



Feature #21084


Declare objects have weak references

Added by peterzhu2118 (Peter Zhu) about 2 months ago. Updated about 1 month ago.

Target version:



The current way of marking weak references uses rb_gc_mark_weak(VALUE *ptr). This presents challenges because Ruby's GC is incremental, meaning that if the ptr changes (e.g. realloc'd or free'd), then we could have an invalid memory access. This also overwrites *ptr = Qundef if *ptr is dead, which prevents any cleanup to be run (e.g. freeing memory or deleting entries from hash tables). This ticket proposes rb_gc_declare_weak_references which declares that an object has weak references and calls a cleanup function after marking, allowing the object to clean up any memory for dead objects.


In [Feature #19783], I introduced an API allowing objects to mark weak references, the function signature looks like this:

void rb_gc_mark_weak(VALUE *ptr);

rb_gc_mark_weak is called during the marking phase of the GC to specify that the memory at ptr holds a pointer to a Ruby object that is weakly referenced. rb_gc_mark_weak appends this pointer to a list that is processed after the marking phase of the GC. If the object at *ptr is no longer alive, then it overwrites the object reference with a special value (*ptr = Qundef).

However, this API resulted in two challenges:

  1. Ruby's default GC is incremental, which means that the GC is not ran in one phase, but rather split into chunks of work that interleaves with Ruby execution. The ptr passed into rb_gc_mark_weak could be on the malloc heap, and that memory could be realloc'd or even free'd. We had to use workarounds such as rb_gc_remove_weak to ensure that there were no illegal memory accesses. This made rb_gc_mark_weak difficult to use, impacted runtime performance, and increased memory usage.
  2. When an object dies, rb_gc_mark_weak only overwites the reference with Qundef. This means that if we want to do any cleanup (e.g. free a piece of memory or delete a hash table entry), we could not do that and had to defer this process elsewhere (e.g. during marking or runtime).

Declarative weak references

In this ticket, I'm proposing a new API for weak references. Instead of an object marking its weak references during the marking phase, the object declares that it has weak references using the rb_gc_declare_weak_references function. This declaration occurs during runtime (e.g. after the object has been created) rather than during GC.

After an object declares that it has weak references, it will have its callback function called after marking as long as that object is alive. This callback function can then call a special function rb_gc_handle_weak_references_alive_p to determine whether its references are alive. This will allow the callback function to do whatever it wants on the object, allowing it to perform any cleanup work it needs.

This significantly simplifies the code for ObjectSpace::WeakMap and ObjectSpace::WeakKeyMap because it no longer needs to have the workarounds for the limitations of rb_gc_mark_weak.


The performance results below demonstrate that ObjectSpace::WeakMap#[]= is now about 60% faster because the implementation has been simplified and the number of allocations has been reduced. We can see that there is not a significant impact on the performance of ObjectSpace::WeakMap#[].


                          4.620M (± 6.4%) i/s  (216.44 ns/i) -     23.342M in   5.072149s
                         30.967M (± 1.9%) i/s   (32.29 ns/i) -    154.998M in   5.007157s


                          7.336M (± 2.8%) i/s  (136.31 ns/i) -     36.755M in   5.013983s
                         30.902M (± 5.4%) i/s   (32.36 ns/i) -    155.901M in   5.064060s


require "bundler/inline"

gemfile do
  source ""
  gem "benchmark-ips"

wmap =
key =
val =
wmap[key] = val

Benchmark.ips do |x|"ObjectSpace::WeakMap#[]=") do |times|
    i = 0
    while i < times
      wmap[] =
      i += 1
  end"ObjectSpace::WeakMap#[]") do |times|
    i = 0
    while i < times
      wmap[val] # does not exist
      i += 1

Alternative designs

Currently, rb_gc_declare_weak_references is designed to be an internal-only API. This allows us to assume the object types that call rb_gc_declare_weak_references. In the future, if we want to open up this API to third parties, we may want to change this function to something like:

void rb_gc_add_cleaner(VALUE obj, void (*callback)(VALUE obj));

This will allow the third party to implement a custom callback that gets called after the marking phase of GC to clean up any dead references. I chose not to implement this design because it is less efficient as we would need to store a mapping from obj to callback, which requires extra memory.


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