Bug #9204
closedIssues when compiled with libedit instead of readline
Compiling Ruby on Mac OS X uses BSD libedit instead of GNU readline, leading to various problems. Most notably: With libedit it’s not possible to input accented characters (e.g. ÄÖÜ) in irb or pry:
$ irb # Ruby 2.1.0-preview2
irb(main):001:0> "a \U+FFC3\U+FFA4" # typing 'a ä' results in this weird escape sequence
=> "a "
This issue has already been mentioned on ruby-core in 2009, but with no apparent result: http://blade.nagaokaut.ac.jp/cgi-bin/scat.rb/ruby/ruby-core/21259
This shows up quite often, usually it’s suggested to manually install GNU readline before compiling Ruby (and making sure readline is actually found and used when configuring / compiling):
Maybe Ruby could bundle readline to avoid this kind of issues?