Bug #17209
closedString#slice allocates Range object in ruby 3.0.0preview1
While trying to optimise a use case, where I need to get parts of a string extracted, ignoring a constant length prefix, I noticed that ruby 3.0.0preview1 allocates an additional Range object for String#slice, that ruby 2.7.1 didn't allocate.
Test script using memory_profiler gem:
require 'bundler/inline'
gemfile do
source ''
gem 'memory_profiler'
string = 'const:prefix:and:the:rest' do
10000.times do
Output for ruby 3.0.0preview1
Total allocated: 800000 bytes (20000 objects)
Total retained: 0 bytes (0 objects)
allocated memory by gem
800000 other
allocated memory by file
800000 profile_string_slice.rb
allocated memory by location
800000 profile_string_slice.rb:12
allocated memory by class
400000 Range
400000 String
allocated objects by gem
20000 other
allocated objects by file
20000 profile_string_slice.rb
allocated objects by location
20000 profile_string_slice.rb:12
allocated objects by class
10000 Range
10000 String
Output for ruby 2.7.1
Total allocated: 400000 bytes (10000 objects)
Total retained: 0 bytes (0 objects)
allocated memory by gem
400000 other
allocated memory by file
400000 profile_string_slice.rb
allocated memory by location
400000 profile_string_slice.rb:12
allocated memory by class
400000 String
allocated objects by gem
10000 other
allocated objects by file
10000 profile_string_slice.rb
allocated objects by location
10000 profile_string_slice.rb:12
allocated objects by class
10000 String
Is this a regression in ruby 3 or something that memory_profiler doesn't record correctly in 2.7?