



Misc #17932


90s design (please lets move to 21st century)

Added by WaKeMaTTa (Mohamed Ziata) about 3 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.



Hello there,

I want to modernizer the "Ruby Issue Tracker because every time I access that site, I want to throw up 🤮¹

Here my different proposals to solve this MAJOR issue:

a) Update the design of redmine using Bootstrap, Tailwind or another modern CSS freamwork.

b) Move fully in to Github Discussions & Github Issues. (I'm sure if we contact Github they will be pleased to help us migrate in to Github Discussions/Issues).

c) (Propose yours, in the comments below.)

If we decide to choose the option A, I will be please to help.

Let's do a Cons and Pros about each proposal.

OPTION "don't change anything"

  • PROS:
    • No work.
  • CONS:

OPTION "Update the design using modern CSS framework"

  • PROS:
    • A fresh look, that gives life to the community.
  • CONS:

OPTION "Migrate to Github Discussions/Issues"

  • PROS:
    • More accessible for new Devs (because most devs they have an account in Github).
    • 1 place for issues, discusions and code!
    • A non broken search.
  • CONS:
    • Migration to do.
    • Depending to much from Github? (I know that Microsoft bought Github, and MS has a very bad reputation, but Github seams that they are not letting that bad behavior corrupt Github).

ANALOGY: Do you know when you are Code Reviewing,
but you see something super ugly in the code that you are reviewing,
and then this super ugly thing doesn't allow you to see anything else,
you only that ugly thing.

Then this is what it happens to me evey time I access
If you go to my profile you can see that I was Registered on 04/02/2015,
and I have 0 issues and 0 comments, because the first thing that I do when I arrive to that, is to close it. (NO JOKE)


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