Bug #5278
closedREXML -- Malformed comment
Hi Ruby-Team,
I use lib rexml for XML parsing. Kanjidic2 XML-File: http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/kanjidic2/ (I do not attach file because it it too large)
It works with version 1.8.7 but PaseException ("Malformed comment" is raised in lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb
My Code looks like this:¶
require 'rexml/document'
require 'rexml/streamlistener'
class KanjiListener
include REXML::StreamListener
f = File.new("kanji.xml","rb")
list = KanjiListener.new
REXML::Document.parse_stream(f, list)
The used XML-File from above link has a comment section that looks like:
It's strange but the parser fails at "self- documented".
The issue comes up here (about line 345):
if md[0][2] == ?-
md = @source.match( COMMENT_PATTERN, true )
case md[1]
when /--/, /-$/
raise REXML::ParseException.new("Malformed comment", @source)
The MatchingData md[1] contains the complete comment and than regular expression /-$/ matches.
From Debugging I guess the original Buffer is read by "readline" and somehow still includes the end-of-line markers.
I tried to open the original FileIO with different newline-parameters but nothing helped. I tried different ruby versions (incl. todays 1.9.3-head) but complete 1.9 seems to have the problem while 1.8 works.
I meanwhile converted to nokogiri XML-Parser and this works without problem on 1.9.x and I would expect that REXML could parse this too. For test purpose I just changed a single character on this file so that "/-$/" does not match "self-" in original XML file and than it works.