Feature #5632
Attempt to open included class shades it instead.
# Hello everyone. I'm not a very advanced ruby user, and I
# would like to provide and outsider report on certain ruby
# behavior that might surprise newbies.
module A
class X
def hello; puts 'hello' end
module B
include A
=> hello
# As expected.
# But when I tried to add new functionality to X, ...
module B
class X
def goodbye; puts 'goodbye' end
=> NoMethodError
# I was surprised, that my .hello method disappeared,
# when all I was trying to do, was to improve X in B.
# I actually somehow expected to work on a subclass
# of X, like this:
module C
include A
class X < X
def goodbye; puts 'goodbye' end
# My suggestions are:
# 1. I consider 'class X < X' syntax a little bit
# mysterious. How about making this a default
# behavior for 'class X' statements?
# 2. If the above is not considered beneficial, I
# would welcome if 'class X' statement warned
# when shadowing an existing name. People might
# often assume that they are opening an existing
# class, rather than getting a brand new one
# shadowing the previous one. If people really
# want a brand new shadowing class without warning
# they could use explicit 'X = Class.new'.
Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 13 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Assigned
- Assignee set to matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) almost 13 years ago
- Assignee changed from matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) to mame (Yusuke Endoh)
- Target version set to 3.0
Quite reasonable. But the change would introduce serious incompatibility, so that we can not make this happen in 2.0.
Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 13 years ago
Hello, Matz
Do you think how should it be fixed? Suggestion 1?
I think Suggestion 2 (just warning) can be included in 2.0.
Yusuke Endoh mame@tsg.ne.jp
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) almost 13 years ago
Basically it is just alternative appearance of:
class A
A = 22
class B < A
p B::A
class B
A = 42
p B::A
Current Ruby does not warn you. If you want to warn class overriding, you have to warn above problem as well.
Updated by Anonymous almost 13 years ago
Well, it feels weird to disagree with the creator of the language you decided to use for your career, but matz, I think that in your example, in
class B
A = 42
it is very clear, that you are performing an assignment. There is no need for warning.
But my problem was, that I thought I was opening an existing class using
class X
def goodbye, puts 'goodbye' end
that is, not performing assignment to X, but changing the object to which X refers.
But instead, "class X" statement performed a hidden assignment of a newly created
class to X. I believe that in this case, warning is needed. The warning could be
avoided by eg. explicitly assigning
X = Class.new
and then working with it:
class X
# do the definitions
The warning should activate only when X was pre-assigned and hidden assignment is
being performed by 'class' statement.
Updated by Anonymous almost 13 years ago
In this place, I'd also like to provide user feedback about my (unwarranted, but real)
surprise involving a weakly related issue:
module A; def initialize; puts "hello"; end
class B; include A end
A = Module.new
> "hello"
And there I was surprised. I did get constant redefine warning, but I ignored it,
as I was writing tests and I wanted to blank out A mixin. I clung on the class
name A, but to include statement, capital 'A' was just as irrelevant as if it
was small 'a' (Another proof that there are actually no constants in Ruby :)
I hope I didn't waste too much of your time by this.
Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) almost 13 years ago
On 8 May 2012 20:41, boris_stitnicky (Boris Stitnicky)
boris@iis.sinica.edu.tw wrote:
In this place, I'd also like to provide user feedback about my (unwarranted, but real)
surprise involving a weakly related issue:module A; def initialize; puts "hello"; end; end # there was a missing end
class B; include A end
A = Module.new
And there I was surprised. I did get constant redefine warning, but I ignored it,
as I was writing tests and I wanted to blank out A mixin. I clung on the class
name A, but to include statement, capital 'A' was just as irrelevant as if it
was small 'a' (Another proof that there are actually no constants in Ruby :)
As you say, the constants are not constant in a usual sense, they are
global identifiers that should not be reassigned.
You can think of module Name
as Name = defined?(Name) ? Name : Module.new
and the change of scope (same for class Name
). That is,
if Name is already defined, just use it, otherwise create the module.
What happens here is you create a module A with a method initialize.
You then include it in B, which means adding the module instance in
the ancestors:
=> [B, A, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
Then you actually redefine A to an empty module.
Unfortunately, if you do again
=> [B, A, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
You still see A in the ancestors (this might be worth to be reported
as a separate issue),
although that module you see is still the old one, which name was not updated:
=> [:initialize]
=> []
This is maybe not the most intuitive behavior, but it is consistent.
An object is not bound to a variable or a constant, and the references
are direct. The only "magic" that happens is when you assign for the
first time a class/module to a constant, it takes the name of that
In any case, avoid redefining constants as much as possible, and don't
make assumptions on constant resolution when the module is included.
If you want to ensure to re-open a class, just use
ClassName.class_exec { ... }.
Updated by Anonymous almost 13 years ago
Back to the original issue, having
module A; class X; def hello; puts 'hello' end end end
module B; include A end
then using "class X" statement inside B module does not behave as you say,
"X = defined?(X) ? X : Class.new", but as
"X = self.constants(false).include?(:X) ? X : Class.new",
which is undocumented and yet has to be memorized - a surefire recipe for
unwanted language exploration session in irb.
Let me say in detail what problem I was solving back then. It was a Petri
net with place and transition classes in its namespace:
module Petri
class Place # define Petri net place (marking property etc.)
class Transition # defines Petri net transition (firing, enabled-disabled etc.)
class Net # a collection of connected Places and Transitions
Having defined this, I said to myself: Now I'll make a special kind of a Petri net,
that can do some addtional tricks:
module ChemicalPetri
include Petri
NA = 6.022e23 # teach it Avogadro's number
class Transition
# teach transitions Arrhenius equation
In fact, I expected to work on a deep subclass of 'Petri' module. But "class Transition"
gave me a brand new class silently, and there I had to forget about chemical equations
and hit irb. After 1 day, I figured out I have to write:
class Transition < Transition
# teach transitions Arrhenius equation
Yet, "class Transition" was the first thing that jumped to my mind to get what I wanted.
From retrospective, there are 3 logically justified behaviors for "class Transition"
statement in this situation:
- Opening the ancestor's class, explicitly:
class Petri::Transition; # do modifications
This is most "logical", because Transition constant is already there, but
opening ancestor's assets in offspring modules is hardly a good habit. - Creation of a brand new class, explicitly:
Transition = Class.new; class Transition; # do modifications
Less logical, but justifiable behavior, encouraging bad habits less. - Operation on a subclass, explicitly:
class Transition < Transition; # do modifications
Perhaps least logical, but I suspect that most frequently needed behavior.
I lean towards concluding, that in this situation "class X" statement is
always intuitively ambiguous and perhaps should always warn, explaining
what exactly is it doing, no matter which of the 3 behaviors is chosen
in Ruby implementation.
User should explicitly either ask for the parent's class (class A::X),
or explicitly create a new class (X = Class.new), or explicitly subclass
parent's X (class X < X). Since "class X < X" requires good understanding
of what's going on behind the scenes, perhaps there should be a new
statement(s) controlling this kind of subclassing behavior, something like
"subclass_also X", "deep_subclass_also X". (These are really not good
In sum, I'm trying to convey my feelings that once Ruby is used as a
math language to make slightly more complex object models, deep subclassing
might be an everyday need and should be provided for in the language
itself, rather than expecting users to write their own gems for this.
Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) almost 13 years ago
On 9 May 2012 13:49, boris_stitnicky (Boris Stitnicky)
boris@iis.sinica.edu.tw wrote:
Issue #5632 has been updated by boris_stitnicky (Boris Stitnicky).
Back to the original issue, having
module A; class X; def hello; puts 'hello' end end end
module B; include A endthen using "class X" statement inside B module does not behave as you say,
"X = defined?(X) ? X : Class.new", but as
"X = self.constants(false).include?(:X) ? X : Class.new",
Indeed, that's what I wanted to say, thanks for finding my error.
From retrospective, there are 3 logically justified behaviors for "class Transition"
statement in this situation:
- Opening the ancestor's class, explicitly:
class Petri::Transition; # do modifications
This is most "logical", because Transition constant is already there, but
opening ancestor's assets in offspring modules is hardly a good habit.- Creation of a brand new class, explicitly:
Transition = Class.new; class Transition; # do modifications
Less logical, but justifiable behavior, encouraging bad habits less.- Operation on a subclass, explicitly:
class Transition < Transition; # do modifications
Perhaps least logical, but I suspect that most frequently needed behavior.
I would not want the class keyword without "< ParentClass" to inherit
from anything else than Object.
The main class keyword use is to create a class, so it makes sense to
me it reopens only if it is in the strictly same context
But I'll agree with you "class X < X" is rather confusing. I would
rather write it "class Transition < Petri::Transition" in your case,
to be clear on the intention.
I believe a good documentation on constants would be a great addition.
Updated by Anonymous almost 13 years ago
I would not want the class keyword without "< ParentClass" to inherit
from anything else than Object.
Yes, that's correct when creating a new class. But I was not interested
in creating a class in my code. I just wanted to open the class inherited
from the namespace of the parent module (Petri) and teach it new tricks in
the child module (ChemicalPetri), representing Petri applied to chemistry,
all of this without changing the vanilla Petri in any way.
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) about 6 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Closed
After 7 years of consideration, I reject this issue. In the example in the original, the first X
class is defined as A::X
and the second definition (override attempt) was done in B::X
. Since they are different, we define different classes. Case closed.