Bug #4758
closedyaml file not human readable when saving utf-8
On a fresh ruby installation, I've stored some data within a yaml file.
The data does arrive there as "\x9B\xA6\xA1\xA0\xA3\xE3", thus I'm not able to edit something there.
I file this as a "Bug", because yaml is meant to be human-readable.
=== Workaround ===
within some discussions, the following workaround came up:
require "psych" // require before yaml
require "yaml"
But this is not always achievable, e.g. when yaml is used by a library etc.
=== Insider Context ===
Backward compatibility can be achieved easily by:
YAML::ENGINE.yamler = "syck"
=== Newcomer Context ===
Ruby should work "out of the box" correct with utf-8 data, an thus "psych" should become the default.
As said, if you view this issue strictly, it's a defect/bug.
(I've personally lost some hours with this issue)