Bug #6725
closedvariables changed in signal handlers are left unchanged in main code
Test case:
mkfifo myfifo
ruby -e "a=0;trap(:USR2) {a+=1}; IO.readlines('myfifo') rescue nil; puts a"
killall -USR2 ruby
Output may be 0 or 1.
It's tested with USR1, USR2 and ALRM signals with ruby 1.9.3p194 and today's 2.0.0dev on Debian GNU/Linux on AMD64.
But if we add sleep(0) before puts, it will always output 1.
More interesting thing is that we can wait some time and variable will be set. See attached file, here a part of it.
alarm = 0
interval = (ENV['interval'] or 1).to_i
delta = interval + 0.01 # on my box it's 0.001 for 1.9.3p194 and 0.01 for 2.0.0dev
t0 = t1 = Time.now
trap(:ALRM) { alarm += 1; t1 = Time.now }
ret = IO.readlines(ARGV[0]) rescue nil
puts "alarm=#{alarm}, time=#{t1}, interval=#{t1-t0}"
while Time.now - t0 < delta; end if ENV['interval']
puts "alarm=#{alarm}, time=#{t1}, interval=#{t1-t0}"
And example output:
alarm=0, time=2012-07-12 10:37:15 +0300, interval=0.0
alarm=1, time=2012-07-12 10:37:16 +0300, interval=1.000923864
If variable delta is less than interval + upper_bound_for_actual_code_execution_time then the second output will be the same as the first one. In this example the first output is incorrect in >99%.
(Instead of while sleep(0) may be used too.)
Not every platform is affected by this bug. I've tested (all OS run on AMD64, real or under KVM):
GNU/Linux, ruby 1.9.3p194, 2.0.0dev -- affected
GNU/kFreeBSD ruby 1.9.3p194 -- not
FreeBSD 9, ruby 1.9.3p0 -- not
OpenBSD 5, ruby 1.9.3p0 -- affected
Ruby 1.8 isn't affected, so it seems to be a bug with thread code.