Nakada-san, The patch checked in to ruby-trunk was not the same as the one that you proposed. The patch #undefs the macros after including poll.h.
ifdef _AIX¶
define reqevents events¶
define rtnevents revents¶
include <poll.h>¶
ifdef _AIX¶
undef reqevents¶
undef rtnevents¶
With changeset r39987, AIX remains broken.
Your original patch redefined the identifiers throughout the entire file. The committed patch exchanges some names within poll.h but does not satisfy identifiers used within thread.c
With the original proposed patch, thread.i looks like:
struct pollfd
long fd;
ushort events;
ushort revents;
#define events reqevents
#define revents rtnevents
pollfds[0].fd = timer_thread_pipe[0];
pollfds[0].events = 0x0001;
pollfds[1].fd = timer_thread_pipe_low[0];
pollfds[1].events = 0x0001;
do { rb_thread_t * const _th = (th); struct rb_vm_tag _tag; _tag.tag = 0; _tag.
prev = _th->tag; _th->tag = &_tag;;
if ((state = _setjmp(_th->tag->buf)) == 0) {
do if (_setjmp((th)->root_jmpbuf) == 0) { { if (!th->first_func) { do { ((p
roc)) = (rb_proc_t*)(((struct RData*)((th->first_proc)))->data); } while (0); th
->errinfo = ((VALUE)RUBY_Qnil); th->root_lep = rb_vm_ep_local_ep(proc->block.ep)
; th->root_svar = ((VALUE)RUBY_Qnil); do { if ((builtin_expect((ruby_vm_event
flags & (0x0400)), 0))) { if (((th)-> | (th)->vm->event_hooks.
events) & (0x0400)) { struct rb_trace_arg_struct trace_arg; trace_arg.event = (0
x0400); = (th); trace_arg.cfp = (>cfp; trace_arg.self
= (th->self); = (0); trace_arg.klass = (0); = (((VA
LUE)RUBY_Qundef)); trace_arg.path = ((VALUE)RUBY_Qundef); trace_arg.klass_solved
= 0; if (0) rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks_and_pop_frame(&trace_arg); else rb_th
readptr_exec_event_hooks(&trace_arg); } } } while (0); th->value = rb_vm_invoke
proc(th, proc, (int)((((struct RBasic*)(args))->flags & (((VALUE)1)<<(12 +1))) ?
(long)((((struct RBasic*)(args))->flags >> (12 +3)) & (((((VALUE)1)<<(12 +4))|(
((VALUE)1)<<(12 +3))) >> (12 +3))) : ((struct RArray*)(args))->as.heap.len), (((
(struct RBasic*)(args))->flags & (((VALUE)1)<<(12 +1))) ? ((struct RArray*)(args
))->as.ary : ((struct RArray*)(args))->as.heap.ptr), 0); do { if ((__builtin_exp
ect((ruby_vm_event_flags & (0x0800)), 0))) { if (((th)-> | (th
)->vm-> & (0x0800)) { struct rb_trace_arg_struct trace_arg; t
race_arg.event = (0x0800); = (th); trace_arg.cfp = (>
cfp; trace_arg.self = (th->self); = (0); trace_arg.klass = (0); tra = (((VALUE)RUBY_Qundef)); trace_arg.path = ((VALUE)RUBY_Qundef); tra
ce_arg.klass_solved = 0; if (0) rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks_and_pop_frame(&tra
ce_arg); else rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks(&trace_arg); } } } while (0); } else
{ th->value = (*th->first_func)((void *)args); } }; } else { rb_fiber_start();
} while (0)
because the pollfd struct declaration is affected in the header to use the correct member names directly.
With the current sources, the pollfd struct declaration is modifier, but the rest of the file uses the wrong member names:
struct pollfd
long fd;
ushort events;
ushort revents;
#define events reqevents
#define revents rtnevents
#undef reqevents
#undef rtnevents
pollfds[0].fd = timer_thread_pipe[0];
pollfds[0].reqevents = 0x0001;
pollfds[1].fd = timer_thread_pipe_low[0];
pollfds[1].reqevents = 0x0001;
if ((state = _setjmp(_th->tag->buf)) == 0) {
do if (_setjmp((th)->root_jmpbuf) == 0) { { if (!th->first_func) { do { ((p
roc)) = (rb_proc_t*)(((struct RData*)((th->first_proc)))->data); } while (0); th
->errinfo = ((VALUE)RUBY_Qnil); th->root_lep = rb_vm_ep_local_ep(proc->block.ep)
; th->root_svar = ((VALUE)RUBY_Qnil); do { if ((builtin_expect((ruby_vm_event
flags & (0x0400)), 0))) { if (((th)->event_hooks.reqevents | (th)->vm->event_hoo
ks.reqevents) & (0x0400)) { struct rb_trace_arg_struct trace_arg; trace_arg.even
t = (0x0400); = (th); trace_arg.cfp = (>cfp; trace_ar
g.self = (th->self); = (0); trace_arg.klass = (0); =
(((VALUE)RUBY_Qundef)); trace_arg.path = ((VALUE)RUBY_Qundef); trace_arg.klass
solved = 0; if (0) rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks_and_pop_frame(&trace_arg); else
rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks(&trace_arg); } } } while (0); th->value = rb_vm_i
nvoke_proc(th, proc, (int)((((struct RBasic*)(args))->flags & (((VALUE)1)<<(12 +
1))) ? (long)((((struct RBasic*)(args))->flags >> (12 +3)) & (((((VALUE)1)<<(12
+4))|(((VALUE)1)<<(12 +3))) >> (12 +3))) : ((struct RArray*)(args))->as.heap.len
), ((((struct RBasic*)(args))->flags & (((VALUE)1)<<(12 +1))) ? ((struct RArray*
)(args))->as.ary : ((struct RArray*)(args))->as.heap.ptr), 0); do { if ((_built
in_expect((ruby_vm_event_flags & (0x0800)), 0))) { if (((th)->event_hooks.reqeve
nts | (th)->vm->event_hooks.reqevents) & (0x0800)) { struct rb_trace_arg_struct
trace_arg; trace_arg.event = (0x0800); = (th); trace_arg.cfp = (tra>cfp; trace_arg.self = (th->self); = (0); trace_arg.klas
s = (0); = (((VALUE)RUBY_Qundef)); trace_arg.path = ((VALUE)RUBY
Qundef); trace_arg.klass_solved = 0; if (0) rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks_and_po
p_frame(&trace_arg); else rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks(&trace_arg); } } } while
(0); } else { th->value = (*th->first_func)((void *)args); } }; } else { rb_fib
er_start(); } while (0)
and there is no member reqevents in struct pollfd.