Bug #5374
closedWeird SecurityError with ruby1.9, File.stat/Dir.glob and $SAFE=1
I've tried to find workaroud for one GetText-Ruby bug with untainted data from Dir.glob (http://rubyforge.org//tracker/?func=detail&atid=3377&aid=28336&group_id=855).
Here it is (full text is in gettext-test.rb):
module GetText
class MOFile
alias :oldload :load
def load(arg)
arg = arg.dup.untaint if arg.kind_of? String
It works fine with ruby 1.8, but with 1.9 with debug enabled there is a
message about exception SecurityError:
Exception `SecurityError' at /usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/gettext/runtime/mofile.rb:75 - Insecure operation - stat
The corresponding code is
74 begin
75 st = File.stat(arg)
76 @last_modified = [st.ctime, st.mtime]
77 rescue Exception
78 end
I've put line
warn "$SAFE == #{$SAFE}; arg.tainted? == #{arg.tainted?}"
before it, and it says:
$SAFE == 1; arg.tainted? == false
So why the exception is if arg is NOT tainted? Note: it was discovered on Debian
GNU/Linux box with 1.9.3preview1. Full log is in gettext-debian.log
Going further.
I've made very simple test program which mimics GetTExt-Ruby and workaround for
it, see test.rb in attachment.
This program was tested on Win32 box with 1.9.2-p180 and -p290.
Been run as "ruby -T1 test.rb u" output was clean. But been run as "ruby -T1
test.rb t" or "ruby -T1 test.rb t" is had an exception on files test1234.txt
and test12345.txt (see full test.log in attachment). 't' means "send tainted
object to function", 'u' means "send untainted", 'b' means "send tainted, then
untainted". But on Debian box it outputs NO error.
At last, I have run test for GetText on win box, and it failed with exception
Exception `SecurityError' at C:/fsc.tmp/gettext/runtime/locale_path.rb:90 - Insecure operation - glob
Log is in gettext-win.log
But whether Dir.glob is insecure with $SAFE==1?