Feature #21155
openFile scoped namespace declarations as in C#
Given there is a file with a class that needs to be namespaced. There are basically two options currently.
implies indenting the class by one level:
module MyNamespace
class MyClass; end
Scope resolution operator (::
) needs no indentation, but it works differently than using module
and repeating module name for every class inside seems tedious and verbose to me:
class MyNamespace::MyClass; end
class MyNamespace::MyAnotherClass; end
class MyNamespace::OneMoreClass; end
Neither option enables to declare a namespace once at the top of a file and let Ruby treat all the subsequent constants to be under that namespace. Wouldn't it be better to implement something similar in Ruby?
This is implemented in C# under the name of File Scoped Namespaces.
Updated by Hanmac (Hans Mackowiak) 16 days ago
@artur86 the difference between these two are the module nesting
See this doku about this: https://ruby-doc.org/3.2/syntax/modules_and_classes_rdoc.html#label-Constants
In Short, the second variant can raise NameError if you don't use MyNamespace
Updated by artur86 (Artur *) 16 days ago
Hanmac (Hans Mackowiak) wrote in #note-2:
@artur86 the difference between these two are the module nesting
See this doku about this: https://ruby-doc.org/3.2/syntax/modules_and_classes_rdoc.html#label-Constants
In Short, the second variant can raise NameError if you don't use
I edited the description.