Feature #2455
closed--dump=parsetree, --dump=parsetree_with_comment
Ruby をデバッグする際、node の構造をざっと把握したい場合がしばしば
--dump=insns にならって、--dump=parsetree を入れてもいいでしょうか。
$ ./ruby --dump=parsetree -e '1 + 2 + 3'
Do NOT use this node dump for any purpose¶
other than debug and research.¶
@ NODE_SCOPE (line: 1)¶
+- nd_tbl: (empty)¶
+- nd_args:¶
| (null node)¶
+- nd_body:¶
@ NODE_CALL (line: 1)¶
+- nd_mid: :+¶
+- nd_recv:¶
| @ NODE_CALL (line: 1)¶
| +- nd_mid: :+¶
| +- nd_recv:¶
| | @ NODE_LIT (line: 1)¶
| | +- nd_lit: 1¶
| +- nd_args:¶
| @ NODE_ARRAY (line: 1)¶
| +- nd_alen: 1¶
| +- nd_head:¶
| | @ NODE_LIT (line: 1)¶
| | +- nd_lit: 2¶
| +- nd_next:¶
| (null node)¶
+- nd_args:¶
@ NODE_ARRAY (line: 1)¶
+- nd_alen: 1¶
+- nd_head:¶
| @ NODE_LIT (line: 1)¶
| +- nd_lit: 3¶
+- nd_next:¶
(null node)¶
$ ./ruby --dump=parsetree_with_comment -e '1 + 2 + 3'
Do NOT use this node dump for any purpose¶
other than debug and research.¶
@ NODE_SCOPE (line: 1)¶
| # [nd_tbl]: local table, [nd_args]: arguments, [nd_body]: body¶
+- nd_tbl (local table): (empty)¶
+- nd_args (arguments):¶
| (null node)¶
+- nd_body (body):¶
@ NODE_CALL (line: 1)¶
| # nd_mid
+- nd_mid (method id): :+¶
+- nd_recv (receiver):¶
| @ NODE_CALL (line: 1)¶
| | # nd_mid
| +- nd_mid (method id): :+¶
| +- nd_recv (receiver):¶
| | @ NODE_LIT (line: 1)¶
| | | # nd_lit
| | +- nd_lit (literal): 1¶
| +- nd_args (arguments):¶
| @ NODE_ARRAY (line: 1)¶
| | # [ [nd_head], [nd_next].. ] (length: [nd_alen])¶
| +- nd_alen (length): 1¶
| +- nd_head (element):¶
| | @ NODE_LIT (line: 1)¶
| | | # nd_lit
| | +- nd_lit (literal): 2¶
| +- nd_next (next element):¶
| (null node)¶
+- nd_args (arguments):¶
@ NODE_ARRAY (line: 1)¶
| # [ [nd_head], [nd_next].. ] (length: [nd_alen])¶
+- nd_alen (length): 1¶
+- nd_head (element):¶
| @ NODE_LIT (line: 1)¶
| | # nd_lit
| +- nd_lit (literal): 3¶
+- nd_next (next element):¶
(null node)¶
Ruby のデバッグ以外にも、Ruby のコードに習熟していない人が Ruby の
私が昔 compile.c を読み始めていたころを思い出すと、node の構造を
nd_head, nd_body などの名前が様々な意味で転用・乱用されているので)
「デバッグと研究目的以外に使うな」と明示することで、node が非公開
API であることを再度主張する効果もあるかもしれません。
Yusuke Endoh mame@tsg.ne.jp
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 15 years ago
まつもと ゆきひろです
In message "Re: [ruby-dev:39853] [Feature #2455] --dump=parsetree, --dump=parsetree_with_comment"
on Tue, 8 Dec 2009 03:46:08 +0900, Yusuke Endoh redmine@ruby-lang.org writes:
|Ruby をデバッグする際、node の構造をざっと把握したい場合がしばしば
|--dump=insns にならって、--dump=parsetree を入れてもいいでしょうか。
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 15 years ago
(2009/12/09 16:56), Yukihiro Matsumoto wrote::
// SASADA Koichi at atdot dot net
Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 15 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
This issue was solved with changeset r26053.
Yusuke, thank you for reporting this issue.
Your contribution to Ruby is greatly appreciated.
May Ruby be with you.