Bug #8983
closed[PATCH] GC.stat[:heap_free_num] returns number of unused slots on heap
In ruby 1.9 and 2.0, gc_stat() used to call rest_sweep() so heap_free_num always equals the number of free slots (ObjectSpace.count_objects[:FREE]). In 2.1 the rest_sweep() was removed, so free_num is not always accurate. This patch fixes compatibility with the previous behavior.
With this patch, it is also easier to perform "out-of-band" GC in unicorn and passenger. For example: if your application requires 100k objects per request, then you can run the following in-between every request:
GC.start if GC.stat[:heap_free_num] < 100_000
I also added a objspace->heap.limit because HEAP_OBJ_LIMIT*heap_used is not accurate due to memory re-alignment in heap_assign_slot.