Bug #3167
closedRDoc issues in interactive mode
Recently, rdoc has changed a lot the interface.
While there is a lot of improvement, I'd like to report these issues:
- completion with methods does not work when in interactive mode and typed a class (you need to type again the class or type it yourself(so no completion))
ri -i
[description of String]
gsu => no completion
but String#gsu works
That's a small matter, I agree.
methods should be a comma separated list in interactive mode
because the current output is very long and verbose and make you scroll a lot to see the class description
The separation of the methods depending from which 'gem' it comes is really useful and should be kept. -
when you happen to type something bad (like 'Array[' or 'Array#['), it crash (understandable) but it also freeze my terminal.
ctrl+c get a new prompt, but I am unable to type.
If you type entirely, it works nicely: 'Array<#|.>[]' for the instance method, 'Array::[]' for the class.
(Shouldn't '.' try to resolve first to class methods, because :: is longer, and not working so good currently?) -
completion of ::<class_method> seem to not work in some cases like File::open and even 'File.<*>'