



Feature #2480


request to add GC::Profiler.time method

Added by rogerdpack (Roger Pack) over 15 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

Target version:


currently we have

... stuff

report = GC::Profiler.result # report is set to a verbose ascii string

What I would like is to be able to add garbage time to profiling information [i.e. "within this method, of the total time that was used, GC took 42ms")

=> float of the total time used (ms).

or could call it time_used or total_time or whatever.

Then it would make adding GC time to profiler time much faster, as I wouldn't have to parse the result output each time to calculate my own total (it would just be a matter of calling Profiler.time, seeing if the time has increased since last setting).



gc_prof_totaltime.patch (1.71 KB) gc_prof_totaltime.patch wanabe (_ wanabe), 03/03/2010 11:17 PM
Actions #1

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 15 years ago

  • Category set to core
  • Status changed from Open to Assigned
  • Assignee set to authorNari (Narihiro Nakamura)
  • Target version set to 2.0.0



Actions #2

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 15 years ago

  • Category deleted (core)
  • Status changed from Assigned to Open
  • Assignee deleted (authorNari (Narihiro Nakamura))
  • Target version deleted (2.0.0)


What I would like is to be able to add garbage time to profiling information [i.e. "within this method, of the total time that was used, GC took 42ms")

If anyone (nari?) writes a patch, it can be accepted and committed
because no one has disagreed, I guess.

Yusuke Endoh

Actions #3

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 15 years ago

  • Category set to core
  • Status changed from Open to Assigned
  • Assignee set to authorNari (Narihiro Nakamura)
  • Target version set to 2.0.0



Actions #4

Updated by wanabe (_ wanabe) about 15 years ago

I wrote a patch.
If it is OK, I'll commit later.

Actions #5

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 15 years ago


2010/3/3 _ wanabe :

File gc_prof_totaltime.patch added

I wrote a patch.
If it is OK, I'll commit later.


The name `total_time' is also good for me.

Yusuke ENDOH


Actions #6

Updated by authorNari (Narihiro Nakamura) about 15 years ago


I wrote a patch.
If it is OK, I'll commit later.


The name `total_time' is also good for me.

Me, too.

Narihiro Nakamura (nari)


Actions #7

Updated by wanabe (_ wanabe) about 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Closed

Applied at r26814. Thank you.

Actions #8

Updated by rogerdpack (Roger Pack) about 15 years ago

Many thanks. I will use this in the ruby-prof gem most likely, for more intuitive profiling.


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