



Bug #6990


test_s_random_bytes_without_openssl error on Windows x64

Added by h.shirosaki (Hiroshi Shirosaki) over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Target version:
ruby -v:
ruby 2.0.0dev (2012-09-06 trunk 36917) [x64-mingw32]



TestSecureRandom sometimes has an error on ci.rubyinstaller.

  1. Error:
    SystemCallError: unknown error - CryptGenRandom failed: The parameter is incorrect.
    C:/Users/Worker/Jenkins/workspace/ruby-trunk-x64-build/lib/securerandom.rb:116:in random_bytes' C:/Users/Worker/Jenkins/workspace/ruby-trunk-x64-build/test/test_securerandom.rb:12:in test_s_random_bytes'
    C:/Users/Worker/Jenkins/workspace/ruby-trunk-x64-build/test/test_securerandom.rb:97:in block in test_s_random_bytes_without_openssl' C:/Users/Worker/Jenkins/workspace/ruby-trunk-x64-build/lib/tmpdir.rb:88:in mktmpdir'
    C:/Users/Worker/Jenkins/workspace/ruby-trunk-x64-build/test/test_securerandom.rb:85:in `test_s_random_bytes_without_openssl'

This error seems to occur only on x64.

I guess the following scenario.

Pointer size of @hProv seems limited to 32bit with x64 ruby.
If the pointer value was larger than 32bit max, it would fail.

I don't get the error at test-all on my local box, but I can get same error with the following script.
It takes long time to get the error.

require "openssl"
OpenSSL.send(:remove_const, :Random)
require "securerandom"

i = 0
loop do
SecureRandom.send(:remove_instance_variable, :@has_win32)
p SecureRandom.send(:instance_variable_get, :@hProv).to_s(16) if (i % 10000) == 0
i += 1

I attached a patch. I also fixed encoding error which occurs if error message contains Japanese characters.



fix_securerandom_x64.patch (1.35 KB) fix_securerandom_x64.patch h.shirosaki (Hiroshi Shirosaki), 09/07/2012 07:36 AM

Updated by luislavena (Luis Lavena) over 12 years ago

I can confirm that after reaching 1.9GB of RAM usage, it fails with:

C:/Users/Worker/Code/ruby-2.0.0-r36949-x64-mingw32/lib/ruby/2.0.0/securerandom.rb:116:in random_bytes': unknown error - CryptGenRandom failed: The parameter is incorrect. (SystemCallError) from a.rb:7:in block in '
from a.rb:11:in loop' from a.rb:11:in '

I'm applying the patch now and doing a build to confirm.


Updated by luislavena (Luis Lavena) over 12 years ago

  • Category set to test
  • Status changed from Open to Assigned
  • Assignee set to usa (Usaku NAKAMURA)
  • Target version set to 2.0.0

I can confirm patch work.

Usa, do you have any objection with path?

Thank you.

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) over 12 years ago

Most it's okay.
There is a problem in the last chunk.
Rather than filesystem encoding, I think that locale encoding is suitable.

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) over 12 years ago

If you can agree with my opinion, Luis, please correct the patch
and commit it.
Or if you cannot agree by any means, please commit it as it is :)

Updated by luislavena (Luis Lavena) over 12 years ago

  • Assignee changed from usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) to h.shirosaki (Hiroshi Shirosaki)

Thank you Usa,

Hiroshi, leaving to you to commit.

Updated by h.shirosaki (Hiroshi Shirosaki) over 12 years ago

Language of FormatMessage seems not affected by console code page.

Test using locale:
msg[0, len].force_encoding("locale").tr("\r", '').chomp

"locale" means console code page on Windows ruby.
But changing console code page doesn't affect message language. Message seems always cp932 Japanese on Windows 7.

type message.rb
require "openssl"
OpenSSL.send(:remove_const, :Random)
require "securerandom"

SecureRandom.send(:instance_variable_set, :@hProv, 0)

chcp 932
ruby message.rb
V:/ruby19_mingw/lib/ruby/2.0.0/securerandom.rb:117:in random_bytes': unknown error - CryptGenRandom failed: パラメーターが間違っています (SystemCallError) from message.rb:7:in '

chcp 65001
ruby message.rb
V:/ruby19_mingw/lib/ruby/2.0.0/securerandom.rb:264:in tr': invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 (Argument Error) from V:/ruby19_mingw/lib/ruby/2.0.0/securerandom.rb:264:in lastWin32ErrorMessage'
from V:/ruby19_mingw/lib/ruby/2.0.0/securerandom.rb:117:in random_bytes' from message.rb:7:in '

chcp 1252
ruby message.rb
V:/ruby19_mingw/lib/ruby/2.0.0/securerandom.rb:117:in random_bytes': unknown error - CryptGenRandom failed: ?????????????? (SystemCallError) from message.rb:7:in '

But on Windows XP, message language seems determined by console code page. With not 932 code page, message is English.

To avoid invalid byte sequence error with String#tr, I would like to set filesystem encoding.
If you know better way, please correct it.


Actions #7

Updated by Anonymous over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

This issue was solved with changeset r36961.
Hiroshi, thank you for reporting this issue.
Your contribution to Ruby is greatly appreciated.
May Ruby be with you.

lib/securerandom.rb: fix errors on Windows

  • lib/securerandom.rb (SecureRandom.random_bytes):
    Use 64bit value as pointer for Windows x64 to fix SystemCallError.

  • lib/securerandom.rb (SecureRandom.lastWin32ErrorMessage):
    Set proper encoding to avoid invalid byte sequence error.
    [ruby-core:47451] [Bug #6990]


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