



Bug #10613


SNI is not optional when using TLS

Added by edk750 (Eddy Kim) over 9 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

Target version:
ruby -v:


If ruby is using openssl with TLS extensions, and we attempt to connect to a server which supports TLS, but not SNI, the connection fails.


uri = URI.parse("") # a server that supports TLSv1 but not the TLS extensions
http =, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
http.ssl_version = :TLSv1
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
response = http.get(url)
OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server hello B: parse tlsext

If I patch the Net::HTTP#connect method to not assign the hostname to the socket (s), we can avoid this error.


optional-sni.patch (1019 Bytes) optional-sni.patch patch to disable SNI edk750 (Eddy Kim), 12/17/2014 10:47 PM

Updated by edk750 (Eddy Kim) over 9 years ago

sorry, this was my first ticket, so didn't see the bug reporting guidelines until now:

ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22 revision 43786) [x86_64-linux]
(although the patch is against 2.1)

And this should go to naruse, though I can't seem to edit the issue metadata to assign it to him. :(

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 9 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
  • Status changed from Open to Assigned
  • Assignee set to naruse (Yui NARUSE)

Updated by edk750 (Eddy Kim) over 9 years ago

Hi, any feedback on this?

The patch adds the ability to turn off SNI triggering behavior, but by default it continues the previous behavior.

Not all SSL servers support SNI, and by forcing SNI without an option to disable it, makes it impossible to communicate with an conforming TLS implementation.

We're using this patch on our ruby installations, but I think this is something that would be widely useful to the community, especially since it's not obvious why a TLS negotiation would fail with some servers.

Please let me know if I need to do anything to help get this merged in.


Updated by bschmeck (Ben Schmeckpeper) over 7 years ago

Is there any chance of this patch getting merged?

We're encountering this bug and are currently monkeypatching the Net::HTTP#connect method to disable SNI for the connections where it's problematic.

Updated by rhenium (Kazuki Yamaguchi) over 7 years ago

Which server? TLS servers conforming to the TLS/TLS extensions specification should simply ignore the extension if it is not supported.

Updated by bschmeck (Ben Schmeckpeper) over 7 years ago

Unfortunately, I don't know any details about the server. It's not a box that we own.

I am connecting over an SSH tunnel, so the hostname being used for SNI is The server simply returns a 400; my best guess is that it's not configured to use a default certificate for unknown hostnames. (I can make things work by editing /etc/hosts locally, but that's not a viable approach in our production environment.)

I am able to set the Host and Location headers, but have not been able to find a better solution than mokeypatching Net::HTTP#connect to disable SNI for connections to this server.

In my case, the cert on this server is expired, so I don't even verify it. For what it's worth, cURL does not perform SNI when certificate checking is disabled (using the -k or --insecure flag.)

(Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I had just created my account and wasn't watching this issue.)

Updated by rhenium (Kazuki Yamaguchi) over 7 years ago

Ben Schmeckpeper wrote:

I am connecting over an SSH tunnel, so the hostname being used for SNI is The server simply returns a 400; my best guess is that it's not configured to use a default certificate for unknown hostnames. (I can make things work by editing /etc/hosts locally, but that's not a viable approach in our production environment.)

Connecting to HTTPS server with a raw IP address is not supported currently because the domain name is required for the SNI and also for the certificate verification on connection time.

There is a rejected ticket about specifying the IP address to connect, though in Japanese: [Feature #5180]. Editing /etc/hosts and overriding are the suggested workaround.

Not sure about what is the best way if net/http wants to support such usage, but I can say adding an option to turn off SNI is not on the right track.

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Closed

I think the need for this is handled by Net::HTTP#ipaddr=, which was added in Ruby 2.4.


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