Feature #6310
closedadd EC_POINT_mul and EC_POINTs_mul to the ruby openssl ec wrapper
The ruby openssl wrapper currently does not interface with either of these, which are required for those who wish to generate a public key with a provided private key. Please consider adding this functionality.
Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Assigned
Updated by ssuda (Sambasiva Suda) almost 13 years ago
Here is the pull request
Updated by zzak (zzak _) almost 13 years ago
I've added Sambasiva's patch from GH#121.
Updated by MartinBosslet (Martin Bosslet) almost 13 years ago
- Category set to ext
- Target version set to 2.0.0
Thanks, I'll have a look!
Updated by Anonymous almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
This issue was solved with changeset r36006.
roobie, thank you for reporting this issue.
Your contribution to Ruby is greatly appreciated.
May Ruby be with you.
- ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c
test/openssl/test_pkey_ec.rb: Add support for EC_POINT_mul.
Patch provided by Sambasiva Suda. Thanks!
[ruby-core:44408][ruby-trunk - Feature #6310]