



Bug #13237


Behavior for #dup and #clone on Rational/Complex/BigDecimal differs from Integer/Float

Added by stomar (Marcus Stollsteimer) over 7 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Target version:
ruby -v:
ruby 2.4.0p0 (2016-12-24 revision 57164) [x86_64-linux]


Since the implementation of feature #12979, #dup and #clone on Integer and Float do not raise a TypeError anymore, and silently return self. Rational and Complex still raise an exception.

I'm not sure whether this inconsistent behavior is intended or only an oversight. I guess all Numeric classes should behave in a similar way?

Additionally, what is the intention regarding the returned object for non-immediate numeric values, should they return self or a new object?
At the time being, BigDecimal (which already did allow #dup/#clone before the change) returns a new object, while Bignum integers return self.

Current behavior:

RUBY_VERSION  # => "2.4.0"

1.dup      # => 1
1.clone    # => 1
1.5.dup    # => 1.5
1.5.clone  # => 1.5

Rational(1).dup    rescue $!  # => #<TypeError: can't copy Rational>
Rational(1).clone  rescue $!  # => #<TypeError: can't copy Rational>
Complex(1).dup     rescue $!  # => #<TypeError: can't copy Complex>
Complex(1).clone   rescue $!  # => #<TypeError: can't copy Complex>

require "bigdecimal"
BigDecimal(1).dup    # => 0.1e1
BigDecimal(1).clone  # => 0.1e1

d = (1<<64)
[d.object_id, d.dup.object_id, d.clone.object_id]  # => [5134140, 5134140, 5134140]

d = BigDecimal(1)
[d.object_id, d.dup.object_id, d.clone.object_id]  # => [5133040, 5132900, 5132840]

Old behavior:

RUBY_VERSION  # => "2.3.3"

1.dup      rescue $!  # => #<TypeError: can't dup Fixnum>
1.clone    rescue $!  # => #<TypeError: can't clone Fixnum>
1.5.dup    rescue $!  # => #<TypeError: can't dup Float>
1.5.clone  rescue $!  # => #<TypeError: can't clone Float>

Rational(1).dup    rescue $!  # => #<TypeError: can't copy Rational>
Rational(1).clone  rescue $!  # => #<TypeError: can't copy Rational>
Complex(1).dup     rescue $!  # => #<TypeError: can't copy Complex>
Complex(1).clone   rescue $!  # => #<TypeError: can't copy Complex>

require "bigdecimal"
BigDecimal(1).dup    # => #<BigDecimal:101e270,'0.1E1',9(27)>
BigDecimal(1).clone  # => #<BigDecimal:101dfa0,'0.1E1',9(27)>

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Has duplicate Ruby master - Feature #13985: Avoid exception for #dup/#clone on Rational and ComplexClosedActions

Also available in: Atom PDF
