Feature #5361 closed
Added by trans (Thomas Sawyer) over 13 years ago.
Updated about 13 years ago.
Err... why is there a new String method for getting the lice of bytes?
'hello'.byteslice(2, 2) # => "ll"
I don't like getting lice ;)
(In other words what happened to good old readable underscores?)
Ruby 1.9.3 has been released with the method spelt byteslice. I suspect it will make this spelling change less likely, as people won't want to use byte_slice in Ruby 2.0 but remember to use byteslice in Ruby 1.9.3 patchlevel 0.
Target version set to 2.0.0
File add-alias_methods.patch added
byteslice$B$H$$$&%a%=%C%IL>$@$H(Bbytes lice$B$HFI$a$F$7$^$C$F%$%1$F$J$$$H$$$&$3$H$N$h$&$G$9$,!"(B
$BF1$8$h$&$JM}M3$GL>A0$,JQ$@!J$H$$$o$l$=$&$J!K%a%=%C%I$K(B bytesize $B$,$"$j$^$9$N$G$3$A$i$b(B
byte_size $B$H$$$&(B alias $B$rMQ0U$7$F$O$$$+$,$G$7$g$&$+!#(B
File deleted (add-alias_methods.patch )
File deleted (add-alias_methods.patch )
add documentation for byte_slice and byte_size.
Status changed from Open to Assigned
Assignee set to matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)
Status changed from Assigned to Rejected
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