Bug #3564
closed'gem uninstall' doesn't remove executables which were installed with --format-executable option
'gem uninstall' command doesn't remove executables installed with --format-executable option, but ones installed without the option.
The command, unfortunately, doesn't allow us the option so we are obliged to remove the executables manually.
Operation Log:
[12:15:24#104]mrkn$ ls /opt/rubies/bin/spec*
/opt/rubies/bin/spec /opt/rubies/bin/spec-1.9.2
[14:03:11#105]mrkn$ gem-1.9.2 uninstall --format-executable rspec
ERROR: While executing gem ... (OptionParser::InvalidOption)
invalid option: --format-executable
[14:03:47#106]mrkn$ gem-1.9.2 uninstall rspec
Remove executables:
autospec, spec
in addition to the gem? [Yn] y
Removing autospec
Removing spec
You have requested to uninstall the gem:
addressable-2.1.2 depends on [rspec (>= 1.0.8)]
autotest-growl-0.2.4 depends on [rspec (>= 1.3.0)]
bundler-0.9.26 depends on [rspec (>= 0)]
g-1.4.0 depends on [rspec (>= 0)]
If you remove this gems, one or more dependencies will not be met.
Continue with Uninstall? [Yn] y
Successfully uninstalled rspec-1.3.0
[14:04:24#107]mrkn$ ls /opt/rubies/bin/spec*