracePoint.trace{}. I want to emphasize trace again by "untrace".
Oops. I use "retrace" to emphasize again.
I also think we need reconsidering "TracePoint" name.
Now, TracePoint object have two functionality.
(1) Trace control
"start and stop" tracing. #trace, #untrace.
(2) Trace status snapshot
Get current status. #event, #line, #file, #biding
You can see this mixture by the following code.
tracer = TracePoint.trace(){
p tracer.binding # (2)
tracer.untrace # (1)
BTW tracer.binding out from tracer block causes an exception.
Maybe the name "TracePoint" by trans is for (2).
// SASADA Koichi at atdot dot net
Updated by trans (Thomas Sawyer) over 12 years ago
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 11:18 PM, SASADA Koichi ko1@atdot.net wrote:
I understand that TracePoint.new API improves flexibility. But it is
more difficult to retrieve it. For example, users need to consider when
the trace activate.And I doubt that the flexibility helps users. Any use-case?
The advantage comes if you want to setup a tracepoint prior to
activating it, say when something triggers a callback for example. If
we can't pre-build the tracepoint, then we will have to store the
events and procedure separately before applying it and then cache the
result -- it just makes it a little less straight-forward to
implement. A super simplistic example:
class MyPoint
def initialize(*events, &block)
@trace = TracePoint(*events, &block)
def trigger!
@trace.on unless @trace.on?
class MyPoint
def initialize(events, &block)
@events = events
@block = block
def trigger!
@trace ||=TracePoint.trace(@events, &@block)
@trace.on unless @trace.on?
And what about creating a TracePoint and passing it as an argument
(e.g. IOC pattern)? Without new we have to create it and turn it off
real quick first?
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to Assigned
- Assignee set to ko1 (Koichi Sasada)
- Target version set to 2.0.0
I need to consider about:
- TracePoint enable/disable API [ruby-core:47305]
- Add interface to get returned/raised value [ruby-core:47259]
- trace block enter/leave interface
Sorry for my late response.
This ticket should be open.
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago
Finally, I changed TracePoint API to
- TracePoint.new
- TracePoint.trace
- TracePoint#enable
- TracePoint#disable
- TracePoint#enabled?
I believe you can imagine what happen. Please review it.
Remaining task is writing documents. Anyone can help us?
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago
(2012/08/21 13:53), SASADA Koichi wrote:
What I'd ask though is that for return events one be
able to get the return value and for exception events one be able to get
the exception message.
Okay. I'll try it.
Sorry for my laziness, I made two methods:
at r37752.
Could you try and review it?
And any other requests for TracePoint?
// SASADA Koichi at atdot dot net
Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 12 years ago
Ko1, may I close this ticket?
Yusuke Endoh mame@tsg.ne.jp
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Closed
I close it.
Updated by zzak (zzak _) over 12 years ago
I want to help with documentation, but I will open a separate ticket for review.
Updated by trans (Thomas Sawyer) over 12 years ago
I made a comparison of the API with the pure Ruby TracePoint gem I had written and have a few points:
Do all traces have a defined event type now? I see that I had #event? and #eventless? methods in my API b/c sometimes event is nil, I think.
Is there a way to get the callee, i.e. the current method name (if any)?
I had defined #=== so one could use case statements matching against event types. Might be handy.
Is #klass method necessary since one can call
? But maybeself.class
is much less efficient? Also, "klass" is an ugly name. Would be nice if there were a better alias, but I can't think of a good name. -
Lastly, is there a way to get prior binding(s)? It's been a long time, but when I first worked on this I recall a need to get access to the previous binding. Unfortunately I can't recall why now, but I remember it being a significant enough problem that I made sure to add support for it.
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago
(2012/11/26 4:27), trans (Thomas Sawyer) wrote:
I made a comparison of the API with the pure Ruby TracePoint gem I had
written and have a few points:
I don't copy TracePoint gem.
- Do all traces have a defined event type now? I see that I had #event? and #eventless? methods in my API b/c sometimes event is nil, I think.
I can't get points.
What is "defined event"?
- Is there a way to get the callee, i.e. the current method name (if any)?
caller or caller_locations is not enough?
- I had defined #=== so one could use case statements matching against event types. Might be handy.
case tp.event
when :call, :c_call
is not enough?
- Is #klass method necessary since one can call
? But maybeself.class
is much less efficient? Also, "klass" is an ugly name. Would be nice if there were a better alias, but I can't think of a good name.
I agree with
- it is ugly
- but no good name
- Lastly, is there a way to get prior binding(s)? It's been a long time, but when I first worked on this I recall a need to get access to the previous binding. Unfortunately I can't recall why now, but I remember it being a significant enough problem that I made sure to add support for it.
No. It is too powerful. It should be discuss at another place.
// SASADA Koichi at atdot dot net
Updated by trans (Thomas Sawyer) over 12 years ago
I can't get points.
What is "defined event"?
Undefined event, where tp.event #=> nil
. I would assume there is always an event type, but just checking this is so.
caller or caller_locations is not enough?
Wouldn't caller_locations return the location in the trace block itself? And caller has to be parsed. It would be nice to have method to get calling method name. Should I write new issue?
No. It is too powerful. It should be discuss at another place.
I don't copy TracePoint gem.
Considering your wrote C API and gem is pure Ruby, that would be hard to do. But API is necessarily close to same by definition. But you sound defensive. I never said you copied. Is it really too much to ask to recognize that I had done previous work in this regard?
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago
I renamed methods:
- TracePoint#file -> TracePoint#path
- TracePoint#line -> TracePoint#lineno
to make consistent to RubyVM::Backtrace::Location.
Make sense?
// SASADA Koichi at atdot dot net
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago
(2012/11/26 5:47), SASADA Koichi wrote:
- Is #klass method necessary since one can call
? But maybeself.class
is much less efficient?
klass' and
self.class' is different.
`klass' is several meaning:
- on call/return event: method defined class.
class C0
def m
class C1 < C0
TracePoint.trace(:call){|tp| p [tp.klass, tp.self.class]}
C1.new.m #=> [C0, C1]
on class/end event: nil (I wonder this behavior!!)
on line, raise event: class of current method.
The best solution seems prepare methods for each event.
such as:
defined_class # it is for call, return event.
current_class # it is for line, raise event.
I think only `defined_class' is enough.
Any comments?
// SASADA Koichi at atdot dot net
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to Assigned
I didn't receive your comment from ruby-core.
trans (Thomas Sawyer) wrote:
I can't get points.
What is "defined event"?Undefined event, where
tp.event #=> nil
. I would assume there is always an event type, but just checking this is so.
tp.event has always symbol or raise an exception.
caller or caller_locations is not enough?
Wouldn't caller_locations return the location in the trace block itself? And caller has to be parsed. It would be nice to have method to get calling method name. Should I write new issue?
I understand your point.
Which method name do you like?
I don't copy TracePoint gem.
Considering your wrote C API and gem is pure Ruby, that would be hard to do. But API is necessarily close to same by definition. But you sound defensive. I never said you copied. Is it really too much to ask to recognize that I had done previous work in this regard?
Sorry if you feel bad. I only want to say new TracePoint is independent from your gem and should not depend on it.
Comments are welcome, of course.
Updated by zzak (zzak _) over 12 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by zzak (zzak _) over 12 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Closed
This issue was solved with changeset r38045.
Koichi, thank you for reporting this issue.
Your contribution to Ruby is greatly appreciated.
May Ruby be with you.
- vm_trace.c: Documentation for TracePoint API
[ruby-core:47243] [Feature #6895]