Bug #9607
closedChange the full GC timing
Generational GC (called RGenGC) was introduced from Ruby 2.1.0. RGenGC
reduces marking time dramatically (about x10 faster). However, RGenGC
introduce huge memory consumption. This problem has impact especially
for small memory machines.
Ruby 2.1.1 introduced new environment variable
RUBY_GC_HEAP_OLDOBJECT_LIMIT_FACTOR to control full GC timing. However,
this solution is not solve problem completely.
To solve this issue, we modify Full GC timing strategy:
(1) Always invoke full GC before extending the heap.
(2) Increase the heap if not enough old-objects space.
This modification introduces a bit slow down, but reduce memory
Background and problem¶
RGenGC algorithm¶
Ruby 2.0 and earlier versions uses simple mark and sweep. Long marking
time had been an big issue. To solve this issue, Ruby 2.1.0 introduced
new generational GC called RGenGC (restricted generational GC).
RGenGC algorithm enables to introduce partial marking (called minor GC'), which marks only newer created objects, and skips marking fof old objects (*1). Sometime, this marks all objects (called
major GC' or
`full GC'). Many minor GC and small number of major GC makes GC faster.
(*1) RGenGC doesn't skip sweeping for old-objects. This is another issue.
Full GC timing¶
There is a question: "When should we invoke invoke full GC?".
Usually, generational GC uses the strategy that "when a space for old
objects is full, then invoke full GC".
Ruby 2.1.0 defines the size of old space for old objects with
old_object_limit' and old_object_limit is doubled by the old objects number (
old_object_count') at the last full GC.
Before the GC, we determine minor or major by comparing
old_object_limit' and current old objects number (
if we compare current old object number and old_object_limit, and do
full GC if old_object_count > old_object_limit.
Here is a pseudo code of RGenGC:
def gc
if old_object_count > old_object_limit
major_gc = false
major_gc = true
sweep() # Actually it is lazy sweep.
# double `old_object_count' here when it is major GC
old_object_limit = old_object_count * 2 if major_gc
This strategy works fine for memory rich machines, because only a few
full GCs are invoked.
However, this strategy causes more and more memory consumption.
Fig.1 is a result of (modified) discourse benchmark (Thanks Sam
Saffron!!). X-axis is GC count and Y-axis represents a number of slots
(objects). total_slots' is avaialbe slots to use,
old_object' is
As you can see, old_object_limit is too high and total_slots are
expanded (x1.8, specified by GC_HEAP_GROWTH_FACTOR) before full GC.
Full GC timing tuning from Ruby 2.1.1¶
To solve this issue, Ruby 2.1.1 introduced an environment variable
"RUBY_GC_HEAP_OLDOBJECT_LIMIT_FACTOR" (use `old_object_limit_factor' for
This variable control how to extend `old_object_limit'.
In pseudo code, we changed from
# double `old_object_count' here when it is major GC
old_object_limit = old_object_count * 2 if major_gc
# double `old_object_count' here when it is major GC
old_object_limit = old_object_count * old_object_limit_factor if major_gc
The default value of this environment variable is 2. So it is same
behavior on default.
With RUBY_GC_HEAP_OLDOBJECT_LIMIT_FACTOR=1.3, the benchmark result is
We can observe that the total slots doesn't grow than the default
Try this environment variable if you have trouble with memory usage.
Note that if you want to disable generational garbage collection, you
can specify 0.9 (any number lesser than 1.0) for
RUBY_GC_HEAP_OLDOBJECT_LIMIT_FACTOR. With this technique, on every GC
"old_object_count > old_object_limit" is true and do major GC.
BTW, this variable should be noted on NEWS file. I missed to add it.
More intelligent approach¶
"RUBY_GC_HEAP_OLDOBJECT_LIMIT_FACTOR" with small number can solve this
issue, but we need to specify correct value for each application. It is
tough work for us.
With these graphes, we find two insights.
(1) We need to invoke full GC becore expanding heaps. If we invoke full
GC, it is possible to stop expanding heaps.
(2) Increasing speed of old objects is completely slow.
To invoke full GC before expanding, we set a upper bount for
old_object_limit as "total_slots * 0.7". This value is same as the
threshold to determin expanding heaps or not.
After full GC, it is possible that "old_object_count > old_object_limit"
is true, but only a few differences. This situation causes many of full
GC. To avoid such situation, we add a few slots if "old_object_limit *
0.7 < old_object_count). In this case, "old_object_limit * 0.7" is a
minimum space for old objects.
In pseudo code:
def gc
if old_object_count > old_object_limit
major_gc = false
major_gc = true
sweep() # Actually it is lazy sweep.
if major_gc
if total_slots * 0.7 < using_slots
# not enough space
extend_heap(total_slots * (1.8 - 1)) # 1.8 is growth_factor
elsif old_object_limit * 0.7 < old_object_count
# not enough old object count
extend_heap(old_object_count - object_limit * 0.7)
do_major_gc_at_next_gc = true
if major_gc
a = old_object_count * old_object_limit_factor
b = total_slots * 0.7
old_object_limit = [a, b].min
With this proposal, we can reduce total_slots consumption (Fig3, Fig4).
However, more and more GC invoking time. It is trade-off because
reducing total_slots introduces more frequent GC. We can solve this
issue by making condition parameter 0.7 as tunable.
Future work¶
(1) Promotion strategy
Current growing speed of old object number is too high. So we need to
consider about promotion strategy. Current strategy is "promote young
objects when young objects survive one garbage collection". We already
implemented "RGENGC_THREEGEN" mode, which enable to filter unexpected
NOTE: THREEGEN = 3gen is strange name because generation is only two. We
will change this mode name to AGE2PROMOTION and so on.
(2) Partial sweep
We successed to use partial marking on minor GC. However, everytime
sweep all available slots. Sweeping time is not so big, but there is a
space to optimize it.
(3) Incremental major GC
With this proposal, we increase major GC count. To avoid long major GC
pausing time, we need to implement incremental marking on full GC.
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) about 11 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) about 11 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) about 11 years ago
Patch is added.
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) about 11 years ago
ko1@atdot.net wrote:
File gc.patch added
Running this (on top of current trunk) to serve my (mostly static sites)
on yhbt.net. Memory usage seems stable at ~31M (from ~49M)
I noticed vm1_gc_short_with_complex_long got very slow with this
patch: ~10s => ~118s
I ran this several times to be sure. 2.0.0 only took around ~13s
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) about 11 years ago
Eric Wong wrote:
Running this (on top of current trunk) to serve my (mostly static sites)
on yhbt.net. Memory usage seems stable at ~31M (from ~49M)
I noticed vm1_gc_short_with_complex_long got very slow with this
patch: ~10s => ~118s
I ran this several times to be sure. 2.0.0 only took around ~13s
OMG. Thank you for reporting.
Yes. It will do useless marking (minor marking) because of there are no empty spaces.
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) about 11 years ago
Eric Wong normalperson@yhbt.net wrote:
ko1@atdot.net wrote:
File gc.patch added
Running this (on top of current trunk) to serve my (mostly static sites)
on yhbt.net. Memory usage seems stable at ~31M (from ~49M)
Actually, not, it hit ~89M(!). It could be I got a traffic surge (but I
did not pay attention to that).
I also did not set MALLOC_MMAP_THRESHOLD_ for eglibc malloc;
a problem of malloc fragmentation, too.
Updated by Student (Nathan Zook) almost 11 years ago
I wonder if it might not be better to give the user control? Specifically, consider a web application. It would make sense to hold off promoting objects created during a call-response cycle until the end of the cycle. But there is no way for the GC to know when that might be. This is trivial for the application to know.
More generally, applications know when they are entering periods with lots of mid-term objects being created. Adding GC.no_promote would allow an application to tune this behavior. I would suggest allowing calls with and without blocks, the blockless form would be reveresed by GC.allow_promote.
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) almost 11 years ago
GC.promote/allow_promote can work in some cases, but I consider it too
ugly; as ugly as OobGC. It would also be error prone and hard to work
in multithreaded situations.
I would rather have work towards automatic run-time optimizations
(perhaps via online profiling/escape-analysis) than encourage users to
do brittle/ugly things in their code for short-term benefit.
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) almost 11 years ago
- File discourse_benchmark.png discourse_benchmark.png added
- File young_objects.png young_objects.png added
After introducing AGE2_PROMOTION patch, only a few old objects are added for each minor GC.
The impact of this issue (too many slots) are not critical now. But some application can not protect increasing total slots.
I rewrite algorithm more simple:
def gc
if do_major_gc_at_next_gc
major_gc = false
major_gc = true
last_major_gc = GC.count
sweep() # Actually it is lazy sweep.
if total_slots * 0.7 < using_slots
# not enough space
if major_gc ||
GC.count - last_major_gc > 2 # (A) extend heap at least 2 minor GC run
do_major_gc_at_next_gc = true
This algorithm simply do:
(1) If not enough slots after minor GC, do major GC at next GC
(2) If not enough slots after major GC, extend heap
(3) If not enough slots after minor GC and only a few minor GC until last major GC (it should be not enough slots), extend heap ((A) in the above algorithm)
This strategy keeps lower total slots.
This picture shows the (a) total_slots (b) old_objects (c) ru_minflt (used memory pages given by getrusage) for current trunk and modified (above algorithm introduced) trunk using gc_tracer.
You can see:
(1) ru_minflt (rough memory usage) is linear to total_slots.
(2) heap_slots/modified is fewer than heap_slots. It has impact.
(3) old_objects/modified is reduced periodically. Do major GC aggressively compare with current trunk.
(4) Modified trunk invokes higher number of GC events (similar to GC count). This is because total_slots number is fewer than current trunk. It is intentional.
You can increment consuming slot number using environment variables. So that I will introduce this patch. It means that default GC parameter is "low memory consuming/low performance" compare with current trunk/Ruby 2.1.
The patch is also small:
Index: gc.c
--- gc.c (revision 46386)
+++ gc.c (working copy)
@@ -531,6 +531,9 @@
int parent_object_is_old;
int need_major_gc;
+ size_t last_major_gc;
size_t remembered_shady_object_count;
size_t remembered_shady_object_limit;
size_t old_object_count;
@@ -3035,15 +3038,13 @@
(int)heap->total_slots, (int)heap_pages_swept_slots, (int)heap_pages_min_free_slots);
if (heap_pages_swept_slots < heap_pages_min_free_slots) {
- heap_set_increment(objspace, heap_extend_pages(objspace));
- heap_increment(objspace, heap);
- if (objspace->rgengc.remembered_shady_object_count + objspace->rgengc.old_object_count > (heap_pages_length * HEAP_OBJ_LIMIT) / 2) {
- /* if [old]+[remembered shady] > [all object count]/2, then do major GC */
- objspace->rgengc.need_major_gc = GPR_FLAG_MAJOR_BY_RESCAN;
+ if (objspace->rgengc.during_minor_gc && objspace->profile.count - objspace->rgengc.last_major_gc > 2 /* magic number */) {
+ objspace->rgengc.need_major_gc = GPR_FLAG_MAJOR_BY_NOFREE;
+ else {
+ heap_set_increment(objspace, heap_extend_pages(objspace));
+ heap_increment(objspace, heap);
+ }
@@ -4256,6 +4257,7 @@
objspace->rgengc.remembered_shady_object_count = 0;
objspace->rgengc.old_object_count = 0;
+ objspace->rgengc.last_major_gc = objspace->profile.count;
rgengc_mark_and_rememberset_clear(objspace, heap_eden);
PS. BTW, AGE2PROMOTION strategy introducing young objects, which is promoted from infant objects and will be promoted to old objects. I also counts them and I found that they are only a few objects in this program.
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset r46387.
- gc.c: change full GC timing to keep lower memory usage.
Extend heap only at
(1) after major GC
(2) after several (two times, at current) minor GC
Details in https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/9607#note-9
[Bug #9607]
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 10 years ago
- Backport changed from 1.9.3: UNKNOWN, 2.0.0: UNKNOWN, 2.1: UNKNOWN to 1.9.3: UNKNOWN, 2.0.0: UNKNOWN, 2.1: REQUIRED
The following patch is for current Ruby 2.1 branch.
Can anyone (who has memory consuming trouble) try this patch on Ruby 2.1 trunk?
I think this patch will decrease memory consumption on Ruby 2.1 (but increase major GC counts).
Please consider this patch for next Ruby 2.1 release.
Index: gc.c
--- gc.c (revision 46622)
+++ gc.c (working copy)
@@ -519,6 +519,9 @@
int parent_object_is_old;
int need_major_gc;
+ size_t last_major_gc;
size_t remembered_shady_object_count;
size_t remembered_shady_object_limit;
size_t old_object_count;
@@ -2954,14 +2957,17 @@
(int)heap->total_slots, (int)heap_pages_swept_slots, (int)heap_pages_min_free_slots);
if (heap_pages_swept_slots < heap_pages_min_free_slots) {
+ if (objspace->rgengc.during_minor_gc && objspace->profile.count - objspace->rgengc.last_major_gc > 2 /* magic number */) {
+ objspace->rgengc.need_major_gc = GPR_FLAG_MAJOR_BY_NOFREE;
+ }
+ else {
+ heap_set_increment(objspace, (heap_pages_min_free_slots - heap_pages_swept_slots) / HEAP_OBJ_LIMIT);
+ heap_increment(objspace, heap);
+ }
heap_set_increment(objspace, (heap_pages_min_free_slots - heap_pages_swept_slots) / HEAP_OBJ_LIMIT);
heap_increment(objspace, heap);
- if (objspace->rgengc.remembered_shady_object_count + objspace->rgengc.old_object_count > (heap_pages_length * HEAP_OBJ_LIMIT) / 2) {
- /* if [old]+[remembered shady] > [all object count]/2, then do major GC */
- objspace->rgengc.need_major_gc = GPR_FLAG_MAJOR_BY_RESCAN;
- }
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 10 years ago
I checked benchmark results and no big regression are observed comapre with current edge of Ruby 2.1.
http://www.atdot.net/sp/raw/ywfnan (ruby_2_1a is same as ruby_2_1. to check accuracy (ideally, there should be no difference)).
I understand that the last patch doesn't work. Please try it:
Index: gc.c
--- gc.c (revision 47240)
+++ gc.c (working copy)
@@ -519,6 +519,9 @@
int parent_object_is_old;
int need_major_gc;
+ size_t last_major_gc;
size_t remembered_shady_object_count;
size_t remembered_shady_object_limit;
size_t old_object_count;
@@ -2954,14 +2957,17 @@
(int)heap->total_slots, (int)heap_pages_swept_slots, (int)heap_pages_min_free_slots);
if (heap_pages_swept_slots < heap_pages_min_free_slots) {
+ if (objspace->rgengc.during_minor_gc && objspace->profile.count - objspace->rgengc.last_major_gc > 2 /* magic number */) {
+ objspace->rgengc.need_major_gc = GPR_FLAG_MAJOR_BY_NOFREE;
+ }
+ else {
+ heap_set_increment(objspace, (heap_pages_min_free_slots - heap_pages_swept_slots) / HEAP_OBJ_LIMIT);
+ heap_increment(objspace, heap);
+ }
heap_set_increment(objspace, (heap_pages_min_free_slots - heap_pages_swept_slots) / HEAP_OBJ_LIMIT);
heap_increment(objspace, heap);
- if (objspace->rgengc.remembered_shady_object_count + objspace->rgengc.old_object_count > (heap_pages_length * HEAP_OBJ_LIMIT) / 2) {
- /* if [old]+[remembered shady] > [all object count]/2, then do major GC */
- objspace->rgengc.need_major_gc = GPR_FLAG_MAJOR_BY_RESCAN;
- }
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 10 years ago
Thanks, I can confirm good results on 2.1.2!
Updated by nagachika (Tomoyuki Chikanaga) over 10 years ago
- Backport changed from 1.9.3: UNKNOWN, 2.0.0: UNKNOWN, 2.1: REQUIRED to 1.9.3: UNKNOWN, 2.0.0: UNKNOWN, 2.1: DONE
Thank you ko1 for providing a patch to ruby_2_1
. I can apply it cleanly.
Ant thank you eric for your confirmation.
Backported into ruby_2_1
branch at r47326.
Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) over 10 years ago
- Backport changed from 1.9.3: UNKNOWN, 2.0.0: UNKNOWN, 2.1: DONE to 2.0.0: DONTNEED, 2.1: DONE