



Bug #4453


Overriding #to_s changes #inspect

Added by yimutang (Joey Zhou) about 14 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Target version:
ruby -v:
ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18) [i386-mingw32]


My Ruby is: ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18) [i386-mingw32]

sample codes 1:

class Foo # subclass of Object, inherits #inspect and #to_s
def initialize(bar,baz)
@bar, @baz = bar, baz

obj =, :dog)

puts "\n== #inspect ====="
p obj #<Foo:0xb44398 @bar=:cat, @baz=:dog>
puts obj.inspect #<Foo:0xb44398 @bar=:cat, @baz=:dog>
printf "%p", obj #<Foo:0xb44398 @bar=:cat, @baz=:dog>

puts "\n== #to_s ========"
puts obj.to_s #Foo:0xb44398
printf "%s", obj #Foo:0xb44398

Yes, #inspect and #to_s are not synonyms, they return different strings.

sample codes 2, add 'def to_s':

class Foo
def initialize(bar,baz)
@bar, @baz = bar, baz
def to_s # override #to_s method
"has @bar = #{@bar}, @baz = #{@baz}."

obj =, :dog)

puts "\n== #inspect ====="
p obj # has @bar = cat, @baz = dog.
puts obj.inspect # has @bar = cat, @baz = dog.
printf "%p", obj # has @bar = cat, @baz = dog.

puts "\n== #to_s ========"
puts obj.to_s # has @bar = cat, @baz = dog.
printf "%s", obj # has @bar = cat, @baz = dog.

However, overriding #to_s makes #inspect do the identical thing. I don't think it's perfect.

In fact, the problem was reported in 2009.

At the bottom of the page, Matz said:

"Redefining #to_s should not affect inspect, if they are totally different."

I agree with Matz. #to_s and #inspcet should not be synonyms:

#to_s maybe for the user of the application, they want a readable message;

but #inspect maybe for the programmer, they want a debug information.

So, if this is a bug, maybe it should be fixed. If it's a feature in 1.9.2, I think it's not a good one,

because I lose a quick and convenient debug method to know an object's class the its instance variables.

I may want to show something readable to user of my app, as well as something usable for myself.

The feature (or bug) doesn't satisfy both.


to_s_and_inspect.txt (2.07 KB) to_s_and_inspect.txt yimutang (Joey Zhou), 03/01/2011 11:53 AM

Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Related to Ruby - Feature #1786: unexpected #inspect behaviourClosed07/18/2009Actions
Has duplicate Ruby - Feature #6130: inspect using to_s is painClosedmame (Yusuke Endoh)03/12/2012Actions
Actions #1

Updated by yimutang (Joey Zhou) about 14 years ago

My Ruby is: ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18) [i386-mingw32]

sample codes 1:
class Foo # subclass of Object, inherits #inspect and #to_s
def initialize(bar,baz)
@bar, @baz = bar, baz

obj =, :dog)

puts "\n== #inspect ====="
p obj #<Foo:0xb44398 @bar=:cat, @baz=:dog>
puts obj.inspect #<Foo:0xb44398 @bar=:cat, @baz=:dog>
printf "%p", obj #<Foo:0xb44398 @bar=:cat, @baz=:dog>

puts "\n== #to_s ========"
puts obj.to_s #Foo:0xb44398
printf "%s", obj #Foo:0xb44398

Yes, #inspect and #to_s are not synonyms, they return different strings.

sample codes 2, add 'def to_s':
class Foo
def initialize(bar,baz)
@bar, @baz = bar, baz
def to_s # override #to_s method
"has @bar = #{@bar}, @baz = #{@baz}."

obj =, :dog)

puts "\n== #inspect ====="
p obj # has @bar = cat, @baz = dog.
puts obj.inspect # has @bar = cat, @baz = dog.
printf "%p", obj # has @bar = cat, @baz = dog.

puts "\n== #to_s ========"
puts obj.to_s # has @bar = cat, @baz = dog.
printf "%s", obj # has @bar = cat, @baz = dog.

However, overriding #to_s makes #inspect do the identical thing. I don't think it's perfect.

In fact, the problem was reported in 2009.
At the bottom of the page, Matz said:
"Redefining #to_s should not affect inspect, if they are totally different."
I agree with Matz. #to_s and #inspcet should not be synonyms:
#to_s maybe for the user of the application, they want a readable message;
but #inspect maybe for the programmer, they want a debug information.

So, if this is a bug, maybe it should be fixed. If it's a feature in 1.9.2, I think it's not a good one,
because I lose a quick and convenient debug method to know an object's class the its instance variables.
I may want to show something readable to user of my app, as well as something usable for myself.
The feature (or bug) doesn't satisfy both.


Actions #2

Updated by yimutang (Joey Zhou) about 14 years ago

I'm so sorry! I copy the report from my notepad. I don't know why the text formatting get so messy.
so I upload the report txt...

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) about 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Assigned
  • Assignee set to matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)



Actions #4

Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) almost 14 years ago

Matz, how about it?

Updated by qwerty55 (salvatore giudice) almost 13 years ago

Is there some reason that this bug persists for years? Every time I'm debugging a new ruby programmer's code, I run into this. Rookies love to override to_s for some odd reason. When inspect and pp break on to_s, it makes me see flames and hear the screaming children again.

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) almost 13 years ago

qwerty55 (salvatore giudice) wrote:

Is there some reason that this bug persists for years?

Because you didn't report it.
You should thank yimutang.

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 13 years ago

  • Assignee changed from matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) to mame (Yusuke Endoh)

A feature ticket #6130 duplicates this ticket.
And matz accepted #6130. So this will be "fixed" in 2.0

To prevent a discussion log from being scattered, please
don't reply to this ticket any more.

Yusuke Endoh

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Closed

"Fixed" at r36699. See #6130.

Yusuke Endoh


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